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Friday, February 05, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Think The Eastern Shore Has Done A Good Job With Snow Removal?


  1. yes, as always they wait for it to melt!
    If they worked in private industry and did such a poor job they would all be fired!

  2. No - It's a mess! Thank god there are so many helpful and friendly people who are willing to lend a hand. Everyone will be upset in the spring and summer because the roads and streets have so many potholes....mmmm, I wonder why that would happen.

  3. The County did a wonderful job. The City of Salisbury leaves alot to be desired....Hard to believe they can't even clean the downtown area much less the housing areas....Kids would have gone to school on wednesday if it wasn't for the city's bad streets.

  4. Salisbury rarely gets snow, so it doesn't make sense for the city and county to invest in a large amount of snow removal equipment. I believe they have done a great job with what they have to work with.

  5. The farmers have done an amazing job!

  6. yes for the main roads but not so well for secondary roads

  7. so so Still don't know why they drove around in the snow with the plow up.

  8. 100% yes, Sheriff Lewis must be running that department now.

  9. It may not be as good in the future with oncoming budget cuts.

  10. HORRIFIC job on the Lower Eastern Shore.

  11. anon 10:00, Farmers done an amazing job, that's a laugh. They probably are crying the blues because they can't get their tractors in the fields. I can clear more snow with a shovel than a farmer can on a tractor with a snow plow.

  12. For what they have to work with I think its been acceptible. Maybe budget a little more for roads and get Frederickson and his staff to stop going to Vegas and such!

  13. Yes...you can only expect so much from the government.

  14. You have got to be kidding. How could you even call it "snow removal"? The worst.

  15. I'll let you know when they start

  16. pretty good so far. Better than years past

  17. Yes, I think they've done well, so far.
    As far as some of you who are complaining about neighbors having to help out, I would guess you are some of the same people who say we have too much government and the government spends too much money.
    Our neighbor plowed our driveways after every storm this winter and we're glad to have him as a neighbor.
    They have the equipment and we are so thankful to have them as neighbors.
    This is our first winter in our home and to have someone like him is just awesome!
    If neighbors would help each other more, we could all get more done.

  18. No indeed. They sucked.

  19. 9:58
    Well said. No need to go out and spend more money they dont have for something that gets used so very little.

  20. No

    The government does just enough to get by. They will wait until it stops snowing and then begin plowing. Just in time to bury the end of my driveway after I dig it out.

  21. The biggest disappointment is the condition of many of the chain convenience businesses such as Royal Farms, Shell Station, and Goose Creek. They have too much money to allow the condition of parking lots to remain hazardous.

  22. The state did a fair job , however, we did notice that several trucks were riding around with the plows up too high and the guys were laughing and having a ball at the time. (Nanticoke road)
    At one point they were over in the opposite lane, must have been drinking.

  23. Not at all. I live in the Nanticoke area and yes I understand that we are not the counties top priority, but 2 days to see the first snow plow. And I live on a very traveled road. Even Nanticoke Rd, that is once you get past Quantico, was ridiculous. People beyond quantico are pretty much on their own. Thanks to all the farmers that were volunteering their time and expenses in helping people out.

  24. They did a great job!!!

  25. The boys with their toys do. The government workers don't, especially in Fruitland! Townsend's answer is usually "it'll melt".

  26. As far as the cities go.... NNOOOOO! Both Salisbury and Fruitland should be ashamed of their lack of effort! In Salisbury, we finally had to arrange for a private contractor to plow our street. No surprise, we've had to fill in potholes too!

  27. They did a great job. What happened to all the the residents and store owners that couldn't take it upon themselves to do the sidewalks in front of there property, and in reference to downtown busineses, if the store is vacant next to yours, do there's to. Don't complain your customers have to trek through snow covered sidewalks! Shovel them!

  28. How them tax cuts working for you now dumba$$?

  29. NO NO NO!!! Try living somewhere that gets snow and YOU decide if they do a good job. My road STILL has not been plowed since the last storm. They rode down our road once right after the storm and never again. Our road is quite busy so the danger is still there. They are horrible.

  30. define "good" before I comment!!

  31. I agree with 9:58, except for the guys making passes without the plow down.

    I don't want to pay more tax to prepare for big snows like this when winters like this only happen once every 10 years.

    People complain too much here.

  32. Speaking of great neighbors, my farmer neighbor plowed his driveway/redneck property with his tractor and proceeded to push all of the snow in the street. Snow plows down this well traveled road in Wico county is a rarity anyway without this dumba$$ making it worse.

    For every one helpful person around here there are 50 that are as self-centered as Ive ever seen.

    For those talking about taxes being raised to pay for snow removal, do you honestly prefer your loved ones traveling these dangerous roads??? Some of us dont have the luxury of sitting at home and being a typical lazy shore resident. At least I'm not the only one that notices how half-a$$ed everything is done around here. For taxes what we pay in Wico county this place should be sparkling with excellence. Instead we have the redneck laziness infested mentality. For a place that supposedly prides itself in their "shore home" they sure dont show it.


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