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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cheney To Obama: Stop ‘Dithering’

Former vice president accuses the White House of indecision over Afghanistan and urges president to "do what it takes to win."

Full story


  1. People will soon realize that what Obama does best is deliver canned speeches....he is not much of an executive and is the puppet of the money brokers on the far left.He is a huge dissapointment.

  2. Dick Cheney, the master military strategists offering some great advice; yeah right.

    Cheney needs to follow Bush's and alot of other ex-Pres./Vice Pres. playbook and STFU.

  3. The only living presidents that stay above the fray are the two Bushs'.

    Clinton and Carter keep their noses where they don't belong all the time.

  4. Anon 10:46 If you were fighting in Afghanistan you would be happy that Cheney is fighting for you.

  5. 2:07,
    Baloney. Dick "Draft Dodger" Cheney wraps himself in the flag he was too chicken to defend, puts our guys in combat without armored vehicles, and sent thousands of Americans to die in Iraq under false pretenses. You can keep your head stuck in the sand, but the rest of the world knows what happened. Being deliberate rather than rash is a good thing when lives are on the line.

  6. Dick Cheney helped to screw this country totally up ---- high gas prices, catered to big business, swore he would get Ben Laden. Not certain who has hurt us more Cheney or Al Quada.

  7. Again. Dick Cheney giving war advice is liking finding out Lou dobbbs is an illegal alien. It does not add up.

  8. We were winning the war with Bush and Cheney now were losing I'll take Bush and Cheney and winning !

  9. 4:42,

    You should come back to Earth sometime, it misses you.

  10. I disagree that Cheney was too chicken to serve.

    He was too smart to serve.

    Think about it. He KNOWS the purpose of the military. It is a tool of the elite and is used for profit. Pure and simple.

    His life is too valuable to give for profit. However, if the mind-controlled public wishes to earn a little more money than possible at McDonald's then he has always been happy to oblige.

    Wake up people. The soldiers aren't defending you and I. Our freedom is not in jeopardy. It is the Muslims' freedom in jeopardy.

  11. Right on 2:38! don't forget to throw in no bid contracts for companies that repeatedly screw the tax payers and perform shawdy work for our men overseas. I think liberals and conservatives can agree on that one.

  12. I read where bo is deploying 40,000 troops to protect his administration from Fox news...

  13. 2:07...yeah right...Cheney's service record is nowhere near as impressive as Obamas ...right...

  14. The real issue to me is this....If we are going to put our men and women in harms way then give them the means to WIN! It is inconscionable to do otherwise....we should have learned that from Viet Nam...fight the war diligently or get the hell out!

    And listen to your General instead of a boob like Joe Biden...what the hell does he know about fighting a war?????????


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