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Saturday, February 06, 2010



  1. Even though the road LOOKS clear, you can't barrel down it with a 12 ton truck and expect to have the same control as when it's dry.

    This is a "DUH", Joe. You called it right.
    Unless, of course, he was swerving to avoid that poor lost puppy in the road.

  2. Poor guy , he now has to take a drug test . It's not far .

  3. Isn't that the same truck that was stuck in the ditch turning into John Agnew's lane? Who was the driver?

  4. lol you guys are clueless.

  5. Just what is needed another power outage.

  6. same truck same road.

  7. Are these guys tired? They are supposed to b professionals. What's up?

  8. I guess I am missing something...THESE people are at least out trying to keep the roads open and some of them or doing for a job to feed their families Lay off of them...and be thankful that they aren' t hurt...Maybe you that are sitting at your computer should go out there and show them all professionals do it..and show them you can stay on the road..in this awful non visiblity mess....

  9. WE don't know maybe the drive of the truck met a dumba$$ driver out there trying to drive in this mess when they should have been home...

  10. These guys have been up all night plowing our roads in this blizzard. How come the residents of Wicomico are the first to jump on the bashing wagon??? Cut these guys some slack or go out and plow your dang road yourself!!

  11. Yes that probably is the truck stuck in john s lane.
    He is a friend of k townsends and he always did use county equipment for his own use.
    I have even seen him hook a trailer to the same truck and haul his cars around.
    So yes folks , the county employees are still crooked.

  12. 5:57 I pay taxes for them to plow my county road, not plow someones private driveway. It's no wonder the citzens of the county are pissed about snow removal.

  13. Poor fella. Unless you know what it is to bounce around in a truck with a plow bouncing on the front end ya'll need to shut up.

  14. It looks like a Wicomico County truck.

  15. 8:09 and some of you others. If they can't do the job, they need to apply for something else. As a tax payer, I don't want to keep paying for crap like this! And, I do have a right to ask them to stay on the road and ask them to drive like professionals. They are doing their jobs! Let's stop making people out to be heros who are doing their jobs. If they don't want to be policemen, firemen, county workers, get another job! Real simple.

  16. 11:56 I'm getting tired of hearing you babies down there crying about snow plow drivers running off the road. You obliviously have no clue what your talking about. For one, you guys don't get enough snow down there to have "professional" snow plow drivers. I pushed snow up north running a grader. I pulled out trucks all the time. It wasn't because they slid on the ice or swerved from hitting a dog. You have to remember most of the roads don't have shoulders and they are pushing snow +4" deep. They can't see the road ahead of them and with snowy conditions its makes it even worse. If they are a foot off the simply fall off the edge.

    Now if he was pushing snow in his driveway and fell off the road then he is an idiot.

  17. admirer of wicomicanFebruary 7, 2010 at 5:58 PM

    all i can say is for all the county employees workin this storm! at least we are getting a little of our furlough money that was took from us back even though we have to work to get it. thanks mr pollitt and councils furlough implementers. also last weekend during snow removal was my bday i worked and will get another day off soon before the old gray so called conservative mole holloway gripes enuff and the council extracts this lil perk from us.


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