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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nightly News At 6:00


  1. Sorry I let you down Mr. A., but I take lunch at 1:30. Can we do this tomorrow? If so I will try to take lunch earlier. map

  2. Awe, poor JT, JR, BB, SB & TM are so ticked off over that news broadcast. What's the matter guys, upset because it just keeps getting better. Try getting that kind of news from WBOC or WMDT. Eat your hearts out and save your nasty messages for your own Blogs. By the way, I got you to watch it, didn't I.

  3. Sorry I called when you were doing your show !! LOL

  4. Joe, You are right a lot of people say they will do something and do not follow though. It is disappointing!!

  5. Best you ever done.

  6. See I knew you had to get frustrated sometimes!!

  7. I always saw carachter in Frank, dont know why just always felt it was there, dem or not. I think hes more than he appears to be. (Howards listening).

  8. most people were in DC not salisbury. I called the DC office 5 times today.

  9. I know exactly how you feel. I was instructed at an early age that if I was not satisfied about something to write my Congressman or elected representative and let them know how I feel.

    After 30+ years of trying it . . . I have come to the conclusion that not only is it a waste of time . . but the politicos really don't give a damn about how their constituency feels about anything.

    I've got stacks and stacks of letters. I'll tell you something else. . .a couple of years ago after I came back from California I sent our elected Governor a Certified Letter - Return Receipt Request - because I felt it was urgent to relay some important information.

    Would you believe that our then Governor elect wouldn't even retrieve his Certified Mail and it was over 30 days before I ever got the returned receipt acknowledgement. And by the way - my warning in the Certified Letter was about eminent danger of him losing the election should he not take action.

    Well guess what - he lost - because he didn't heed my warning.

  10. I've only watched you once or twice and it was too painful to continue. I only look to see what your wearing because your such a snazzy dresser. NOT! Too bad dead mommy isn't around to see how poorly you dress yourself. PUNK!!

  11. Anonymous 7:59 - I know you had/have a mother and she would not approve of your MOUTH. If she does she is a piece of shit like YOU !!!

  12. To 7:59 Post

    You have truly shown your colors by your illustrious post. You have the perogative to not visit this site. Then why did you choose to come here?

    No doubt - you have a very low IQ.

    Now scram!

  13. I told you they were pissed. They never expect me to let their comments fly but every so often I let one go just to let everyone see just how childish they are. We're talking about grown men. One of them is probably really pissed off about how well things went for me in court today. Hint, Hint!

  14. I agree with you, Joe! The library director is out of line!

    Let HIM PAY for it!

    Let's chant SHAME ON TOM SHAME ON TOM!

    I like Kratovil. He's listening and he's trying. That's more than 99% of them!

    You are a ball of fire tonight, Joe! GO GO GO!

  15. 7:59 = sick SOB

    Hey, 7:59, you sick ba$tard, you only make us more loyal to Joe with the sick things you say.


  16. Joe, thanks for the update on the possible new spending and taxes that we are facing as citizens of the County and City of Salisbury.

    Many of us went to DC this morning, myself included or we would have been blowing our horns here.

    We participated in the rally in DC, walked the Halls of Congress and visited many representatives and senators offices.

    I, along with many of our citizens personally called on Cong. Kratovil, but he did not show himself.

    His staff were courteous and expressed that the Congressman was not going to vote for the Senate bill on health care, but would read and consider any other bill presented.

    With all the shanigans going with attempts to circumvent parlimentary procedure, the bill could pass in a manner that would allow Kratovil to be supportive, but actually not vote for the bill.

    It most diappointing to say the least, when people supposedly of honor, are trying to disregard the will of the majority of the American people. And that is exactly what the Congressional Democrats seem to be doing. It is unbelievable!

    I for one, cannot wait for the November elections, and I do not think I am alone.

  17. Joe

    I love your pep, vigor, and your smile at the end. Very informative and much more interesting to physically see the wrap up of the day. Thank you for the hard work you do for the community.

  18. YOU GO JOE. keep these jerks wondering what you will do next..They are just jealous that you can get it done before they can think about it..Good job keep up the good work..The comments that are being made to you are from some dirty stupid trash balls of the world , they will get theirs and they know it.....All trash will have their day in hell and burn...


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