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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Was Right Again. Bomb Threats In Sussex County

Bomb Threat Effects Three Sussex County Schools

Location: Sussex Technical School, Georgetown; Laurel High School, Laurel; Seaford High School, Seaford

Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, 3/16/10, at approximately 12:57 pm and again at 2:12 pm

Suspect(s): Unknown

Resume: At approximately 12:57 pm this afternoon, an unknown person made a 911 call to the Emergency Operations Center in Sussex County stating there was a bomb in Sussex Tech High School. State Troopers and bomb sniffing K9s from various police agencies were dispatched to the school assist with traffic control as well as search the grounds for any suspicious packages or objects. Students and faculty were immediately evacuated from the school during the search.

At approximately 2:12 pm, another call was received through 911 from the same caller who now stated there was a bomb in Laurel High School and one would be at Seaford High School. Police units, again with the aid of the K9s, converged on the two schools looking for anything suspicious.

Nothing was found at any of the schools which took approximately 2 hours each to complete.

This investigation is ongoing and any further information will be disseminated when it's complete.

**The following police agencies assisted by supplying K9s for the search:
Delaware State Police
Delaware River and Bay
Dover PD
Wicomico County PD
Capital PD
Dover Air Force Base

Anyone with information pertaining to this case may contact Troop 4 Detectives at 302-856-5850. Tips may also be forwarded to Law Enforcement through tip lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or online at www.tipsubmit.com.


  1. This is a disturbed person !

  2. Wicomico County PD???? Hummmmm, I guess that one is an agency I am not aware of. Must be a "ghost agency" - lol.

    Now, Joe, you know better than to go and insult the Wicomico County SHERIFF's DEPUTIES by called them "polce" - LOL (just joking)

  3. Read the manifesto.

  4. I'm sure that it must be Fredrickson's fault - or WCOBE teachers. Failing that it would be the Wicomico County libraries fault or Jim Ireton's. Naturally.

  5. Didn't teenagers do this last year too?

  6. You were right? When?

  7. Stupid people. Like their phone number cannot be traced.....duh

  8. This is sick. This person needs to do some serious time in prison for creating such havoc. I would classify this a terrorism. What is this world coming to??

  9. 9:33 yep, last year there was a threat at Laurel Middle I believe.


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