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Saturday, May 22, 2010


In his latest fatwa about the Onley Road intersection Mr. Ireton has misstated (surprise!) the issue about the public works agreement. The typical agreement obligates only the developer to do actual work -- install roads, water & sewer lines, etc. -- that become part of the City's infrastructure. In this case and others in the past under Barrie Tilghman, the public works director made deals for the City to do (or reimburse for) significant work without approval by the City Council and in many if not most instances, including this one, without its knowledge until much later.

The agreement may be illegal and unenforceable against the City in regard to the work that it "agreed" to perform. It is that aspect that concerns the City Council.

As has been noted on this blog, Ireton has a substantial conflict of interest in this matter because of his employment by the Board of Education.


  1. I didn't think we could do worse than Barrie Tilghman.

    I was wrong.

    And I voted for this guy.

  2. How much is this mess costing us?

    Comegys would have been another Barrie but it seems Ireton is too.

    Is it the water in the mayor's office?

  3. How do you come up with this wealth of knowledge?

  4. What personal benefits do you think he would gain from the BOE if he did what they wanted??

  5. 9:07 -- it's not the water. Ireton will be a teacher until long after he ceases to be mayor.

    Dr. Freddy knows that and is applying pressure to get what he wants from the City -- but didn't count on the Council taking a hard look at the scam.

    Tough luck, Jim-beau.

  6. 11:35-

    Better question: what would the future hold for Mr. Ireton in the schooll system if he did not do "what they wanted" at the Board of Ed.?

  7. 10:51:

    Joe Albero has been following Salisbury shenanigans for some years now and you apparently have not.

    Have you ever heard about those "developer reimbursement" deals that were done by the former City Engineer under Barrie P. Tilghman?

  8. Anonymous said...
    What personal benefits do you think he would gain from the BOE if he did what they wanted??

    11:35 AM

    Are you stupid?? He is working part time and getting full time medical benefits and retirement. DUH!!

    They can cut Mr. Ireton off immediately and he would be screwed without health benefits and his retirement.

  9. Instead of an Elementary School Teacher Salisbury needs a hard nosed kick ass cop as mayor; until then Salisbury will stay the wonderful shit hole that it has become. No more “Touchy Feely” B.S. programs, no more damn rentals and hold landlords accountable, and more taxes on big business not private citizen.


  10. the benefit of being able to pander to benefit his... BOE

  11. Dr. Freddy himself made the decision to allow Ireton's special arrangements at work so he could be mayor.

    Does kind of smack of "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine."

  12. There can be no benefit to Mr. Ireton by "doing what the BOE wants". Seriously, can't you come up with anything realistic in your quest to bash him?

  13. Jimmy:

    Why hasn't that "help" you promised us arrived,and will it ever get here?

  14. Norm Conway in the making. Screw a;; but the B.O.E. right Jimmy. U-Suck

  15. Anon 2:40 PM Salisbury doesn't really need a hard nosed kick ass cop as mayor, it needs someone with some balls. Not some pansy ass glorified office girl working part time as an elementary school teacher. One thing about dinglebarrie is she definitely had balls, more balls than Jim!!

  16. 9:47, it has to be "balls" combined with common sense and a sense of fair play. Barrie only had the first one.

    Pity Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen didn't run. They have both. I only like them and our new police chief when it comes to the city government. The code enforcement guy is all right I guess, but he needs better people as inspectors. Those guys walk blind past crumbling rentals but pink slip homeowners for a dandelion in a crack.

  17. Anonymous said...
    The code enforcement guy is all right I guess, but he needs better people as inspectors. Those guys walk blind past crumbling rentals but pink slip homeowners for a dandelion in a crack.

    10:48 AM

    That is because Tom Stevenson for NSCC was hired by Barrie Parsons Tilghman and that was the direction he was given by her and the slum lords. They are still controlled by Tilghman and Ireton is to stupid to realize it.

  18. I just heard that Jim Ireton doesn't have many friends in the school system and he was just dumped to another school. He is not well liked and like a pansy he is always filing grievances. Does anyone have any information on this? Can anyone confirm this?


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