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Monday, November 30, 2009


It has been reported that Jim Ireton is directing the media to Barrie Tilghman to discuss the latest estimate – almost $50 Million – to “fix” Salisbury’s new sewage treatment plant. Even if she can be fully blamed for this debacle that occurred during her tenure as mayor, that’s not proper leadership by Ireton.

He should be ready, willing and able to discuss this matter, both the technical details and the City’s lawsuit against the engineers, which is now pending in the federal court in Baltimore. For instance, will there be a ruling before trial on that provision in the contract that limits the liability of the engineers to $1 Million?

Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. The City needs to get an independent law firm to represent it in this fiasco.

  2. Barrie & Bubba's biggest boondoggle, but just one of many.

  3. 10:24 The best. Hire Lee Clarke. He kicks a$$ and takes numbers.

  4. this just proves Ireton is nothing more than a part time teacher who should have never been elected mayor. Sorry Bob!

  5. Maybe we do need a better accounting of how the wool was slipped over our eyes by Tilghman and crew. I smell dirty money and Tilghman politics.

  6. Do you think BPT will comment or even respond. She got out because she knew there were major problems and did not want to take responsibility for them. She dumped everything in Ireton's lap and is laughing all the way to the bank for what she received these past years from her friends.

  7. I agree with 10:24. An independent law firm, one with big chops, is the only way to go.
    We've been sucking at the hind tit after everything Paul Wilber does, and this will likely be the same story.

  8. The clause screws you, there is no case past the clause. Its a big pile of poo-poo and every tax-payer will get a bite.

  9. Anonymous said...

    If Jim is using the mayor of Salisbury as a stepping stone to further politics he surely picked the wrong stone for footing. He will sink with the stone itself.

    12:00 PM

    Funny you should say that!!

    "SALISBURY NEWS: Mayor out of the office with broken ankle"

  10. He's using the Obama strategy of blaming his predecessor .

  11. 1) With a pending lawsuit - I would think that protocol would prevent Mr Ireton from commenting to the media 2) Everybody knows the WTTP is a problem - one that all blame belongs to Mrs BT, Mr GC, et al of the bunch and all prior admin 3) Will the prior admin be testifying in court? 3) To the idiot whose ignorant comments re females, sexuality, and the truth setting anyone free it has nothing to do with the problem; and raising to the bait, I think you are below ignorant!

  12. Ireton was the best of the two candidates. Our city government has become such a target that the really good ones don't want to run.

  13. Government officials talk about pending cases all the time -- Holder and the terrorist trial to be held in NYC comes to mind first, but there are many other instances.

  14. 12:36-

    So, can't he use crutches or a wheel chair if needed?

  15. Now maybe he will be a full time, if somewhat disabled mayor for a time!

  16. Jim:

    Sorry about the slip & fall (or whatever befell you). While you are recuperating, please look into getting another law firm to handle the City's lawsuit against the engineer firm. That's essemtial. to say the least.

  17. Anon 12:28 why did you tell the Mayor to wear high heels? Now look what happened.

  18. well there is your first problem, we have no one to choose from but the lesser of 2 evils, with everyone in govt basically corrupt or on their way to it, all we get to do is pick from the lesser of the 2...That is why Salisbury, Wicomico county, Maryland and the Federal govt are bankrupt and still trying to squeeze a nickel out of 2 pennies...

    Now as far as the lawsuit, it does fall back on the engineers, who brought a design ment to be in the south with minor hills and such to the north area of big hills and mountains. "Mountains are in Western Maryland for those who want to act stupid" of course it wouldn't work... Plus it would also fall back on the previous mayor if she offered an incentive to have the job done on time or early as most contractors/engineers get...

  19. Our mayor is very good at passing the buck and putting his head in the sand when problems arise. We need leadership and Jim is not it. We could also do without that lost cause John Pick.

  20. The question is:

    What has been discussed downtown in the PNC building behind closed doors?

  21. Welcome to clown town.

  22. He does the same thing with the fire department. He admits Gordy needs to go and doesnt make it happen. Grow a set and show Gordy the door. You'll eliminate thousands of wasteful spending annually as well as 90% of our problems. Unfortunately the acting Chief wont know what to do without Gordy doing it for him.

  23. Why does he have the same lawyer that Barrie had?

  24. Help is on the Way!!!

  25. Help is on the way!!!


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