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Friday, February 05, 2010



  1. I live in the " totally screwed bubble " however I have hit the liquor hard -so add that up and I am good .

  2. I live in the bubble and I have 3 boats and a jet ski but what am I going to do with them. Take the jet ski and make it a smow ski to go get more liquor when I run out. This is just a drinkin weekend all myself no spend the nite club this weekend.. boo hoo

  3. 8:53- do you deliver?

  4. Just got in for the night. Snow plows are out and the roads are starting to get bad.

    It is beautiful to see everything covered with snow.

    Tomorrow when I have to shovel out I will not like it so much.

  5. It's great having the boys over.....Jack Daniels and Tom Collins!

  6. I am drinking a glass of wine and painting.....a great excuse to do lttle else.

  7. in Quantico and getting about an inch an hour right now up to 5"

  8. Joe, just to let you know the Salisbury Fire Department is being dispatched to numerous calls for wires down and transformer fires. Way to many to give you a count at this time. Every time there is a storm with the slightest wind there are numerous problems with power lines. Delmarva Power is extremely negligent with keeping the power lines clears and this has been creating problems with power outages for several years now. Please tell your readers there is a possibility that they may lose power tonight. This will be a problem for those that have electric heat. Hope everyone stays safe.

  9. Snow Hill getting SNOW...>NICE :)

  10. Been going out to shovel about every hour since 6pm and by the time I finish the driveway and walk way it is covered again. Please look out for your elderly neighbors everyone, this snow is HEAVY. If you are able try to shovel for those who should not be out there. Be safe over the next few days. BTW about 5.5" in Vienna right now.

  11. Doesn't matter if you have electric heat or gas or oil. If you don't have power to run the blower motor you don't have heat.

  12. The wind's picking up and precip is turning to rain/mix in Somerset Co.
    With the 3-4" of snow we already got this afternoon and tonight, the trees are sagging now with wet snow.
    Bad deal. Limbs are starting to break off the pine trees.
    Could bring power outages.

  13. Wicomico County has nearly 3000 customers without power at 10:45 p.m., including many in Delmar.

  14. Wind is whipping up now. This is when the fun really begins! I'm in the totally screwed zone, and I have hit the liquor store!

  15. All of county roads drivers were called in at 11 pm to start on plowing roads. Should have been out hours ago!!!

  16. power is out everywhere but i bet the bill is just as high again this month,im sure they will have some reason for that.so is md in state of emergency? just wondering,some of us work in the great world of retail,where people complain about the roads but still seem to get to the mall for god knows what.so we still have to risk our lives to service the few dumb ***** who dont know how to stay home in this craziness.

  17. Yes, Maryland is under a Declaration of Emergency. Maryland Guard is now available to assist with local emergency.

    Yes, people who don't stay home unless it's an emergency are putting others at risk.

    Nobody should be out except public safety and public works snow and emergency personnel.

    Please be considerate of them, folks. Bad and dangerous conditions out there, with the worst yet to come.

  18. I've got 10" so far, and the worst is tomorrow and we've already lost power once...I sure hope when this is over, I see Lee on his tractor again. If this is like '96, I'll have 4-6' piled in my driveway.

  19. So could someone please tell me how it is, that the freaking mall is still going to be open Saturday, when they have declared a state of emergency!!! Isn't it sad when the ole mighty dollar is more important the peoples lives. And lets be honest there will be a few idiots that will come out because they have nothing better to do to window shop!!! When calling the mall to find out if they would be open, as I am concerned about my staff needed to come to work, I was informed by the oh so friendly security person, "oh well not my problem, the mall will be open and if your store doesn't open, YOU WILL BE FINED" Lets make sure that the Centre of Salisbury, MAKES THAT MONEY!!!! I can assure you that mall management, the ones that decide to open or close the mall will be home nestled in their beds, with their families SAFE, because the DO NOT WORK WEEKENDS!!!

    What happened to safety first. Greed has really taken over our society, it is sad. What would it take a natural disaster for the Centre to close.... wait unless it hit the Mall Mangers House I am sure he would REQUIRE the mall to open!!!!

    What a load of crap!

  20. I called the Centre At Salisbury at 5:15 am today 2/6/10 to ask if they will be open. They said yes. That means some people will have to travel in bad weather conditions to open and operate the stores. Won’t be many customers going to the mall. What does the mall have that is so important that it need to be open on such a bad weather day?

    Obviously the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR is more important than the safety of the store employees.

    Flights have been canceled, the police ask for people to not drive unless absolutely necessary. Oh, I get it now, there may be someone who wants to buy a pair of pants or shoes or some jewelry. The mall had better be open just in case that stupid shopper risks his / her life to get to the mall.

  21. dp&l says reasons for higher bills are extra days in billing cycle,(4 at the most)colder temperatures THAN LAST YEAR at this time, (who cares what temp it was last year) by comparison to last year(again, who cares)
    Everything but maybe THE RATES ARE TOO HIGH!
    Temps in january were not twice as low as in december, but the bil was MORE THAN DOUBLE!!!!!

  22. Who made the decision to start plowing the roads at 11pm, and just where does he live. In my part of the county thsey could have been plowing at 7pm.

  23. I have a ventless gas fireplace without a blower...no electricity needed;it's the best!

  24. is there anyone else who has no cable tv?? Work up this morning and ours is out.....live in the mardela range.

  25. Anon 8:57 we have lost some channels, the weather channel and disney that I know of, I am assuming the broadcast area is having issues.

  26. 5:42
    When I worked in a mall years ago the mall would say they are open because the stores are under contract to open. If they dont open they are handed a fine. I dont know if this is the case at teh Centre but I wouldnt doubt it.
    Sounds like the Mall just wants to collect on all the fines.

  27. The mall did not fine stores for not opening as long as they were notified that store employees could not make it in to the mall. They told me this when I called to ask what would happen if I could not get out of my driveway (which I couldn't). I checked later and was told that only about 4 stores were open. Someone seems to be making assumptions here, or just plain making things up.

    The mall has quite a few workers who live in Delaware as well, and in Delaware only emergency vehicles were allowed to be on the road.


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