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Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's Survey Question

What Percentage Of Your Income Is Spent On Healthcare?


  1. That doesn't matter and shouldn't matter to anyone because when Obama Bin Laden passes this non-bipartisan health care bill, EVERYONE will have NO CHOICE but to buy health care even if you can't afford it as it stands or you will then be fined or get jail time... Can we say dictatorship anyone?

    It amazes me how he is trying to hurt all the people and companies who can afford it to TRY and pay for the ones who can't afford it and yet he is making it a mandate that YOU HAVE NO CHOICE to buy insurance, public or private...

  2. I pay out of pocket, when I need it. But now I've got to figure out how to get the 4thou the gov's goin to make me pay or pay the fine.

  3. 11:01
    Its Barrack Obama.
    Osama bin laden is a terrorist, certainly your not insinuating the President of the UNITED STATES is a terrorist that would just be very unintelligent of you. Are you unintelligent?

  4. I pay as I go. Just like everyone should do.

  5. i pay $1400 a month for family care.

  6. I pay out of pocket as well. Employer. My place of employment has a TON of senior citizens employed at the company, so only one health provider is willing due to the HUGE amount of annual claims of the unhealthy employees.

    "Unfortunely" I'm a young gun within the company and would have to pay a WHOPPING $300+ per week if I chose to enroll my family with their plan.

  7. anonymous 11:00, you're full of crap, IF you have a health insurance policy, that is.

  8. Fortunately a small percentage and I do recommend a flex account to assist with purchasing prescriptions and doctors co-pay.

  9. Currently, I pay too much. Several years ago, I paid too much. And with the impending passage of this "Canadian-style" health care I will be paying WAY too much. (Oh, for those of you from Canada, "Canadian-style" is NOT a compliment. Just so you know.)

  10. 18.5 per cent for family

  11. 12000.00 a year or a little less than a quarter of our income. and we still have deductables and copays to meet. this is through an employer and when we checked to get our own private it was even more than what we pay now. when i had to go to physical therapy the insurance paid 15..00 my copay is 40. the total amount allowed for the service was $55. unbelievable but what can you do. i have a health condition so pay as you go isnt an option.

  12. I pay 13%

    And for 11:11 comment

    Obama is a muslim and anti- American. He is however , president , but I do not recognize his authority along with millions of American citizens.

  13. My cost to my government employer is $50 per pay period (two weeks) for myself and my wife. I have a 20 deductable per Dr visit. And if I get generic prescriptions it pays all of it. So really, next to nothing in the scope of things.

  14. 3% is paid for health insurance , however that does not include co-pays and prescriptions .

  15. It is all relative.

    You work a stressful job with big monetary rewards, you pay with disease and a miserable lifestyle.

    When you choose the less monetary driven path, You take time to sleep well, eat well, and do things your heart needs and loves. You are non-monetarily very rich.

    equating that time to income coupled with my intellectual worth, that equates to 50% that I choose to pay for the freedom from government.

    I do not need Mr. Obama telling me how to take care of my health. Keep your ideas to yourself Mr. President. I can fend for myself.
    Stay out of my life, my business, my gluteal muscles, and my veins.

  16. "You work a stressful job with big monetary rewards, you pay with disease and a miserable lifestyle."
    Do I know you? Do you work with me?....sounds like my life....*sigh*

  17. 25% with premium cost deductables and copays

  18. 150% - as an employer I pay 50% more than I take home in healthcare for my employees.

  19. 0. I'm young and super lucky to have found 2 part-time jobs here on the Eastern Shore. Currently, neither offers any kind of health insurance plan because I am part-time. I work 40+ hours a week to just make ends meet, stay active outside of work, eat right and take care of myself. When I say barely make ends meet, I'm not kidding. Each month my checking and savings are done to 0... and I know several thousands of people are in the same position as me, or worse - they could be sick. But how can the government force me to pay for something I don't need (at the moment) or want and can't afford? Have you ever looked at insurance like gambling? You give your money to someone worrying/betting you get sick at some point in your life, and they are betting/hoping you won't - and then complain and don't want to give up the money when it's time to pay up. This system is whack, but forcing me to pay is even worse.

  20. 5% of my biweekly paycheck plus co-pays.

  21. I get the best health care in the world and it's free!
    Your Senator Babs Mikulski!

  22. 11:58 You may have known me in the past, but I choose the latter lifestyle now and have never been happier. A toxic work environment can age you very rapidly.

    12:05 You are correct. All insurance is a gamble. It is the game theory. I would love to see the day that everyone withdrew from the game all at once. Now that would be taking our control back.

    My suggestion-If you are young, instead of paying premiums each month, sock that cash away in your own health savings account. Just don't invest in the stock market.

  23. Right now i pay 757.00 per month for hubby and i. Starting April it is going to 1297.00 per month. Plus we pay 40.00 for each perscription and 40.00 for Dr. visits. I dont know if i will renew but its looking doubtful. We are in our late 40s . That is a lot of money for these crooks . It has got to stop .

  24. Just under 5%. I buy my own, CareFirst and I'm very happy with it.

  25. I am a WCBOE retiree and I am paying less this year because they were nice enough to raise the contribution that they pay for us retirees.

  26. I have considered a health savings account - each bank/credit union that I've inquired with says that you must have a High Deductible Health Plan to qualify for the tax-exempt HSA account. What sense does that make? You can only have a health savings if you already have some kind of coverage? Didn't make sense to me, but then none of this does. If you know of a bank that will allow tax-free deposits into an HSA, please let me know. Thanks!!

  27. 8% and thats with a $1,500 deductible and $20 office visits with $20 generic Rx.

  28. I'm retired and 100% of my insurance is paid by my former employer. Over the course of the year, I pay $200, $300 tops, annually on co-pays for office visits and prescriptions.

  29. 11.33% in just premiums for family of 4. $20 copay for each dr visit, $20, $35, or $45 for scripts and 80% coverage for dental work with no vision coverage (which kills us because one of my children has to see a specialist because of an eye condition).
    If congress really wants to help they could stop the insurance companies from making a killing. I am not upset about working to pay for our health insurance but it is getting a little ridiculous how high the premiums are. I haven't seen a doctor in over 6 years, my husband has only been three times in 13 years so it is just the kids regular check ups and occassional illnesses. It would be cheaper to pay as we go, but I am always affraid if we drop coverage my husband or I will get cancer or have a heart attack or something else major, then no one will want to accept us!

  30. Tooo damn much , but it is better than the govt taking it over then we will not have free choice.

  31. NOTHING.
    cant afford it.
    58 years old and in good health.
    How much lucky can you get?
    Damn you people must have good jobs to pay $12000 per year.

  32. I don't have health insurance. I work for a very small company (4 employees) and my employer doesn't offer it. Making approx. $22,000/year, I can't afford it...hoping that I don't get sick. It's either health insurance or having a place to live and I chose to have a place to live.

  33. I work for the BOE and we have great insurance...all you BOE wannabees would love to be in my shoes...bit$h and moan about my salary but I bet you wish you were me now! For a family, I pay around $300 a month include eye and dental!

  34. Zero. Zero copay, but limited dental proceedure coverage. Employee of the U.S. Military. If I had a family I would have to pay for their coverage.

  35. I pay 260.00 biweekely for on child any myself and copays everytime I we go for a Drs. visit

  36. 1:00 Babs does not get free health insurance. She pays the same amount as any other federal government employees or any federal government retiree. The only difference in the amount she pays is which health care plan she chooses )BC, Aetna etc). Of course she does have better coverage in the sense that doctors and nurses are in place 24/7 for political members. I do not believe our politicians have a clue on their own health care cost or the health care cost for the average citizen.

  37. about 20 to 22% of my 2400.00 a month income for a family of 5.


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