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Friday, December 11, 2009

Jonathan Taylor & Others Have Joe Albero Removed From Bell Ringing for Salvation Army

Jonathan Taylor and his minions have gone so far as to have called and harassed Sam’s Club corporate offices because Joe recorded a show at Sam's Club's front entrance featuring fund-raising efforts for the Salvation Army, and other charitable donation programs. They have taken the time out of their empty lives to harass WRDE because Joe has air time on their station. Only God and the Salvation Army local and their headquarters know how many harassing phone calls came in from these people.

Jonathan Taylor said, "This has happened because numerous people complained to both companies about Albero being outside the stores and how uncomfortable they felt being near him and were taking their business elsewhere."

Why do they care if Joe stands out there in wet, freezing weather while ringing the bell? Why do they care if Joe is supporting an organization that he believes in, that helps needy families? Their goal seems to be to stop any and all activities involving Joe Albero, charitable or not, no matter what the cost to others. Due to their overzealous concern over the participation of Joe Albero, there will be no one to fill the empty time slots at Sam’s Club or any other location at a moment's notice. How much in donations will be lost directly due to the malicious efforts of these twisted people? It can be verified by those at the Red Kettle Campaign that the buckets were filled after Joe stepped in to fill time slots throughout the day. Will this radically change? Does the Salvation Army stand to lose $400 to $500 a shift every day until the Kettle campaign ends? Could it even be more? And how will it affect the services that would be provided by those monies?

We hold no ill will towards Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart the Salvation Army, or anyone else who has suffered at the hands of these demented people. Indeed, we commissurate with them, and feel sorrow for their loss. What are they to do - act in an expedient manner and salvage what they can of the biggest donation season of the year, or continue to spend countless man hours fielding slanderous and defamatory calls from those whose hatred overrides their sensibilities and connection with the efforts of those who care.

Jonathan Taylor, John Robinson, Tom McGuire, The Burkes and others have won. YIPPEE!!! Good for them, they won. What did they win? They won the right to brag about how they have cut the throats of local charitable organizations. Damn if that isn’t something of which they can be proud. Insanely proud. Lastingly proud. They are just a few of the verified names provided to those charities called when the identities of callers was requested. Muir Boda, former candidate for city council, is a manager at the North Wal-Mart store, is he complicit in these schoolyard antics? These are the same people who throw their support behind the likes of Gary Comegys, Louise Smith and Shanie Shields, not because they believe in them, but because they know that they can be controlled. The same people to whom someone on the council majority regularly and reliably leaks information. The same people who have consistently, over the years, acted to spend millions and millions we don't have and can't afford, accept grants for crap that we don't need and then can't afford to maintain without raising taxes, and who continue to act as if they are the pawns that they are, not the responsible representative that they should be. These are the people whose backers point fingers?

So, while the public teat-sucking Jonathan Taylor, the fool who thinks that he has friendship in the people who egg him on, sits comfortably in front of his computer spewing the venom that entertains all twenty-five of his supporters and a dozen more regular readers, accompanied by his side-kick, good ole buddy John Robinson, claim as a victory that they prevented Joe Albero from ringing the bell for the Salvation Army this year, whose 2008 efforts raised local Salvation Army Kettle donations to a level not seen in many, many years, and whose continued efforts promised this year to drive donations up even more.

The bottom line here is there are many time slots that need a commitment, and since Joe can’t jump in and fill them as needed, we are reaching out to you, our readers, to help us, to continue to help the Salvation Army at the Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club locations. Please don’t let these people hurt those who will benefit from your contributions of time and effort. This is the season to act and think of the welfare of others. Some would call it a Christian effort. We prefer to call it a human effort, a humane effort. Thanks to all who have volunteered, and to all of those who will volunteer. And please accept our best regards and best wishes for the season and the upcoming year.


  1. what was the statement from the businesses and the Salvation Army?

    Can we still ring the bell and wear or say something about salisbury news??

  2. why cant we boycot wal mart north

  3. This had gone too far. Is is now Joe's turn to take legal action. He needs to sue the fat green idiot for libel and slander. Even if he loses, he will cost JT and his handlers money for legal services.

  4. Don't boycott Walmart. Let's support the Salvation Army and volunteer for the time that Joe can't ring any more. If we are going to boycott anyone it should be John Robinsons stores.

  5. There are two sets of doors to wal mart. If Joe is at one and you are SCARED of him use the other door. I'll bet these a$$holes didn't sign up for even 5 minutes to ring the bell.

    Hey, when you see children cold, hungry living in a car this could be your fault. You are at fault Johnathan and your cronies. There wasn't enough money to help those children.

    Carma will happen to you. One of these days you will be sitting in the cold, no heat, not enough to eat. When you call the
    Salvation Army they wont have money or food to help you.

    Joe we appreciate your efforts. If evryone took the time you have we would have enough money to help alot of needy people. It is the scum of the earth who ruin things for alot of people.

    You few I have only one thing to say to you. May your soul rot in hell. It will.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Classic.... "I will get my way reguardless of the fall out" How can these idiots really feel they accomplished anything. This is really sick.

  8. This news is shocking! For Taylor and his followers to spew hyperbole regarding Joe or anyone else in an effort to lash out, strike a blow or orchestrate a personal vendetta against him at the expense of those that benefit directly from the #1 fundraising event for the Salvation Army's entire year is an abomination! For those responsible I hope you get an extra hot room in hell for your role in this! I am so tired of people like this sniping at what is good about our community and if given the chance would enjoy the opportunity to express my utter contempt to these "voices of SATAN" and the impact that results from this stupidity. For each of you responsible may God have mercy on your souls! If you know me and see me please let me know you had a role in this so I can pray for God to be merciful to those around you when he brings judgement on you for what losses result from your vile conduct. Chip Carper Hebron,MD

  9. Joe had a show to be done and to ring the bell. So he did both so as not to let anyone down. I commend him for that.

    I dont shop Robinsons and now never will. Boycot the business.

    Joe and the other bell ringers were NOT standing in the doorway of Wal mart so you had to get in his face to get thru the door. You hardly knew they were there unless you heard the bell ringing.

    I dont know how these people can stand to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning. They need to be ashamed of themselves.

    YOU didnt make any friends cheating the Salvation Army out of money and cheating needy children out of Christmas and something to eat and warm clothing.

  10. Everyone volunteer and wear a sweatshirt saying SBYNEWS.COM in real big letters. That'll let Sam's and Walmart know who sent you!

    Sick ba$tard$, those JT people. The REAL Grinch got a heart. This pig's just keeping shrivling.

  11. This is how it is in Salisbury and I've said it here before.
    The people trying to do GOOD in Salisbury end up getting the shaft by people like this AND by those in their ivory towers.
    It does not matter how much good you are doing for the needy or any other organization, these people do not care!
    That is why I refuse to do anything in Salisbury. I will help charities in other areas, but I will NEVER get involved in Salisbury again!
    Joe, I know EXACTLY what you're going through! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and threw it away!
    God Bless You Joe!

  12. Why not get an electronic petition going in support of Joe's unselfish efforts and send it to the corporate management of the stores involved? There's a darn sight more of us than them. Could also expose Taylor for what he is to the mgmt.

  13. I say we all call Sams and tell them we want Joe back or we will go to Target, Walmarts #1 competitor

  14. Has anyone called Robinsons to ask if John will be picking up the shifts he's forced Joe out of? If they got dozens and dozens of phone calls ...

  15. Joe you need to call Walmart Corporate right away. I'm not sure they will be happy about the political manituplation their managers have sucomed to.

  16. How many of you are going to fill slots? I got my 3 hour slot for next week.

  17. Anon 10:04 - Unfortunately, electronic petitions are not valid.

    I do like the idea of volunteering and wearing Sby. News shirts!

  18. Muir Boda is a security officer. Delusions of grandeur like the rest of the idiots.

  19. Who is this Taylor guy. Does he have a serious mental problem or something. Can't believe his hate has gone as far as it has to hurt people that need the services provided by the Salvatiion Army. That includes toys for their children and their Christmas dinner.Man you and your buddies need to start acting like adults.I guess the reason your green is because of envy for Joe and the good he was doing until your childish ways stopped him. YOU NEED TO ALL GROW UP.

  20. I don't get it. I have better things to do with my then go after a cigar smoking Big Italian Teddy Bear bell ringer.

  21. wouldn't it be nice to rid salisbury of these blood suckers! as a matter of fact I think what they have down will effect the poor the most in this community, so wouldn't it be nice if all those who are poor and find themselves desparate enough to steal make it a point to steal from those who have hurt their community the most!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Why did they capitulate to the demands of those morons? Joe ALWAYS has glowing things to say about Sams Club-what a bunch of asslickers.

  24. This is the saddest thing. I'd hope that those managers who made this decision realize that they've been duped. AND, I hope that the people of SBY recognize that the managers were duped. AND that they will be more harmed than helped by making this decision. I will certainly seek out management whenever I next go to either of these stores to voice my disappointment in what they've (stupidly) done. I hope you all do the same.

  25. I tried to post this on the Grinch's website but was rejected:

    "I don't care too much for Joe but this has to be the most childish thing I have ever seen... The only people you are hurting are the less unfortunate. Now I hope that everyone who has taken their time to call and complain about Joe Albero donates their time in the cold weather to fill the empty slots at the Sams Club.

    10:11 Will you? or would you rather call and complain at the next location Joe donates his time to work at?"

  26. Fed Up Rebel calling Walmart and Sams might do more harm than good. We need to protect the Salvation Army. The end result of complaints could result in Walmart and Sams making the bad decision of not allowing the SA to be posted there any longer.

    The best thing to do is volunteer your time in those locations and continue to help the SA.

  27. Do any of you think before speaking?

    Did anyone either donate or not because of Joe or Jonathan?

    This has no impact on the SA.

    Really folks..very few if any will change their shopping habits. Bottom line is the dollar bill.

  28. So, fatso's at it again.

  29. 10:04, I think you're on the right track. Jonathan CAN be beaten at his own game. I've already spoken with management at the local Wal Mart and Sam's, told them I'll never spend another dime with them (which I won't. I'd rather support local businesses anyway, except for Robinson's Clock Shop.) And I made sure it was abundantly clear why I'm taking this action.

    C'mon SBYNEWS fans. Joe's been there for us for years now. Let's not roll over and play dead now that we have the chance to stand up for him and be there for him - and for what's right. Jonathan is just like any other spineless bully: Unless we stand up to him and show we're going to fight back with all what we've got, he's just going to keep getting away with crap like this.

    I'm also going to write letters to corporate headquarters today.

    Does anyone out there agree with me on this?

  30. Post the phone #'s and mailing addresses. I've got some time to try to right this wrong. Let's do it.

  31. This is the best thing that has happened so far for Joe , most of the people who support Joe have meaning in their life and are not
    swayed by these stupid acts. Now we know how these other idiots survive. They will bury themselves and they won't even know it. They are certainly hitting the bottom of the barrel.

  32. 10:54, I respectfully disagree with you. I agree with what you said about volunteering one's time for the SA, but not so far as not calling Sam's goes, I think they need to be made aware of the error they have made. Believe me, if they hear from enough irate SBY citizens and realize that said citizens are going to "vote with their wallets" to show their feelings, they will take notice. Like most big business, it's about the almighty dollar. It HAS to be!

    I have already rang the bell and will be doing so again as a direct result of this fiasco.

    BTW, if the "big boys" ban the red kettles from their properties and that fact is covered by the national media (which can easily be made to happen), it's they who are going to end up with egg on their faces, not the SA. It's hard to see how the majority of the public would feel the SA is the "culprit" here.

  33. I am returning ALL Christmas purchases made at Robinsons' today. Hit him where it hurts! Salisbury Pewter purchases can be made directly over the phone with Salisbury Pewter , now located in Easton and shipped to my door.

  34. 10:56, if you truly believe that Jonathan's minions won't or haven't followed his lead, I'm afraid you don't know that bunch well enough.

    Or perhaps it's just that you haven't been one of his victims. I have!

  35. and after all this will jonathan and his misfits volunteer to ring the bell NOT because they have done their part why because they are fat lazy bums and the worthless end of society

  36. 11:17, GOOD FOR YOU!!

  37. Wow what a bunch of jerks.

  38. 11:10, here's the address shown on their corporate site:

    702 SW 8th Street
    Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611

    My letter's already in today's mail

  39. Now that's pretty evil, even for someone who believes himself to be the Grinch's cartoon character.
    Serious mental issues there, but who is there other sicko?

  40. I just spent over an hour on the phone with corporate offices of Walmart and Sam's Club and the local store managers.

    Call and let them know about their poor decision. If you call corporate be prepared for the robo answering service before getting a real person.

    Sams Corporate 1-888-746-7726
    Walmart Corporate 1-800-925-6278

    Local WM Store # 1890 Manager Kevin Fullmer 410-860-5095

    Local Sams # 6383 Manager Paul Mann 410-860-8466

  41. Green man-

    Please stop trying to find your identity through Joe's coat tail.
    You will never measure up. My suggestion is stop eating all of the junk food that is causing severe moods swings and join the gym.

    It is not our fault that you cannot see your private part.

  42. I am calling them now and also writing them a nice letter. Its time to drive them insane.

  43. Anon 11:17,
    Thank you for the info on Easton Salisbury Pewter.

  44. JT is a POS stalker.

  45. I just talked to Jessica at the Sam's club number. She escalated my complaint and is having management call me back. We shall see how long it takes.

    BJ'S in Millsboro is comparable to Sams AND tax free.


  46. If I was manager at Sams I'd pull Alberos account and see how much they stand to lose monthly if he closed it. He is there everyday buying something.

  47. You can also go to walmartstores.com and click on CONTACT US in the top right hand corner of the page and email them

  48. The antics of these twisted left wing radicals have gone to far. The children are the real losers here and not Joe Albero. People of this community banded together last year and made the bell ringing campaign the most successful in many years. These individuals prove that their motives are vicious and harmful to a very worthwhile cause that benifits the less fortunate of this community.

    You may think you have won a battle, but you have only shown your ignorance. Your actions will serve to motivate the many volunteers and attract new ringers to pick up the slack that you have caused. I dont ever recall seeing or hearing about the complainers volunteering their time to ring. Until you have taken the time to volunteer in the freezing cold then you have no right to criticize others. I did and walked away with a wonderful feeling.

    You have placed your personal feelings ahead of a good cause. Some day you will have to answer for your actions. Sign me up Salvation Army.

  49. Put your fat behind in that green suit Taylor and hit the kettles. If your going to cause a problem then have a solution. The Grinch is a symbol of one who hates Christmas and your true to your character.

  50. I have sent this to Fox News it deserves media attention. I would suggest others email Bill O'Reilly.

    His email is:oreilly@foxnews.com

  51. I have talked to both wal-mart and sam's club. They cannot believe the amount of phone calls they have received because of this. I also told them that I will not shop with them anymore. I have two business accounts with sam's and I can't tell how much my family and friends and shop at the wal-mart.The problem with BUBBA and JT is that the only thing that they can put in their hands is DOUBLE CHESEBURGER. Will everyone just grow up. Joe I applaud you for doing your show there. i was there and saw nothing wrong with it.

  52. It has been 1 hour and 10 minutes and no call back from Sam's top management yet.


  53. Joe,

    I just tried to post this on the other site. I'm sure it will never see the light of day.

    And again I say. What have you accomplished except to take a bell ringer away from Sams and Wal-Mart.? You haven't made Joe look bad, you have martyred him.

    Yes, you can't stand Joe Albero and he can't stand you. Go somewhere and slug it out but don't take away from people that need help.

    Joe Albero may be self promoting in everything he does. I don't care. I have enough sense to see that you have only made yourself look as bad as Joe says you are.

    You haven't accomplished anything except to cause some kettles not to be filled. I would really want that as a legacy.

    ps: I doubt that I will ever see this comment posted on your site. But that's your perogative.

  54. My Sams club membership just expired at the end of Nov. I was planning on going there to renew it and get some things this week. I guess I will put it off until I hear the outcome of this. Milsboro is not any further for me to drive to than Sam's club.
    Your choice Sam's. Do the right thing for once.

  55. Wow. The people Chief (King) Webster aligns himself with is absolutely amazing. Integrity or lack thereof speaks volumes about both of them and the rest of their clan. I bet they're not ringing any bells for the Salvation Army.

    You still rock Joe!

  56. I just spoke with Andrew a manager at Sams Club. He verified this is all true and said he was not permitted to speak about any of this. Sams has shut their mouths. Makes you wonder why?

  57. It has been two hours and Sam's Club Corporate Office has not returned my call.


    BJ's here I come.

  58. One day free pass to shop at BJ's Print it out and take a ride over.


  59. I have been to BJ's to compare prices and my family shops there. I have continued to go to Sam's since it was just what I have always done. I don't do Walmart because the aisles are too narrow and I get claustrophobic.

    BJ's is really a great place and the customer service is great.

  60. I think everyone should picket outside of Robinson's Clock place and let everyone know who even thinks of going in that place just what kind of person they are dealing with.

  61. I'll never step foot in North Wal-Mart again. They didn't have to bow down to this crap. As for Sam's I don't shop there so it won't be a loss for them.

    I'm also donating as much time as I can betwen now and Tuesday before I leave town.

    This is so childish!

  62. let us know where we can send our emails to support you joe.

  63. Mr. Records, please do NOT put Taylor on us left-wingers. That POS blows wherever the political wind goes. Before he was a staunch supporter of fiscal responsibility. Now that he hates Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero, he says they are scum for blocking "progress".

    Someday, someone using him will pi$$ him off, then he'll switch to the Sung Yung Moon Financial Party and damn them.

    That jerk's party is the Sick Vendetta Party.

    Thanks for listening and Merry Christmas to ya!

  64. I don't live on the ES and disagree with Mr. Albero on nearly every national political issue, I don't know anything about your local politics and never comment on such. Again, Mr. Albero and I are opposite political spectrums, but I see a number of huge benefits from this site; crime prevention, finding lost animals and most importantly charity. I have no idea who Jonathan or Robinson is but I find what they did despicable.
    Whatever their beef with Mr. Albero is, it should not interfere with anyone's charitable efforts.
    Trust me even we Obama-supporting-koolaid-drinking-prochoice-proclimat-liberals are on your side today. There just some things that should not be effected by ones political view.
    Happy Holidays and thank you for your charitable efforts. I will donate to SA in Towson today.


  65. I don't care about Taylor and the other idiots, but I do question why the stores, and particularly the Salvation Army bowed down to their idiotic rants? What, if I don't like a person ringing the bell, I can demand their removal and Salvation Army would be OK with that???
    I certainly hope that's not the case.

  66. The evil in some men's hearts knows no season of peace.

  67. 4:12 AMEN and AMEN again

  68. I feel these crackpots are just jealous of Joe. Hey Joe lives up to what he says he will do. He stands out in the cold to ring a bell. It would be easy just ingnore it and sit at home all warm and cozy. Before Joe filled in last year for alot of people the SA had to pay bell ringers. This took away from what they could use for needy children.
    Joe does good work for alot of people. Instead of being jealous of Joe get out and do something bigger and better. Well you can try.

  69. It's been four hours and Sam's Club Corporate headquarter's top dogs have not returned my call.


    BJ'S in Millsboro~The alternative to poor customer service and lack of empathy for the community.

  70. bastards! I don't know what Joe looks like, but I sure do love getting my news from this website.

  71. The rats are leaving Taylor's ship. I understand that two of his mouthpieces - JR and TM - are claiming they had nothing to do with the Sam's and Walmart deal.

    Oh, BOO-HOO Jonathan...your own people realize this has gone too far and are distancing themselves from you.

    It is too late for both of them though - they are already painted with your big fat green brush.

    Maybe it has dawned on JR that HE TOO IS A BUSINESS OWNER and people can boycott his business too.

    As a matter of fact - that is exactly what should be done.

    You reap what you sow - and you've sown a bunch of heartache, pain and lost revenue for the Salvation Army ..time to reap your rewards of loss of customers...you've already lost your self-respect.

  72. To hell with Sams & Wal-Mart. As far as the Salv army, Ill hold my tongue.

  73. I think everyone should call store manager Kevin Fullmer and complain how Muir Boda forced Walmart's hand shame on you Boda

  74. Time to get lawyered up Joe, I for one will do whatever I can to get these sick sick people out of my town.
    This is an outrage, Joe
    Albero (like him or not) has done more for the Salvation Army than any other single person. To harrass him and lie about him in a personal vendetta at the expense of the donations and volunteers to the Salvation Army is indeed sick-o very troubling that those in authority listened to sick-o's, I think it is time to write Sbynews on all our donations, they will know that we support the Salvation Army big time, but Joe Albero is the catalist.

  75. No matter if you like Joe or not, running this blog draws a lot of attention.

    Joe takes a hard line on certain topics and that makes him controversial. If he just wanted to be a suckup, soft news person like other news reporters then nobody would read his blog.

    The unfortunate side effect of Joe’s successful blog is that many people don’t like him. The Salvation Army and Walmart can’t afford to have polarizing characters at their front doors – even if Joe is trying to do a great thing like raising money.

  76. To the Gelantinous BLOB I hope your scooter gets a flat tire in the middle of the parking lot so you have to WALK!

  77. I respect Joe for most of the things he posts and agree with the majority of his views on current issues. I think maybe it was a strange reaction to not allow him to ring the bell at these locations. That being said I do believe that the Salvation Army's red kettle is not the place to record a half-hour TV show. I think Joe showed poor judgement on this particular occasion. I do not doubt one bit that, generally speaking, people did not make the choice whether to donate or not because of who the person ringing the bell is/was. With that in mind, I would probably not walk in front of the camera to put my money in the pot. I only noticed maybe 1 or 2 people who actually put anything in while the show was going on.

    Again, I have no beef with Joe as a person, and I do think the decision that was made to ban him from ringing for the Salvation Army at these locations was not necessary. But I do think the "on-location" show was a poor judgement call.

  78. I wonder if Mr. Albero is the only man Jonathan Taylor has ever been infatuated with.

  79. I bought all my kids skateboard stuff this year at the Connection in Salisbury. If your kids need skate stuff check them out! Dont waste your money at those "other" shops if you know what I mean!

  80. Once a business agrees to having the SA on its premises, the choice of bellringers is not left to the business. I'm sure Sam's and WalMart would not have lost an appreciable amount of money if Joe had continued to ring the bell. With the billions they make, and the number of people who would Christmas shop at those stores if Jack the Ripper was manning the kettle, this is ludicrous as well as spineless.

  81. To all the Ingnorant, Self-centered ASSES trying to keep Joe from ringing the bell....Go back to your so-called wonderful busy life. Apparently, Joe believes in doing something for the greater good of mankind for Christmas. What are you doing to help this Christmas season? Are you sitting and whining about all the families that need help? OR Are you getting off you butts to help out? Seems to me you are sitting around trying to find ways to ruin a man's reputation for doing good for local families at our local stores.

    Here's a little advise...crawl back to your hole in life and let this man have peace!!!! The only thing you should be afraid of is yourselves, and the knowledge that you care so little for your community at Christmas or any other time during the year. GOD BLESS YOU, JOE!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. I contacted Walmart last night to make a verbal complaint about Joe Albero being removed from the Red Kettle Drive with the Salvation Army. Kevin Fullmer had left the for day, but the person I spoke with did say all calls were to be requested to call Headquarters. The person I spoke with also did say that the North Salisbury Walmart was the leading store in Salvation Army donations. I told him I knew that to be true and that was due mainly to Joe
    Albero giving his time and requesting on his blog others to give theirs. I was also told that this did not have to do with the Walmart Store but the complaint originated from Sam's Club. I feel the impact that Joe has made in this community is far greater than the negative these few select will ever have.

    Just when the mayor is stepping up to his responsibility, the few again, step up the negative and the only ones they are hurting this time of year are the recipients of the Salvation Army. Joe needs to stay strong, but the community now, more than ever, needs to stand beside Joe and not behind him. The community is stronger than the few negative opinions and it is time to not put all the weight on Joe's shoulders. Call the Salvation Army, call Walmart and Sam's Club. Let us get this ban undone and shoe Joe we are a community and not a community of one leading us.

  83. If John Robinson is involved in this, that is very ironic because didnt he just try to sue joe claiming mr. albero had done something just like this to him. that he had lost business due to sladerous comments or something like that? pot meet kettle. robinson, taylor and company are a bunch of village idiots.

  84. John Robinson only cares about himself. He has some nerve stealing from some of our senior citizens. They take their gold jewelry to John and he gives them about 25 % of the value. He answers complaints with I am in business and have to make a profit. He is a dirt bag. Be careful if you are around him. They say he still carries that pistol that he shot off in his store and injured one of his employees. Careless, stupid and irresponsible people should not be allowed to play with weapons. Mental patients shouldn't either.

  85. Shame on the salvation army for letting joe go.. See how much they appreciate everything you have done for them? i really wonder what they do for our kids and where it really goes? Who tells them that? I don NOT have to put anymore money in those kettles. I have put a bundle,now, I am done. Sorry, Joe, they did not respect what you have done. I wonder if these little boys are out their ringing in your place?? You think?

  86. i don't get some of you....Joe did not use the red kettle to promote his show. He used his show to promote the red kettle.

    so i guess WBOC and WMDT are BAD for showing charitable events on the news. WTF???

  87. Joe,
    I am sorry that this has happened. It is amazing how many adults are petty and childish for thier own reasons. It's quite apparent most people lose sight of helping others in need. The fact that you, Joe Albero have chosen to donate your time should be commended. This is bullsh**. There are MORE people in need this year than ever. Would you look a child or person in need and tell them they don't have food because you are childish???? I don't think so!
    To all of these "so called adults" you should be ashamed of yourselves. This man is willing to give his time to stand in any weather to get donations and because of your childish and petty antics there will be less money. Who gives a shit who is behind that bell? They are willing to do it,that is more than we can say for a lot of people. Every one of you that have made your mind up to have a school yard fight GROW THE HELL UP!!!!!
    It is pitiful to see what has become of our society. Maybe they should put a fence around salisbury to keep all the nuts behind it together. How would you feel to be discriminated against?

  88. He really IS a Grinch......but judging by all the comments he doesnt have a chance in hell of stealing Christmas this year because thankfully there are still alot of good people in the world.My schedule is tight this time of year but you can bet I always drop something in the red kettle.


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