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Friday, February 05, 2010

Wicomico County School Closing Early TODAY

Friday, February 5th : Schools will close 2 hours early; no afternoon pre-K They close at 1:00


  1. Which school?????????

  2. Ummm........which ones? :-)

    SFDS says they are not (as of 10:15 am)

  3. Schools close two hours early. Dismissal time depends on what time the school normally dismisses.

  4. Delmar is closing 2 hours early too.

  5. Worcester County is closing 2 hours early and Seaford Schools closing at 12:30pm. I got a call from the automated system.

  6. Elementary schools close at 1:30 in Wicomico County.

  7. Thank you 12:49 that wrong information explains why we had parents rushing in the door at 1:00 to pick up kids saying they though school let out at 1:00. But now I see where they may have gotten that from.

  8. Now that everyone is home, I just have to add a comment for the good of the cause. I work at Prince Street as an instructional assistant, and as I was getting ready to leave, I could not believe how many children were in the office and had yet to be picked up. We closed two hours early as directed, but as of 2:30 p.m., there were 9 children still not picked up. Now, I know that our Principal used the parent link system yesterday after school to advise parents to make plans for a possible early dismissal and I also know he used that same system to give a detailed message today when the directive came from the BOE at about 10:30 - I'm sure that there may have been a few parents that may have been delayed due to traffic or had work tie ups, but just seeing the looks on those kids faces as they sat there nearly broke my heart - Parents certainly had to be living under a rock to not know this storm was coming, and with the two calls the Principal made, they should have been prepared. I just can't believe that some parents just ignored him and let their children sit there - unexcuseable in my book. Also, as the weather was getting 'fun' he has to sit there until everyone is gone - he has a family of his own and I just think this was totally inconsiderate of these parents to just let him, and their children hanging.

  9. 10:04 - wa, wa, wa.....I'm sure the Princopal gets paid plenty to sit in his nice warm office while working parents scrable to make ends meet - shut up and quit whining - the kids wer'nt in danger - at least they were off the streets.


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