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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Cronies, Czars & Corruptocrats At Obama’s First State Dinner

If you want breathless, celebrity tabloid treatment of the first Obama White House state dinner — who wore what, who came with whom, what they ate — go somewhere else. This is a closer look at the cronies, czars & corruptocrats whom Obama wined and dined last night.

- SEIU president/top White House visitor Andy Stern and his lieutenant Anna Burger made the cut. You can learn more about Burger’s shady staff here and refresh your memories on Big Labor’s investment in Obama here. Hope they enjoyed the gala. Stern and Burger have bigger headaches on their plate.

- Bill Richardson and his wife. His Commerce nomination went down in flames, but he has crawled up from under the Obama bus. AG Eric Holder killed the federal probe into Richardson’s pay-to-play dealings. Like Tom Daschle, this Beltway fixture is a human toe fungus. He won’t go away.

- White House legal counsel Bob Bauer and chief Fox-basher Anita Dunn. “The Silencer” and his wife are certainly enjoying the trappings of power. Now, be quiet about it or they’ll crush you.

- Corruptocrat Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd and his wife. The Senator from Countrywide is plunging in the polls over his ethical baggage, but Obama won’t leave him behind.

- Corruptocrat energy czar Carol Browner and husband Tom Downey. She’s the transparency-undermining, document-deleting bureaucrat who has warned auto industry execs to “put nothing in writing, ever.” He’s the disgraced former congressman-turned-lobbyist. From Chapter 5 of Culture of Corruption:

GO HERE to read more.


  1. The company that you keep will dictate your furture. I'm surprised that the black panthers are his security. I wish!

  2. Blast from the past -- Bubba Comegys taking credit for the WWTP contract (statement in the election campaigh this year) -- still psoted on this blog under "AUDIO FILES" on the right.

    We are really lucky that he was not elected mayor!

  3. Right out of George's playbook.

  4. My what a stellar history of the Biden's. Such an upstanding family!
    I'm sooooo proud he is our vice president.


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