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Friday, February 05, 2010

Global Warming


How many of you believe that humans are responsible for the so called global warming,? How many believe the planet goes thru natural cycles of climate change and that's what we are experiencing? Why do you believe that way? Is it science? Experience? Farmer's Almanac?


  1. Global warming comes from Al Gore's fat A and the liberal demon-crats believe it everytime he farts.

  2. Humans haven't been on this earth long enough to know first hand. From what the scientists can tell there has been many heat up and cool downs some of which have been catastrophic.

  3. Global warming seems plausible to me. You look at the smog over LA and other cities and tell me that is good for the environment.

  4. You should also have people post their scientific credentials.

    I just got back from a long trip in a bustling 3rd world country. I blew black snot out of my nose the whole time. After two weeks my lungs are just now beginning to recover.

    Somedays it was so smoggy that the amount of light was similar to that of the sun being covered by a cloud.

  5. Fact: global climate change does occur.

    The question is whether human activity can/does exacerbate these normal cycles. Based off the evidence I have seen, I would say the answer is yes.

  6. Tedh put it very simply, but he's right. This is a natural cycle.

  7. I believe it is a little a both. The earth has gone through periods of extreme weather - hot or cold over and over again as best as we can tell. Our records only cover a very short time of the earth's history so how can we know for sure this has not happend before.

    On the other hand I don't think humans have helped the situation and maybe even sped it up a bit. All the pollution and toxic crap that is in the air and water can not be any better for the planet than it is for us.

    So I think cleaning up the enviornment and recycling are important things to do I don't believe that will save us from "Mother Nature".

  8. 2:38 and 2:49

    Smog or particulates in the air have NOTHING to do with the claim by liberals that CO2 is causing the earth to heat up.

    The theory of man made global warming is a politically motivated hoax perpetrated by those who stand to make billions of dollars off of regulating and controlling carbon.

  9. Joe,
    I think you started something.

    My credentials. I'm a 10 grade drop out. This is what I know.
    There has been 4 major ice ages in the earths past. Outside of these Periods the earth was Ice free even in high elevation.(Wikipedia)
    I guess we caused those Ice free Periods. We should have never invented fire.

    Also 2:49 PM
    Did you walk to that third world country or did you add your own polution to get there? What about that computer you just blogged on. If you want to do your part get rid of all these gadgets in your life, if you truly believe.

    Tom Sawyer

  10. I come from a long line of prophets. Dad used to tell me that if the government could figure out how to tax the air they would. My grandfather told me that the liberals were going to bring this country down. They were both right.
    Global warming is a convenient lie to give the liberals an avenue to tax the air and make albert gore rich(er).

  11. I do believe in Global Warming as being Nature and Nurture both. I believe CO2 carbons are to blame but I also believe that we are in a constant state of natural evolution. An example is the natural history of the Monarch Butterfly.

  12. global warming has to do about control not the climate. Look at all the data that is now known to be a fraud. Look at the trillions stood to be made by people claiming global warming, or climate change out. there is a reason no one can predict the weather more than 7 days out.

  13. I'm with Tom Sawyer! I made it through 13, though, but I still know how to tell $hit from shinola!

  14. Its definitly nature taking its course. I dont think that people have caused this at all.

  15. 3:02,

    Actually smog has a lot to do with it as smog is made up of a combination of air pollutants. And yes CO2 is one of those pollutants that makes it worse. Thanks for your 2 cents though, I will try to get you your change.

  16. I'm Back.
    I think some of these Learned people have got this mixed up.

    3:35 PM
    Co2 is carbon "di"oxide. When we exhale thats what comes out of our lungs and used by plants.

    Co is carbon "Mon"oxide. This is a polutant that comes out automobiles.

    And methame is also a polutant that is released every time a liberal talks, because we all know what there talking out of.

    Tom Sawyer

  17. No point of even presenting an opposing point of view. The only argument you get in response is that global warming is a left wing conspiracy.

  18. No such thing as Global Warming.That is an Al gore bunch bs

  19. I believe AGW has yet to be proven beyond doubt or to the point of spending a gazillion dollars at an uproven solution. That being said, it reminds me of Pascal's Gambit re: God. If we cut down on energy usage and waste, it sure won't hurt us.

  20. 3:02

    Smog is caused by Hydrocarbons, carbon particles (soot)Carbon Monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. Not Carbon Dioxide.
    Carbon Dioxide is a trace gas.

    Perhaps you need envirocommie 101 as a refresher course.

  21. Just like the rock fish... the old timers say that back in the day there were times you couldn't find one in the bay.. but now WITH the restrictions in place they are everywhere... and since the regulations have prevented harvest of them ...NO crabs cut a belly open of a rock and see whats inside!!!! I have ... don't mess with mother narure... another example is the hardhead 10 yr ago you wouldn't find one now you can walk across the water on them and not get wet....... these things go in cycles period...

  22. The earth regulates it's core temp from the core! Unless there are some real bad a$$ people chilling at the center of the earth, people have nothing to do with the cycle of earth cooling and heating to maintain a balance.

    Global warming is another attempt to control the actions of people and the control the weak minded.

  23. Smog was much worse during the mid-20th century than it is today. Things like the catalytic converter in car exhaust systems have cleaned up the air considerably. I remember the smog-filled air from 1960's and 1970's. We have nothing like that in today's environment.

    Yet, the global warming/climate change crowds of today are constantly crying about how the sky is falling, and unless we change our behavior immediately, we are doomed forever. Those Chicken Littles have been around creating one crises after another for many years. Here are a few examples:

    1) We were supposed to be headed for another ice age, they cried back in the 1970's and early 1980's.

    2) The earth is out of oil was the crises of the time in the same time period. I can remember a billboard showing the earth as the background of a gas gauge with its pointer on "E" for empty. The question was "What Then" with "Then" crossed out, and the word "Now" inserted. We have more known oil reserves today, 30 years later making that one a complete hoax.

    3) Y2K. A lot of hype and hysteria was splattered across the country with the ending of the 1990's and the beginning of a new millennium. All for nothing as we now know.

    4) Now we have global warming hysteria. But, since things have cooled off a bit in the past several years, they have had to modify their hysteria to climate change.

    While I admit that climate change is real, I don't believe that mankind has had much impact on it. A volcano can spew millions of tons of ash and chemicals into the atmosphere and affect the weather for years. This effect causes cooling, not warming! In 1816, for example, many areas experienced a year without a summer. The year before, (1815)a major volcanic eruption occured at Mount Tambora. Coincidence? Hardly. There are other examples of natural events that can affect the climate. Who knows how many underwater fissures are heating the oceans making the waters warmer?

    Many of these chicken littles have not considered that our primary heat source can also change its output, thus making our climate vary from one season to the next. Have you looked at the number and amount of sunspots that have occurred lately?

  24. It is a natural cycle for the earth to heat and cool. How many million years has it done so? The fake science usually comes from scientist that are looking to continue to get paid to do research.

    For 40 years they have said the ocean were rising. And each year the ocean is the same. The so called ozone hole that was gonna destroy us is a natural phenomena and it is now smaller than years ago. And 30 years ago it was global cooling.

    Maybe in a couple thousand more years of climate date they will see if the earth is heating or cooling.

    All you have to do to find the truth is follow the money.

  25. Man made Global warming is a proven hoax !

  26. 5:43,

    Would you like to back that up with anything? No, didn't think so.

  27. Weather and Climate are very different things. Interrelated but not the same.

  28. It is so intriguing seeing non-scientist Delmarva rednecks pontificate about ideas and theories far beyond their grasp. But hey, you can sure use Wikipedia real well.


  29. Vikings grew grapes in Greenland!

    How did Greenland get it's name?

    Climate change is natural and always has been.

    Correct me if I'm wrong,don't plants thrive off CO2 and produce oxygen for us to breath?

    Look what Public Schools have produced.


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