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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fannie, Freddie CEOs To Get Up To $6 Million In Pay

Merry Christmas from their buddies at the Federal Housing Finance Agency!

After needing $111,000,000,000 in taxpayer bail-out funds!!

Fannie, Freddie CEOs to Get Up to $6 Million in Pay Federal regulators plan to disclose that the top executives of government-controlled mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac each earned between $4 million and $6 million this year.



  1. Are we nuts letting this go on and on?

  2. Some of Barney Franks butt buddies. The corruption is unbelievable, and it's only going to get worse. There is no stopping them. Even if we clean house in November, the next bunch will be just as bad as long as we keep electing career politicians who have never done anything except lie, cheat and steal. America is toast, we just haven't crumbled yet.

  3. Time for the poor working stiffs to stand up to the mighty rich, go to the streets , fight take back america for the working man.
    These sobs take all the money made at someone elses labor.
    Then they take it from our tax money.
    Stop these ass---- now before all working people have nothing.
    All politicians and rich go to ====.


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