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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hope N Change

Did you happen to catch Glenn Beck's show yesterday? He had a graph up that showed past presidents and the percentage of each president's cabinet appointees who had previously worked in the private sector. You know a real life business, not a government job? Remember what that is? A private business???

Roosevelt - 38%

Taft - 40%

Wilson - 52%

Harding - 49%

Coolidge - 48%

Hoover - 42%

FDR - 50%

Truman - 50%

Eisenhower - 57%

Kennedy - 30%

LBJ - 47%

Nixon - 53%

Ford - 42%

Carter - 32%

Reagan - 56%

GHWB - 51%

Clinton - 39%

GWB - 55%

And the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner is.........................

Obamanos - 8%

YEP, EIGHT PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!! And these are the guys holding a "job summit" this week? This ought to go really well!!!! I'm gonna go out on a limb here, I know, but I'm gonna go ahead and predict.... WE'RE SCREWED!!!!!

So, HEY, how's that "Hope n Change" workin' out for ya?


  1. Obama has surrounded himself with people just like him. Inept, incompetent, government slugs, just like him.

  2. I was told by a heavy duty liberal this week from California that Obama is doing really well in turning our country around....Ha Ha! Guess those people out there in California have drank the kool aid!

  3. doesn't making bombs to kill cops and actively working to overthrow our currrent system of government count as private sector?

  4. Democrats remind me of a dog chasing a car they finally caught one and don't know what to do !

  5. So, wait. If he has industry people working for him, you slam him. If he doesn't have industry people working for him, you slam him. Sounds to me like he'll never do anything that you agree with.

  6. 12:11 Not at all just pointing out the lack of experience of this Administration has. I'm sure you already realized this if you look around to see whats going on in the country !

  7. How many people have caught on to the trend in the percentage of people on unemployment? In August/September the rates dropped. That's the same month kids were going back to school and opening up those great $7.50 an hr positions. The rates dropped a little at the end of November beginning of December right when the Christmas temp. positions increase. So that means in three maybe four weeks tops the unemployment rate will rise again.

    I cannot believe the general public is so ignorant to not use common sense and see the trend. Then again I couldn't believe the general public voted that person in office.

  8. Come on folks. Obama doesn't choose these people. The Masters choose them, just like they chose him.

  9. 12:11 You must have drank the koolaid too !! Obama is a JOKE !!

  10. Even worse that htis whole Beck chart is completely wrong. Go look it up for yourself and see why.


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