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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Now I'm A Racist?????

"Why are you so negative against Obama? I understand that you are a republican but come on everyday on your site your are bashing Obama. I did like your site because I followed the Sarah Foxwell stories then I started reading your articles you really do not like African Americans therefore, you are racist. Just keep your negatived to yourself.

Keena Mitchell"


I guess all those posts I did against Bush make me a white racist too. To answer your last statement, how about you just stay off Salisbury News and all of your problems will go away.

Kena Mitchell, "You've Been Blogged."


  1. so keena, a person can't criticise Obama without being called a racist? Sounds like you are the racist? Please, you need to become more educated and not use the race card as an excuse.

  2. If your a NASCAR fan that makes you a racest

  3. Dont let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out lady.

  4. Didn't you know Joe that if you disagree with Obama's policies you are branded racist. I mean he even said that not too long ago at an NAACP meeting.

    Heard him say it when Fox News broadcast the speech.

  5. Hey Keena who made you the racist spotter ? You think because your black you can point the finger and cry racist ? Look in the mirror that animal looking back at you is the racist !

  6. Now Keena stop and think for a minute. It is currently taboo to criticise blacks at all. Now is that fair? That seems to be a very racist policy. So in order to make things truly equal for ALL races, ALL races must accept criticism when it is warranted. Wouldn't be fair to keep leaving blacks out now would it?

  7. How long has this person been reading your blog?? Did they just start reading when the Sarah Foxwell thing was going on?? He/she seems to be "in the dark" on some things. Talk about jumping to conclusions! They must have missed the stories on Bush, SPD, Fire Dept, etc. or any other story that brought to light things "white" people have said or done that you may not necessarily agree with. I may not agree with every single thing I read on here but I'll be damned if I would ever call you racist or say that you are "bashing" people... of any color. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it doesn't make anything right or wrong. The people who disagree with you are certainly allowed to have their own opinions, and they are certainly free to create their own blogs or websites to tell it their way.

  8. got to love thst race card....say something you do not like, i'm racist, you say whatever you want, you're not racist and its ok....doesn't make sense...

  9. Don't you know that if you criticize a person that happens to be black your a racist ! Oh and only white people can be racist ! just so you know . NOT !

  10. Honestly, just based on what Ive heard from reputable people around town- sbynews does have a reputation for having some issues with underlying racism. If not you directly Joe then definitely some of the unfortunate comments

  11. I don't think Keena read the top of your blog joe. i believe it says that this blog is opinionated. I'm a hispanic that views your blog everyday. I might not respect every single view you have, but you deliver the news. Just because you disagree with someone of a different color or sex doesn't make you a racist or a sexist.

  12. Keena,

    How dare you call Joe a racist? Do you even know him. Have you even met him. I didn't think so. I know Joe's not a racist, his brother is even married to a black girl, if that't not proof enough right there. Joe, don't let these people get you down. They are just jealous at how successful you are becoming. Keena is probably someone that works for one of those MSM competitors, and her boss probably instructed her to make that comment. Just keep plugging away Joe. You are the best.

    Bill Stanley
    Richmond VA

  13. why does it always have to be about race

  14. if O is half white, what kind of racist does that make me?

  15. Joe,

    just being honest with ya fella'

    sometimes your readers do say things that make me uncomfortable, the "berlin" guy, "rightcoastgirl" and "bluetothebottom" also/ there are more... but you get the idea.

    makes me wonder why you would let them thru. wouldn't have said anything but you brought it up.

    no hard feelings man/

  16. Joe Albero, Internet tough guy.

  17. I just checked out Keena Mitchell's Facebook page and looked at all her "friends." Imagine that not one white person is added as her friend. Four hundred and nine friends and none are white!! Zero, nadda..Now what do you have to say about that Keena. Who is the Racist? YOU!!


  18. Keena.... Pay Your BILLS!!!

    Typical of an Obama Lover. Someone that doesn't pay their bills hoping Obama will pay them for her. Garnished Wages, LMFAO!!

    Last Name: MITCHELL | First Name: KEENA
    4 items found, displaying all items.1
    Note: Initial Sort is by Last Name. Sorting by other columns is available by clicking on the desired column header. Secondary sort is always Case Number. (0.082 seconds) Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
    020300030782005 Mitchell, Keena Lynn Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/15/2005
    020300030972006 Mitchell, Keena Lynn Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 06/02/2006
    020300034942005 Mitchell, Keena Lynn Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/25/2005
    020300066462008 Mitchell, Keena Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 10/01/2008
    4 items found, displaying all items.

  19. Anybody that has to ask why anyone is negative about obamanation must be one of those that suck up the tax dollars. If you are a taxpayer you know what he is doing to rip at the fabric of our society. Anti-business, anti-constitution, pro-tax, pro social welfare, and most of all stuck on himself.

  20. No one really truly likes Obama. So are we all racist? No.. he's just a horrible president who has screwed this country up. Bush left us in a bad state and he has just made it worse. How about that Keena??

  21. Amazing!
    It couldn't be about his inept handling of the economy, or his Marxist policies.. nor about his mega-ego or his shameful bowing to foreign rulers (including the Saudi king who owns him.)
    It HAS to be racism, Joe. That's the only reason you would be posting negative things about him.
    Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
    You're supposed to be.

  22. There is your typical obama supporter at work. She probably voted for Obama because he is black. So therefor does that make her a racist? Apparently if the president is a horrible president as long as he is african american it is racist to point out his obvious downfalls and horrible choices. I will bet my life savings that she bashed bush while he was in office but she is not racist at all. Keena Mitchell Obama is not an unsuitable president because he is black. He proves why he is a horrible president everytime he speaks.

  23. Keena~
    Just because a person doesn't the President doesn't make them a racist.
    You really need to take a look at his policies.


  25. LOVE IT!!! Stay off if you don't like what Mr. A has to say!! Free Speech is a great thing!

  26. is this lady serious?she obviously doesnt follow the news or do any political research!its people like her who got us into this situation to begin with.

  27. Kenna, a blog in essence is an opinionated column. It’s as mush about the blogger’s opinion as it is anything else. You accept that or you read something else. Its that simple. There is a great deal of fact on this blog as well. The disturbing thing about your letter is that you are calling someone a racist because they don’t agree with someone’s politics and they choose to show sarcastic images of the person. Do you know how ludicrous that is? Joe has not said, “I hate blacks, I hate black politicians, and I hate having a black President”. That would be racism. It’s wrong to throw those terms around so loosely and label people in that manner. Its safe to say Joe is a conservative as I am, that alone doesn’t make someone a racist no matter how many people stupidly make that assumption. Depicting the president in satirical situations doesn’t make Joe a racist either. It’s actually thought processes like yours that are ridiculous. I don’t know what race or nationality you may be and its irrelevant anyway, but be very careful throwing around words like racist when there isn’t a shred of racism in what you are viewing. You may not like the doctored images of the president in unflattering situations but that's not racism. Too many people believe today because conservatives do not agree with Obama politics they must be racists. This is preposterous. Don’t be so quick to discuss race where it’s not necessary. Your response was quite foolish really. Its America, if you don’t like it, find another blog to read. Judging by the numbers, Joe’s not going to miss you....

  28. We can't have a Miss White America pagent. We can't have WET ( white entertainment television ) . We can't have a White holiday. Makes complete sense to me. Pull out the race card , PLEASE !!

  29. Just goes to show you how many people really voted for Obama because he is black its all they can see is color. Now who is the racist.

  30. i guess the posts on Anitra Pirkle and helping to initiate a website to raise money for the family was racist as well.

  31. JT is trying to now claim that I'm publishing my own comments here. Look, Idiot, if you couldn't tell, I was away spending quality time with my Family for most of the day and comments didn't even get published until I returned. Try to claim to everyone you never come here and comment because everyone knows it's impossible for a person with your mental abilities, (or lack thereof) not to lie. Just ask your good buddy JR, the expert and habitual lies. How's the Coast Guard working out for you JR? Can't wait to see you in Court, Boy. There's lots more coming.

  32. joe didnt you vote for Obama? See! not racist.

  33. 5:02 Don't forget we can have a white american college, or white american college fund either! The only people that are racist are the white wanna be's.

  34. anonymous 5:21, Hell No I didn't vote for Obama. I stuck with my race, the republican race.

  35. Ms. Michell:

    Please keep dropping the racist bomb every chance you get. Soon it will have no meaning what so ever and then you will be left to accept responsibility for your actions instead of hiding behind the color of your skin every chance you get.

    BTW I agree you don't seem to be too inclusive of white people in your everyday life based on your FB page. Be careful what you put out there girl, it will eventually come back and bite you in the end.

  36. if i hear one more time "your a racist" i think i'm going to puke! wt? us whiteys arent allowed to dis a black man because he sucks at his job? there are different TYPES of people and those with no morality that live selfishly are the ones that irk me.Black white red orange, who cares? the only ones that do care are the ones pulling out the race card! f that!
    get off your holier than thou grandstand chick!

  37. Joe, JT couldn't get in an entire week the amount of comments you do in one post. He's actually been copying and pasting comments from old posts and putting them in recent ones. I think his days are numbered. He's desperate for attention and will do anything to make people like him. I do feel sorry for the fat bastard. But when he slaps on that mask and starts doing that video thing, that's when it ends and I almost throw up. He's a nut case who hates you, Debbie, Terry and Mike Lewis. The guy actually thinks he's going to find someone stupid enough to run against Mike Lewis. Goes to show you just how far he is up Al Websters a$$.

  38. Keena, did you vote for OSLAMA because he was black, hell Yeah you did, bet you a $1000.00 that was your first vote ever because a black was running...stick your race card of your A$$ and get your fortune from the mailbox! On ME!

  39. Great point 5:09!! Anitra Pirkle was another case he was as diligent about as he was on the Foxwell case. Guess she wasn't reading this blog back then.

  40. Yeah, I guess I'm a white racists too. I couldn't stand Al Webster, Barrie Tilghman, Chief See, Gordy, Rapp, Samis, Jacobs, Dunn, Cathcart, man, I'm a racist. I wonder why I stoofd behind Mr. Crpeer at the SFD or Ivan Barkley at the SPD? I wonder wnhy I stood behind Rachel Polk and Von Siggers 6 years ago? Is there any place I can go to seek help for this problem I have? I mean, JT says I'm a racist too. They must all be right, right?

  41. Keena Mitchell should try to Google her name now and see what pops up. ROTFLMAO

  42. Sorry, I meant to say Mr. Cropper from the SFD. Oh, by the way, the ones I didn't like, where are they working today! It should be noted, I hope Mr. Gordy's health gets better and I mean that. I strongly urge him to stop reading SBYNews as it could be too harsh on his system.

  43. Hey Keena,

    I must be a big racist because Obama is a dumbass and I you voted for him you are as big a dumbass as him if still believe he knows what he is doing. The only freaking reason he is president is because he is African American.

    So I don't care who is office as long as he is morally sound and believes in God which was the foundation of our nation.

    So Keenan get a clue cause he is the worst president EVER!

  44. Keena get a life and stay off here!
    Its peopel like you that play that race card over and over give me something new.

  45. I agree, we should say something nice about Obama,...if we could find something! Get real there will you

  46. How about this! I am racist and I didn't vote for him because he was black. I knew what would happen if we had a black president and it is all coming true. And just so you know Keena, people are allowed to be racist.

  47. Don't forget that black congressional caucus. Can anyone imagine even suggesting having a white congressional caucus. OH MY, the world would come to an end. They must really think we are stupid and we probably are to put up with the foolishness.

  48. Keena-

    ...you dont want to really know what we (sbynews community) think of you people. Joe is the best, how dare you say otherwise!

    Bill Stanley
    Richmond VA

  49. I am still waiting to see Obama improve RACE relations since that was one of his promises. All I hear from Obama and his backers are that everything is RACIAL unless you agree with them. Why does Obama not claim he is WHITE. HE is just as WHITE as he is BLACK. Does that not make him a RACIST? The Real Concerned Retiree not the 3:27 copy cat. I know Rightcoast Girl and would never talk down about her.

  50. nathan bedford forrestJanuary 23, 2010 at 7:00 PM

    hey keena! pants on the ground ,pants on the ground lookin like a fool with ya pants on da ground. how many of your peeps gotta pants on da ground

  51. The comment from concerned retiree was an imposter, guess who! It was not from the original concerned retiree. The other guys are trying to stir the pot, that's all.

  52. Keena,

    Simply put, answer these three questions: What has Obama done that he said he was going to do? How much tax money has he and his wife personally waisted in the last year, and lastly, just how in the heck is that "change" he was going to bring helped you. I have ALWAYS supported OUR President, but right now......... afer he bowed and bad mouthed the USA, the heck with him and the "wave of change" ne brought with him, including YOU!

  53. the 6:53 CR comment?! I KNEW IT! haha he sounded too stupid in the 6:53 on to be real.

  54. Ill say this, im no Albero fan, but that damn 5:29 comment he made made me chuckle. LOL.... Very good come back Mr Albero.

    On to my opinion, this is what our beautiful country has come to. We say we dont like someone and because they are a certain color, we are racist?? Well, I think that is ridiculous.

    I think the guy is a joke, clueless and dont deserve to be pres of US. And ill go there, the ONLY reason he is pres is because he had inner city people rushing to the polls in swarms to vote for him. Yes, its a fact.

    I wasnt a fan of him then, i didnt vote for him and im not a fan now. I just hope all you people that didnt vote last time realize what problems have bcame since voting and vote the right way next time. Weather the next candidate is white, black, yellow or blue, make sure you vote for the candidate that is best qualified to lead this beautiful nation, no matter what their color, but not because of color.

    Mr Anonymous

  55. Yeah, add Burke's to the list of people impersonating others on here. Just take the comments with a grane of salt Folks. These people are in their 40's and 50's and they're playing games like little children. That's OK though. They can hide behind other peoples names and or fictitious names but we know who they are.

  56. 6:37 PM = what Keena is talking about!

  57. Mre. Anonymous 7:09, My hat is tipped to you Sir.

  58. posting comments like 6:37 PM anon does not exactly help your case Joe...

  59. yer people can keep Obama Keena! we'll take W for another 4!


  60. "just keep your negatived to yourself" i have never heard of the word "negatived"!!

  61. Shane, are you freakin nuts? Of course Shane is not your name but nevertheless, everyone here has their right to their very own freedom of speech. I find absolutely nothing wrong with that comment. Shane, if you don't like it, please, go somewhere else, seriously. Why are you people so obsessed with coming here and trying to make me out to be a racist. You'll only fail. The reason is, you're obsessed with me, period. You have man love for me and just can't resist. Don't hate me just because I'm sop beautiful and straight. ;-)

  62. Everything is always about color and race.........Loud and clear JA, so when do you think they may have white history month???? I suppose they would call us Republicans racist or anyone caucasian.....

  63. Just because Joe posts someone's comment does not mean that it is a reflection of his own. I have a question for you 7:13, before you have a conversation with anyone, anywhere do you ask them for a complete list of their opionions on everything. I hope you do and if you don't agree with them I hope you do not speak to them because their opinions don't match your own and it may reflect on you. I'm sure that Joe doesn't post opinions because of his agreement with them. Most of the time the comments he posts reflect all sides of the topic. Unlike you, Joe is aware of the fact that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

  64. You guys are cracking me up !!

  65. We can always make January White History month. It snows in January and snow is white. Then will it be racist?

  66. John and JT quit using my name. Now Joe won't let me post. But then again you two are pathetic. I know it is one or both just from your wording. Get A Life.

  67. racist=hatred we have too much hatred in this world why can't everyone just get along and respect the fact that we are all entitled to our own opinions.

  68. Tell that to Keena or direct that to Keena.

  69. it is directed to everyone who does know the meaning of the word and carelessly uses it

  70. I am a conservative. I am a registered Republican. I don't like the Obama Administration nor the seated Congress based upon their initiatives and goals. So what? It's my right.

    If absolute support of Obama and this Congress means you must be African American, then I guess I'm a racist because I don't agree with where Washington is going with OUR country. Obama was elected on the promise of change yet most people are still waiting on that change. It is simply has not happened nor does it appear that it will anytime in the future. I should not need to be black to tell an African American that I do not agree with them. If you think I am wrong, move offshore.

    For those that took the time to understand what happened in Mass., Scott Brown was not wrong in his claim that Kennedy nor the Democratic party owned that Senate seat.

    So Keena, you may not be happy with the mood of the populous but you are certainly entitled to express your opposition. Just don't bring down those people that simply disagree with your philosophy.

    Stay and make your point or move to another blog. Complaining is not making a point that anyone can follow.

  71. OBAMA= One Big A$$ Mistake America

  72. I still think joe is a racist. so do a LOT of people on the shore. Also, thanks to this post over reacting to and bullying Keena, all of my black friends are really pissed at Joe. (Keena has a LOT of friends) Wait til they see him in public! You'll hear about that day on the REAL news.

    everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the way you handled this Joe is going to bite you in the ass.

  73. Anon 10:33 Your comment is an example of the Obama's improving race relations agenda. I say that because his backers and the ones voted for him say and repeat this concern and even act in this same manner. Thanks for exploiting the High intelligence of whom some people call the most intellengent President the US has ever had. That is definitely a Chicago Mobland mentality. "Hey YO Boss a Smart Dog." Tey blank bout the Hood. Take da green an roll. We rule. Stupidity at it's best.

  74. T-Tops- actually I voted for McCain, I'm a registered republican.

    so your argument is invalid... way to rip on your own party.

    anon 10:33

  75. I know quite a few people on both sides of the isle from the shore who feel like this place is too racist sometime.

    free speech or not, hate is not covered under the constitution...

    the fact that Joe has stood up for racist remarks in this very thread speaks more for his own morals that a lifetime of blogging.

  76. If Joe chooses to put opinionated views on his blog, that is his prerogative. I think people become confused with the title and what this website actually is. It isn't a news outlet... it's not even a real website. Its a BLOGspot... a free alternative for people that want a website as a hobby with little or no web or programming knowledge or money to hire a real website designer. Not saying this is Joe but that is what blogspots are for.

    Do I think he is a racist? No... He plugs fernando and his brothers fights more than anyone for no monetary gain (as far as I know). Is he prejudice... probably. As am I. I am a black man. I own a business in Salisbury....I know first hand how prejudice people can be here.. especially some of the people discussed and moderating this blog but simply put.. if i don't like it.. I don't need to visit...

    I like seeing the police press releases.. and honestly Joe is very right in saying that this blog is updated a lot more often than wboc and wmdt (complete joke)'s websites. So it remains one of my bookmarks.

    Coming from a black man, that voted for Obama.. and stand by my decision despite whats going on right now... this is America and freedom of speech is one of those gifts that most people take for granted! People that try to hinder those freedoms are the real racists and are ignorant to the American way of life.

  77. 10:33 the only way you and yours alike know how to deal with anything is to....well just look at the news, crime, invasions, robberies, stealing and violence, let me see you in the street..let the good times roll!Keena has a lt of friends alright, black ones! Stick that race card up your a$$, and Joe is racist how/why?????No facebook "honkies" as friends and it is ok for you to call Joe a racist but its not ok for him and his viewers to use the ammunition that you gave them through your stupidity to bring out the best of you to the public!Never sign your name idiot, especially when you have the background that you do!

  78. anonymous 1:51, aka, Billy Burke, thanks, I think.

    anonymous 1:52, Never sign your name after calling me a racist.

  79. It is their goal, (JT, JR, WB, BB & SB) to make me out to be a racist because I stood up for Mr. Cropper after one of them called him the N-Word. I exposed them and now they are trying to do everything they can to make the followers of Salisbury News hate me.

    These are the same people that called Wal-Mart and Sam's Corporate Offices and told them I called an interracial couple a N-loving whore. In fact, JT & BB posted it on their sites and we saved it for future evidence.

    This is the worst form of defamation and they will be charged with such.

    It's OK though. Everyone who knows me knows those words aren't in my blood. Don't believe me, don't come back. Its that simple.

  80. Donald this area is no more racist then any other in the states . The difference is the timing people are tired of being called a racist because they're out spoken with their opinion and are no longer holding their tongues after the country has voted in a black president most peoples attitude is the politically correct black victimization attitude is bunk . Every person I've seen on this or any other blog is quick to make the racist allegation but cannot back it up or successfully argue their point . The cry of racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel !

  81. Keena has 414 facebook friends and I searched every page trying to find ONE single white person, and there are NONE! From her constant mobile status updates, which none of her 414 friends seem to give a rip about, she informs us of her every scratch and fart. She appears to be a New Orleans Saints, fan, let me guess, because they are the only team whose fans proudly use ebonics, and judging from one those status messages, she appears to be in the running for single black female baby momma of the year " i need to run away dese dam kids drivin me crazy Nalaeya sit'n in da inside of my cabinet....Naheim kill'n dat fuckn nipple......Scream'n..............WTF"

  82. Google her name and see what pops up. Too funny.

  83. She's just mad because it back fired in her face! It's aweful nice to see she even had one of her buddies throw a threat in there...what does that say about her. Some people just don't know when they get out of their circle of friends just how dumb they sound & look when they don't think before they speak.
    Joe we all love your blog and some idiot who has nothing better to do than complain and call people things that she is herself isn't even worth the time or effort she wants people to put into it. Seems like she needs some attention and she sure got it!!! Keep up the great work Joe!


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