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Friday, November 20, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "American's For Prosperity Meeting TONIGHT!":

752 , you are so right!

I heard those afp people are single with no children and I'm sure all they care about is money. I'm sure they are getting a big fat check from the insurance industry and they are probably paid thousands and thousands by the evil wealthy Republicans to create dissent among unsuspecting democrats who only want what is good for all of the people.

And we Democrats only love children. We will spend any amount of money to save a childs life, just so long as it's not a fetus. If that fetus is still in the womb at ANY age, we democrats will sell that medical waste for a buck to fund welfare in a school board minute!

I also heard that all Republicans want to destroy the county school system by asking that the board of education trim some fat, like a multi-million dollar travel budget thereby saving jobs all across the county.

Those Republicans HATE ALL children and the school system as well.

We democrats only want what is best for you and your children. They really do belong to all of us, wouldn't you agree?


  1. The republicans were against social security. The republicans were against medicare. Where would we be without those two programs?

  2. 9:13

    We would all be better off without those two losers.

    Medicare is full of waste.

    Sosial security is a horrible investment. Tell me another retirement program where you get out less than what you put in.

  3. 9:13 I will tell you where we would be.
    We would still be the world leader in production. That means Jobs. Good jobs with pensions, Health insurance, benefits. But what Company would stay here if they can go to another country and do it cheeper.
    Social programs are just Socialism. The USSR's social experiment only lasted 69 years before it fell apart. The U.S. social system is 62 years old and look what it's doing.
    We have the highest multigeneration welfare recipiant rate in the world, living off the hard working American poeple. Why would someone who is getting paid to do nothing, go out and get a job.
    That is what social programs create. LAZY POEPLE.

    Tom Sawyer

  4. 9:13 We would be a lot better off.

    I'm 26 years old and each week a portion of my paycheck goes towards Social Security and Medicare. Do you think I will ever use these programs? No because they will be broke by the time I retire and I'm investing in my own retirement with a 401k.
    I agree we need health insurance reform but I do not support a government run option. Because the people who use these programs will pay nothing towards it. If we keep on this track this country will eventually collapse. People are getting lazy, fatter and expect everything from the government. Where else in the world do you see fat poor people?

  5. Social Security is a joke.there are MORE people under 60 collecting from it than over 60,because of various "disablities" that include drug addiction and alcoholism,as well as dubious mental illness.It will be broke within the decade.

  6. 913, Spoken like a true bed wetting commie, addicited to the government nipple. Fend for yourself much, loser?

  7. I love it when lefties point to social security and medicare as great success stories.They always leave out the part where the Government has already spent all the money it has collected on other programs...to the point that both programs are insolvent.

    So now we are going to pile on another huge program ( so called health reform) that will be as rife with fraud as the other two and which will be totally financed by China.

    Lefties just never managed to learn that 1+1 = 2 ...not 22


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