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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Enough Said


  1. Hey Joe, this license plate was shown on WBOC several weeks ago as being rejected by the Va DMV due to complaints of racism. The 14 stood for something like the number of words in their saying; the CV was for Confederate Veteran (or Victory); and 88 was for HH in the alphabet for Heil Hitler. FYI.

  2. And do the Crusades tell everyone what they need to know about Christianity?

  3. uh einstein- I don't think the license plate is the center of attention here. but thats great to know you're aware of the meaning of license plate. (NOT)

  4. If you believe that license plate, you're a moron.

  5. The crusades were in response to Muslims marching throughout the land and killing, as they have always done!

  6. And the fine folks at the Westboro Baptist Church taught me everything I need to know about Christianity.

  7. That is a great picture and I believe every word. I just can't wait for the revolt! By the way , this country was founded on Christian Religion 10:08 you liberal SOB.
    Do you know what that abreviation means?

  8. People in Iraq, see that disaster and say this is what christians do.

  9. 10:08 hug a tree

  10. 10:08
    Maybe you should figure out what the crusades were all about first:)
    The crusaders were reacting to over four centuries of relentless Islamic Jihad, which had wiped out over 50% of all the Christians in the world and conquered over 60% of all the Christian lands on earth – before the crusades even began

  11. 10:08 How ignorant you must be ! How long ago did the Crusades take place ? And why ? I'll tell you why they were taking back the land that the Muslims took by killing thousands of Christians so the Christians regrouped and took it back ! Your either ignorant or a propagandist !

  12. It's a tail gate moron !

  13. 10:21AM Was not that war also with the Muslims?

  14. 4:08
    The army has nothing to do with christians. There is NO WHERE in the new testament that GOD says to kill others. Now go read your quran its filled with hate and killing yet NEVER talks about LOVE.

  15. The 14CV88 Stands for 14 Corinthians, Verse 88. DUH!

  16. The fact that you would post that pic. w/ such a caption shows ignorance "enough said"...how about that rebel flag? A symbol of slavery and no one comments on that...what a horrible photo and a terrible thing posting it w/ such pride.

  17. How many of the poor and hungry to Muslims feed ? Christians go all over the world and help the needy that says it all !

  18. I was at Hebron Carnival last night and there was a big white guy wearing a t-shirt he'd made w/letters on the back stating, "Islam is a disease!" It seems that citizens are taking their own political stands since our own government is not doing anything about it and not properly securing our borders.

  19. 9:46 When you say Rebel flag is a symbol of slavery don't you really mean you hate white people ? After all black people sold black people into slavery as they still do today so aren't you blaming white people for slavery?

  20. 9:46 Needs a history lesson!!!!!

  21. 9:46 has had his history lessons. That is what is being tough by our indoctrination centers nowadays. That's what has to be done to take oover a population-erase their true history and repalace it with propoganda. Communism 101.

  22. Most Americans learned absolutely nothing on 911. Instead they were fed lies, obfuscations, and fairy tales about an ex-CIA man who orchestrated a military strike on the citizens of America from a cave in Afghanistan while tethered to a dialysis machine.

    Learn the truth about 911 by doing a little research about the event. The official story is impossible once one unveils the scientific realities of that fateful day.

    Now our illegal government has used 911 as an excuse to destroy the Bill of Rights and much of the U.S. Constitution.

  23. Anonymous said...
    The fact that you would post that pic. w/ such a caption shows ignorance "enough said"...how about that rebel flag? A symbol of slavery and no one comments on that...what a horrible photo and a terrible thing posting it w/ such pride.

    9:46 AM

    WTF? Where did you get that information that a "rebel flag" is a symbol of slavery? You dirtball liberal moron. It's the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and the logo on the license tag is for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. They are a group of proud ancestors that honor their heritage. I will take them over you liberal muslim lovers anyday.

    Thank you Joe for posting this picture.

  24. everyone that posted a commen t on this is an idiot. you talk of how better one religion is of the other, but yet you condone this type of behavior. if you ask me your no different from those you judge.

  25. WTF? Where did you get that information that a "rebel flag" is a symbol of slavery? You dirtball liberal moron. It's the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and the logo on the license tag is for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. They are a group of proud ancestors that honor their heritage. I will take them over you liberal muslim lovers anyday.

    ...The fact that you would call a perfect stranger names like "Dirtball & Moron" on a small town blog such as this shows us what kind of person you are.
    Confederate Veterans fought for what?...hmmm here i'll help you, Confederacy, they fought for racial segregation. I guess the Nazi flag is ok with you too.

    Keep trying to think, something will happen.


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