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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Worth Repeating


  1. Perhaps her parents should be more concerned as to why this young girl is still using a pacifier to soothe herself instead of making her wear signs she can't even read (more or less understand)yet! This is no different than the slogan t-shirts parents make their kids wear...kids are not billboards for parent's feelings, they are their own person & should be treated as such.

  2. anonymous 10:14, wet pants liberal is the best I can say to you without breaking my own rules and cursing a lot.

  3. Listen kid, move to another country because you do not have much of a chance in america.
    Your parents did it, yes your parents put you in debt.
    Poor kid how much in debt will she be by the time she hits 21.

  4. not a liberal...just concerned over the well being of young children being forced to do and say things they perhaps don't agree with or even understand yet. If she were a bit older and could explain the sign she's wearing (without regurgitating what her parents told her) then maybe I'd be a little more understanding - but I don't believe my 4 year old when he tells me there's a dinosaur running in our backyard either, I just laugh and play along....

  5. Yeah, I'd bet it's a lie when your kids tee shirt says I Love Daddy too.

  6. Yea, 10:27 cause the sign she's wearing is clearly a lie.


  7. i agree, tho not quite as agressively, with anon 10:14. i think its sad when adults use children to "campaign" their agenda. i think its different in cases such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (taking a SBS vitim to a rally or something like that). but i do find this sandwich board on this child to be a tad on the rediculous side.

    and i DO think she's a little big for a pacifier, but that's just my opinion & i won't have to pay the dentist bills later on.

  8. my daughters shirt says "I love Joe Albero"

  9. Lighten up Anon 10:14. Rather than being so uptight (which I sense that you are most of the time), I think now would be a great time for you to develop a sense of humor.

  10. The fact is that everything thing on that sign is true and so are the comments, that she is already in debt and can't even read or understand that she is in that much debt. This is not a funny sign and maybe her parents care enough to know this much about her future to want to try and change it.

  11. @1014

    the dems used that little black kid to show his momma loving the new healthcare they can leech on...

    sucks when the shoe is on the other foot huh?

  12. liberals always attack women and children !

  13. Such a crime to properly educate our children.
    P.S. You wet pants liberals loved when the school kids sang the Obamacare song. I love the liberal double standards.

  14. Notice the liberal progressive didn't address the issue but instead attacks innocent citizens .

  15. 239 that is the Alinsky handbook rules you know, attack others for the very same acts you commit.

  16. omg...its just a funny picture. get over it...those who are crying about it must feel its meant towards them....the binky...her choice her parents choice...thats called freedom and thats AMERICA

  17. 3:58 PM thats called freedom and thats AMERICA.

    For now freedom is america. I hear the government will soon control the use of the binky and everything else. And that will be america.

  18. 10:14, seems like you, as a wet pants liberal, should be more worried about the debt that this generation has inherited as a result of Obamanomics, that a sign that she is holding. You are sooooooo typical. I guess all children under say.... 5 pick out all their own clothing. No parent involvement there. BTW, don't see too much wrong with the pacifier either. Starting to get borderline but not yet. So what is it, the truth hurts? Can't stand the reality of the sign? Not only will this child have this debt, she will also be paying into a social security system that will be broken by the time she is old enough to draw. My point? Start reducing the social security benefit now, because people this age will be paying for old peoples mistakes all their lives. They shouldn't get double slammed.

  19. True or not I would never ever put Jimbo in a political whatever. Its spoils inocense, the point is mute to me from there. Your only young once and this is not how you should spend it. I dont like this.

  20. The abyss of politics is damn sure for the adults.

  21. 10:06, your right, better enjoy it when your young, cause in a about 20 years.... your a#$ is gonna be broke. And you can thank wet pants liberals like 10:14 for voting him in, and you can tell your parents at least you tried. But think of it this way, at least this childs non-american citizen classmates will have free healthcare.

  22. Hey Anon 11:04...I could have sworn I saw JT sportin' the same shirt around town. Am assuming he has some sort of unusual "love/hate" relationship going on with him.

  23. Politics aside,that girl is too old for a "bipper" or "toot" or whatever you call a pacifier.


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