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Monday, December 14, 2009


Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. will deliver his fourth “State of the County” address on Friday, December 18th, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Government Office Building. The speech will be covered live on PAC 14. The presentation is open to the public.

Under the new Wicomico County Charter, the County Executive is required to issue a report annually on the state of the county’s financial condition. Besides commenting orally on the economic situation, Mr. Pollitt will distribute a written report on the county’s accomplishments and financial activities for Fiscal Year 2009.

Mr. Pollitt said, “I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share the difficult challenges and great opportunities that we have had and will have as our county moves forward through this time of economic crisis.”


  1. Hopefully this will be his fourth and final report.

  2. Joe this doesn't really belong here, but I was reading DelmarvaNow this morning noticed this article:

    Wicomico to vote on Civic Center lot Purchase

    Initially, I wasn't going to read it, but boy am I glad that I did!

    The Times disguised some budget issues as well as Council and Executive payraises that will be discussed during Tuesday's Council session within this article. Seems like a harmless article involving purchasing the long awaited and unnecessary parking lot from the Old Salisbury Mall, right? Well yeah that's right, but that's only half the article. They go on to state that that County's budget issues and Council and Executive pay raise discussions will be on the Tuesday agenda as well!

    This is absolutely ridiculous! I'm forced to take furlough days and I'm in constant fear of losing my job despite the fact that I work much harder than most of the long term County employees for less pay while the Council and Executive are talking about pay raises for themselves?! Every single Council member is retired and/or has some current source of constant income. My job IS MY ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME-If I lose my job I stand to LOSE EVERYTHING! My life and family's well being are at stake and YOU ALL ARE TALKING ABOUT RAISES!? Taking food out of my child's mouth? I'm sorry that I don't get the luxury of being an elected official and having an additional $16-19K to pad my pockets each year. Being on Council is a part-time job and if they were truly there to "serve the people" of Wicomico County then they would be doing it pro bono.

    I will make this promise: If I am laid off, I WILL run for council, I WILL win the seat, there WILL be drastic changes AND I WILL DO IT FOR FREE! The salary I save by not taking pay would save at least 15 good people like myself from taking furloughs!

    I can guarantee that any council member that is dumb enough to support pay raises for local legislators will officially sign there political death certificate.

  3. This job pays over 100,000 a year, are you telling me not a single person is goinjg to run against this guy?

  4. Do you think he will utter the words "tax revenue cap" and, if so, how many times?

  5. How long until we can tell him:


  6. What a good time to say that he is letting the "public information officer" go, for good.

  7. When is he going to recommend more budget cuts?

  8. In today's Daily Slime:

    The study recommended a phased-in pay increase for the county executive's position, which by the fourth year would reach $110,331, up from the $85,000 a year now.

  9. Rick:

    That gravy train don't stop here anymore!

  10. 12:53 - you can be assured that a republican will run against him - most have speculated it will be John Cannon of the County Council. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rick challenged within his own party.

    Rick is meeting with the Council tomorrow at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Council to discuss the $6 million budget cut and it won't be pretty. He then will finalize what he will say Friday morning based on decisions reached tomorrow.

    If you are a county employee, you better be afraid. He doesn't even have this year's budget straightened out and it will soon be time to work on next year's budget. Challenged? you better believe he will be.

  11. The guestion becomes "who" will be speaking? Will the person that gets paid to do the public speaking be the one?

  12. Nobody beats Mr. and Mrs. Smith...

  13. A 110K? Sorry but that is comparable to buying a piece of bubble gum for $100.

  14. 12:00..As I understand it, those are recommendations from the pay study commission.I think the council has to vote on them and it would be my guess that they will not adopt the recommendations at this time.


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