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Monday, November 30, 2009

East Side Deli Update

I just received a phone call from a close Family Friend. Greg Knowles is stable and recovering. They still have the breathing tube in him but plan on removing it some time tomorrow.

We all need to remember here that Greg is looking at months of recovery. The East Side Deli is a Family run business and now Greg will have to work hard at recovery. Please, whatever you can do to show your support for this fine man and his Family please consider doing so during the next few months.

our thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to the Knowles Family.


  1. Greg and his wife and the ladies that work at East Side Deli are wonderful people. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of them!

  2. Thank God and the veteran shock trauma team at PRMC.

  3. We need to have a large protest at Salisbury PD offices at 699 W. Salisbury Pkwy Wednesday Evening at 7pm! (or anynight but Friday night when football championships are)


  4. Sorry, that's Cigar Club night at the Fountain's.

  5. So glad to know Mr. Knowles is stable, what a great guy. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

  6. Thank goodness Greg is going to be ok. He and his staff are the best. He did not deserve this. Hang in there Greg! Your wife and wonderful staff will surely take care of your business.

  7. What a sorry state this pathetic community is in, brought on by years of petty bickering by our elected officials, which has held this community hostage, while they push their self centered agendas. The lack of leadership in this community has been obvious for years.

    This is a crime ridden minimum wage community because your elected officials were too busy being impressed with themselves and did not and do not, have the skills required to keep or bring prosperous employment into this community.

    Don’t condemn the patrolmen who are putting themselves on the line everyday, in a futile attempt to keep us safe.

    Small town, small minds

  8. This increase in crime is just another reason the responsible, stable and good character citizens should be allowed to get a concealed gun permit for their protection. This would also deter the criminals because they would not know if their intended victim is armed or not. Some action needs to be taken. The police can't be everywhere. We citizens must take an active role.

  9. Greg is a man who would give anyone the shirt off his back, he would have handed them the deli before fighting back, but they acted with hatred and shot him...for no reason. I PRAY that the fool who did this is quickly apprehended. Please pray hard, it will be a long recovery from this point on

  10. I have known this man and his family extremely well and I i honestly say he is in the top two nicest most generous people i've ever had pleasure of knowing. Why do such horrible things always happen to the best people? I hope they catch this leach scumbag and they should hang him up by his feet and let the family and friends play a lil louisville pinata.

  11. There shouldn't be any bickering about this. This is a tragedy, I agree, but this is what you folks wanted! You wanted progress, so now deal with it. I am a been here, and I told everyone what was gonna happen, but NOOOO, we need more money and more people to move into the area, so we can make more money. Just deal with the crime that comes with Progress!!!

    Now back to our regular broadcast,, Webster, The Fake!!!

  12. I think the council needs to be asked what the hell they are planning on doing about this. If you want to protest, go there and ask them. How much more of this do we have to put up with?

  13. This specific forum should be with regards to Greg and his family. I agree something has to be done about the crime.

  14. CLEARLY this is a state of emergency situation here in SBY. When an unarmed, taxpaying citizen is afraid to leave their home after dark to run to a convenience store, or grab carry out for dinner, then it's time for emergency measures. Our police officers, who don't set policy or make the rules that they must live by, spend their time responding to instead of deterring crime then the policies and rules need to change. This city has become, in the last few years, a scary place to live or work. AND, if you're NOT scared, you're stupid. OR armed.
    BTW, we DO need to support the businesses who are the victims of these crimes. Just do it during daylight hours.

  15. All police operations must be turned over to Sheriff Lewis now! Enough is enough, this is a wonderful family that works hard to run a great business and to have some loser shoot Mr. Knowles is unacceptable. Mike Lewis needs to be the head of all law enforcement by sun down today. Look what he has done with the sheriff department!

  16. 11:03 PM, you are so correct in those statements. I live in the same community as East Side Deli and I have known Greg and his wife for all of those years as I have frequently patronized their establishment. I have also lived those years of the worst elected officials I have ever seen and it is far worse now. We have a lying mayor that conned everyone to get elected and he took sides with the enemy and turned his back on us. Where is he now? Why doesn't he do something about these problems? I knew when Ted Shea, the County Administrator got shot and Jim Ireton did absolutely nothing we were a sinking ship.

    Jim Ireton do us all a favor and resign.

    Greg and your family God Bless You!

  17. The bad guys are winning. How sad.
    Thoughts and prayers are with Greg and his family.

  18. Just yesterday I passed a SP officer with radar stopping vehicles I guess for speeding. Is that all they are capable of doing in this crime riden community?
    They cant seem to find the dudes in their hoodies and masks robbing business owners who work long hours every day to make a living.

  19. 7:19,
    So you are blaming this shooting and the Ted Shea shooting (which happened before Ireton was mayor) on Ireton? Makes perfect sense. How about setting your obvious political slant aside for 5 minutes and thinking about how we can help this family.

  20. Hey 7:47, you wet pants liberal, Ireton was running for Mayor at the time and knew what was on his plate while doing so.

    Mr. Crime is my #1 priority is completely full of sh!t and you know it.

    The Chief of Police needs to be terminated immediately. I will ask Sheriff Lewis to please offer to take over the City until they find a replacement.

  21. Wasn't there a report of a robbery at this establishment just a week or two ago, or a misreport. I just seem to remember something about a robbery before?

    Webster should resign, the public needs to turn out in force at each and every City Council meeting and demand to know what our Council members are going to do! Over the years Webster has continued to ask for additional officers while the Council voted no, and spent us into debt on fire equipment, tax breaks for developers, and failure to property tax for annexations!!!

  22. sad state of affairs when someone has been shot, fighting for their life and the detectives can go home within two hours of the incident. but i guess if all you can do is take a report then thats all you can do. chief was probably home in the recliner watching football.

  23. Hey Joe,
    So you think blaming Ireton for Ted Shea's shooting--WHEN HE WASN'T MAYOR--makes sense? Give me a break. I agree he should fire Webster and damn the consequences, but it is ludicrous to blame the guy for everything, particularly for something that happened when he wasn't mayor. You might as well blame him for the WWTP, too.

  24. You can blame the Mayor, City Council, Police Chief, the economy, Christmastime all you want.....bottom line is these scum have no respect for others, have no intention of being anything other than a drain on society, and have no fear of punishment.
    Want to stop this crime wave? Let's have photos of criminals lying DEAD in a pool of their own blood after an unsuccessful attempt to harm tax-paying citizens.
    You have to protect yourselves!

  25. Best wishes to greg and family. He is what America is all about. Poverty has nothing to do with this. Are you more likely to be biten by a fat well fed dog raised with no socialization or training or a socialized well trained dog who is hungry? It is about people not raising their children!

  26. Hang in there Greg, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    You certainly didn't deserve this, but you are one of us, the hard working, honest, law abiding ctizens who get trampled on, time and time again, by those whose agendas don't quite coincide with public safety or well beeing, and the panzy officials and politicians they have in their pockets. I am so sorry for your ordeal!

  27. Don't ask council what they are going to do about crime. Only two of them pushed for more officers over toys for boys.

    Instead, go to council and don't be pansied about telling them and Ireton to FIRE THAT WORTHLESS CHIEF!

    Economy, my a$$. If our men (and women) in blue had a leader, they'd be out kicking a$$ instead of looking for a real cop force to serve on.

  28. To the Knowles Family: Our community lifts you up in spirit and in prayer as you deal with this terrible tragedy. In all of this put your faith in God. It's going to be a long road to recovery, both physically and emotionally. Stay strong. You have our support and love. Lean on us when you need to.

    Joe, If you hear anything today, please let us know. There are a number of members of the community and the church who want to be sure that Greg will be ok. We certainly don't want to over burden the family with too many of us at the hospital. Greg is well-known and loved by all. Thanks so much.

  29. Best wishes to Greg, Denise & the kids. You guys have a long difficult road ahead of you. You do so much for others now let God take care of you. You're in our prayers.

  30. Who has to get shot , robbed or raped to get rid of the worst chief of police ever. Maybe the mayor? Our good friend mayor Berry got rid of the last true chief who would not put up with this Chief Dykes. This administration is letting crime ruin our town and running business away with uncooperative departments hurting local unemployment and taxes. Shame on Jim Ireton boy did we as voters get suckered

  31. Why ask the Chief to resign? That is the most assinine request. there are several areas that justify FIRING his A$$. That way he will receive NO benefits and only receive the money he contributed to his retirement, no tax payerr funded share. He resigns and he gets all benefits etc. Crime in Salisbury is balancing on the edge of a 1000 foot drop and tilting quickly. There is no more time for stalling in reversing this catastrophy. It is spreading to the County at an alarming rate. I will use my any defense I have to protect my Family and property. Hint it is 20 rounds +.

  32. It's obvious that we have lost our humanity in America. It begins in the home or lack there of. Kids having kids. Drug addicts unable to raise the children they have. It's time America turns its focus to domestic issues and stop trying to turn the whole world into a democracy. We've left our country to rot as we try to make over the world to reflect our image.

  33. While I agree that more of these criminals need to be found dead at the scene of the crime and pictures taken of them in their own blood. I think the ones who don't get shot need to face tougher laws and have less rights. I don't mean longer jail terms i mean if you rob or steal your hand is cut off. If you rape your penis is cut off. If you kill your killed no questions asked. Bet that slows the crime down quick and in a hurry. Criminals have more rights then you and I do. Hell if you shot someone trying to rob you you would most likely be in jail before they are.

  34. Until there is accountability for ones own actions crime rates will continue to climb. When someone does something like this they should be sentenced to death. After all his attempt was to kill a hard working caring committed family man so he deserves no less than he attempted to do to someone else. Stop showing these criminals they can get away with committing crimes and they will learn to either stop or take it to another area where the judicial system caters to the criminals with things like plea deals and reduced sentences.

    A problem cannot be handled by a police force that has a crappie leader, it just won't happen. If Webster is the problem he needs to go, plain and simple. If he is part of the problem how in the world will things improve? That's like keeping a criminal on the payroll if he is contributing to the increase in violence by turning a blind eye to it.

    Someone mentioned the crime in Annapolis and Baltimore, well how does it feel to know a rinky dink town like Salisbury is running circles around the big cities relating to uncontrolled criminal activity? It's really sad to see a town with such potential to draw in productive members of society deny that because it cannot control the criminals and because the people would rather mistreat an "implant" while peeking out the window as their car is stolen!

    Get the priorities straight and Salisbury might have a chance.

  35. 9:11 I couldn't agree more. The people who are supposed to be executed should be executed in the same way that they killed someone else. There are no consequences. Even if they catch this guy, what then? Do you think it's going to help the Knowles family or the employees who witnessed this? What's even more hateful is to see the men and women in uniform who tirelessly work to bring a suspect to justice only to have it thrown out on a technicality. WTF? Good luck to all the people working on this. To the Knowles Family and the employees of the store, we are praying for all of you. It's all too much. Just too much.

  36. Well wishes to Greg. We can keep him in our thoughts and patronize his deli. We must rally around and support and not just give lip service to it. I will be ordering from the deli this week...how about you? The deli is their source of income. They have great food and friendly service. We usually have lunch there once a week but will do it more often now.

  37. 9:10 is right. Ppl here point the finger at implants and "progress" as though they are the sole reason for the years of high crime here. Wake Up!! Retired citizens dont commit crimes and there are cities all across the US that have grown far more than dinky ol Salisbury and they arent having crime issues of this magnitude. Its a time honored tradition here, blame progress, the come heres and anything else instead of the real problem. Look at any released police reports for local arrests. 99% of those arrested are locals. Years of drug problems, gangs, high dropout rates locally and the ignorance of the general public here now has all the locals in an uproar wanting to point the finger at the few ppl that may actually have something to contribute to the area, the come heres. Local govt is ran by the good ol boys and until the community puts down their own self righteousness towards their own agendas NOTHING will change. I'm still wondering how anyone can find happiness here, most of the locals are so self absorbed, deeply disgruntled and fake that its pathetic. Ive met some great ppl here, but the majority is a very inconsiderate bunch.

    Signed a "come here".

  38. Our entire family is praying for you Greg.

  39. What will it take to have our city back? Now is the time for action! Let the Mayor and others know that we want change now!

  40. Time to let citizens carry,and time to can the Chief.

  41. OK.. I will agree that Mike Lewis is a great guy and police officer. There is still going to be crime whether or not he is in charge. The fact is that crime mostly takes place in the city because there are more businesses and more people. What do you think will happen? The thugs will stop robbing because of one man. It is going to take the efforts of the community, the police, and our rediculous elected officials to stand up and say we do not want this anymore. Start calling in suspicious activity and stop using Webster as a scapegoat and Mike Lewis as a God. If Webster were to turn in his badge and gun there would still be robberies until we drastically increase the size of SPD.

  42. Greg is a wonderful man with a lovely wife, family and staff and I am horrified that anyone is capable of such indifference. I pray for his recovery and I pray for justice.

  43. 2;08, that's right Webster could turn in his badge and it wouldn't do much because he's ruind SPD from years of lousy leading.

    Get him out now and the right person in things'll be better in a couple years. Gotta start now.


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