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Monday, December 14, 2009

Google Employees Testing New Mobile Device

'Nexus One' could be sold directly to consumers as soon as next year

Google's employees are testing a new mobile device that runs on the company's Android operating system, as the search giant continues its push into the wireless market and toward more direct competition with Apple's iPhone.

In a blog post Saturday, Google said the new device, dubbed "Nexus One" combines hardware built by an unnamed partner with its Android software. The free software is crucial in Google's efforts to make its search engine and other services as accessible on cell phones as they already are on personal computers.

Google handed the device out to employees across the globe so they could "experiment with new mobile features and capabilities," and give quick feedback on the new technology, said Mario Queiroz, vice president of product management, said on the company's blog.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. right. now, not only will google have all of our web search history, but now they will have everyone we talk to.

    it is not smart to have all your data controlled by one organization. that is one point of failure for hacking, mis-use of data, etc.

    And you do know who the biggest customer of buying data is right? that would be the federal government. They buy data from companies like Experion, Google, etc.

    Google could be one of our biggest problems in privacy we have ever had.

  2. I heard that the future device will include a brain implant that links to the android server.
    Just like the character Data in the Star Trek tv series, the implant will include an emotion chip.
    Because the founders of Google are strong Obama supporters, the implant will be activated whenever the liberals and Obama want to pass some Marxist policy into law.
    This will cause all those with the implants to be unable to use reason and thus follow the directions of their leader Obama.


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