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Monday, October 26, 2009


The PNC Bank at 835 Snow Hill Road has been robbed. MSP have just been dispatched. More to come.......


  1. Notwithstanding the importance of the heath and wellbeing of the employees, this is a switch, PNC are the biggest robbers around, They have been stealing locals blind since they took over Mercantile/Peninsula Bank. I pray they go broke!

  2. I think it's time for the banks to hire armed guards.

  3. I also just heard Bennett High is on lockdown. I'm assuming it's from this.

  4. You can pretty much set your watch by these bank robberies.

  5. Joe this may be a far stretch but after reading the story about the rise in gangs yesterday and how initiation is doing something "impressive" , could the two be related? I can remember as a kid, you never heard of bank robberies around here.. whats this 4 in 2 weeks?

  6. Dear Dr. Frederickson, PLEASE start allowing access to Salisbury News as ALL of your teachers are now calling me on my cell phone to find out what the heck is going on and why they are in lock down. Clearly your Office cannot provide your Staff with this important information. If they could access Salisbury News FIRST, this could save a lot of time and money. Not that I mind being looked up to more than youself with your own Staff, it would simply make things easier for all involved. Oh, and they might respect you more too.

  7. My guess is that all schools in that area are in lockdown....Parkside, JMB, BMS and Prince Street. Safety precaution. So sad....Many of us came here to get away from this type of violence because it was always such a safe place to raise a family.

  8. The teachers dont need to be on here. They need to be teaching!

  9. There is nothing worse than sitting in a classroom with terrified students and not even knowing why or what is going on so that you can keep them calm.

  10. The Daily Times is finally on it, 1:08 PM article. WMDT & WBOC are clueless. I know WMDT is at PNC Bank but no one is updatiing their Sites. In fact, WBOC is still on weekend news on their Site.

  11. 1:12 You are an idiot. In the times that we live in today if a news outlet can provide information quickly to staff and students, why not? Would you prefer that they get on the loud speaker and announce it? Talk about panic. I swear some people never cease to amaze me.

  12. The BOE could at least put something on their website for parents letting us know they are on lockdown and why. Kids can't take cell phones and after all they are OUR kids. It does not take but one minute. They have on the bottom of their website "all schools operating on a regular schedule. RIGHT! Did not know code red was "Regular"

  13. I don't know about armed guards in banks, but passing laws that allow concealed carry by John Q. Public would go a long way toward deterring your average lowlife from acting up at your local bank.

  14. the other 3 were on the 15th... thats much more thana week ago. you do the math.

  15. I blame the economy. Deperate times brings out the desperate people.

  16. is that the same douchebag that robbed the wilmington trust on the 15th? i saw the pic on daily times site. can we get a better pic please?

  17. Two of my three kids are in lock down at their respective schools. I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for this blog.

  18. How many people have they caught committing convenience store or bank robberies in Salisbury? Doesn't seem like enough to me.

    Why would they stop if it seems so easy to get away with?

  19. You guyys are way off, this is not a bank robbery, its stimulus working. Its the new forced Health Care pln working.

    Robbers are being forced to rob bank to pay for Health care plan. Pretty soon white collar america will be doing this. Ever watch Fun with Dick and Jane.

    Thanks Pres. Obama... Change we can live with, is all we will have left change. While you your kids, and your wife will have security and money from all the books, lectures you give the rest of your life, the rest of Americans will be poor and in poverty.
    I can imagine you probably leave to go home to your native country and live there with security, money in the bank and laugh your ass off. Then pray to Alah and say I did what you want Mahamid, I crushed the stupid americans....

  20. I used to bank at a credit union that had an armed gaurd there whenever the lobby was open. It had been robbed too many times in the past. So the credit union hired someone to be at the bank. The guy that worked the job was a retired police officer. He was very friendly, knew your name and got to know people he didn't know when they came in. I can assure you that there have been no such instances since. Seems like it's becoming a pattern unfortunately. MAYOR WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS???????????????????

  21. 2:12 Health care reform hasn't gone into effect, so it has nothing to do with robbing banks.

  22. Joe, wboc has released a picture of the person who did this. it hard to see. Can you post it so that it is easier to see. Its a white mail who looks like the guy who robbed the Delmar bank last week.

  23. The school systems should have something in place similar to what they now have on college campuses. They can send out an text alert to all teachers telling them what is going on so they have a clue. It's not hard to do in smaller campus situations like a high school or middle or elementary for that matter.

  24. Bank robbery is a federal crime....where is the response from the FBI? 5 local banks within this time-frame warrants response from higher than Salisbury Police Dept & Wicomico County Sheriff.
    Now I don't want my family at any area convenience stores, financial institutions or out after dark.
    I agree with 1:34- perhaps armed citizens would control this lawlessness!

  25. 2:19 sadly you are wasting your time lamenting about the mayor's involvement in this. Don't you realize that if this sissy was going to do something about it, he would have acted this past spring?

    Its time for you, for me, for ALL of us to realize that Jimmyboy will never amount to any kind of leader and is just a plain old mouthpiece for ineptitude and malaise.

    Its also time that we all realize that the only way things are going to get done to fix the problem is to band together and fix it ourselves. How come we never hear talk of a local "neighborhood watch" program? How come Salisbury doesn't begin forming Guardian Angel type of organizations? You know why? Because the REAL taxpayers and Property owners live OUTSIDE the city and dont give a rat's azz about the local hoods, the local crews, and the local gang situation. The are safe in their little enclave and really don't care about all this stuff.

    Salisbury is little more than section 8 housing, student rentals, illegal alient rentals, and some delapidated properties the likes you find off church street being rented out by a few, corrupt landlords.

    So forget the mayor, OK. I am sick of hearing about him. He never was shi$ and never will be shi$. He would be better off going back to Rehobeth.

  26. 1:12 Teachers deserve a break too

  27. Many teachers throughout an entire school have a break from one period to the next. That being said, one, if not many more, have time to access Salisbury News to find out what's up during the day. To the person thinking they shouldn't have the right to do so on our time vurses their own never made it very far in the public school system.

  28. the gang activity and most recent crime is not a situation that blossomed all of a sudden. communities get in these types of situations over a period of time and generally after years of very obvious signs that there is a problem brewing...low wages, high-school drop out rate, unemployment, etc...gang and violence awareness education needs to start at elementary school...because that is where the recruiting begins...

  29. teachers do need to know right away what if they get inside the school eventhough it is locked down they can look out for anyone that should not be there think before you speak teachers deserve to know immediately why they are on lookdown

  30. If it wasn't for SBYNews.com this kind of information would have been held until the next day where the daily times would have finally published it in print.

    Joe, you have changed the entire scope of news and we thank you for that. You are also giving the police a helping hand catching these criminals. It's a shame Webster doesn't give you the same cooperation.


  32. anonymous 3:12, aka JR, you sure do love to stir the pot, eh JR.

  33. 3:12
    man what is your problem seems you must be black and are quite put out that a white person is taking over robbing your bank

  34. 3:12 boy, you are pathetic. Can't spell, can't compose grammatically correct sentences, and we can't understand a damn thing you are trying to say. You need to lay off that weed a little bit and, then, maybe you would be better understood.

  35. anonymous 3:29, why do you think I called him out. It's JR or JT. My guess, however, is JR.

  36. Shanie sez:

    I Ain't scene no krime!

  37. Regarding 3:12, I'm curious - what % of thh population is Single Black Male, age 18-35? and what % of the violent felony crimes are committed by the same?

  38. Dee is correct. Crime has ALWAYS been statistically high here. There is a very low standard here, not just for goods and services but regarding education levels and the higher than usual dropout rates. The problem is that these issues have been going on for years and no one has done anything to stop it. Now we have big city crime in a city with less than 40k residents. People here dont care and it shows.

    If anyone is actually stupid enough to think the economy is the only reason for this you need a HUGE reality check.

    BTW if any of the local govt reps had any real credibility here, they would have stood up months ago to stop(or at least slow down) what has already been occurring.

  39. You know I am seeing a lot of frustration regarding the armed robberies that are blossoming in Salisbury judging from the comments I'm reading.Personally I've been around along time and have never seen the crime problem more particularily the violent crime as bad as it is now.
    Friends hunker down,it'll get worse,it always does prior to and during the Holiday Season.People are getting scared.
    I have some extensive background in Firearms,lot of guys around like me,but I've had 8 people contact me in the last month asking if I'd train them in the use of Firearms,here's the kicker, all 8 have never had a Firearm,never fired a Firearm and at least 2 were at one time very anti-gun.
    Now what does this tell you? The answer could be a couple things,first they're scared,and at the worst they are losing their confidence in the Police protecting them.
    So far no one in these Bank robberies has been injured,now I hope I'm wrong but sooner or later one of these criminals is going to start shooting,these people are not professionals,there isn't a whole lot of planning involved,they are walking in,their stress level is off the chart,they aren't stable,and its not going to take a whole lot of provocation to set them off. What to do, well I'm not the answer man,I'm not one to offer unsolicited advice,but in my opinion the Police Depts need to redistribute their resources and be pro-active instead of re-active instituting selective patrols,advertised as such,but dates and times kept confidential where various businesses were kept under surveillance,Officers kept out of sight if possible in a position where they could observe.Such
    selective enforcement was used in
    the 70's during the Holiday Season
    when there was a rise in robberies during the Holiday Season. To the best of my recollection no armed robberies occurred while these patrols were utilized,could have been dumb luck,could be no robberies were planned,and it could be the criminal never knew when they would stumbled into the barrel of a 12ga when he picked the wrong store.I know, it was a different time,less population etc. but its a tool.
    I'm not a resident of Salisbury,close thereto,but these problems are getting totally out of control,the investigative divisions of the various agencies I'm sure are inundated with investigations.It doesn't appear the Police Dept heads seem overly concerned,I'd think the next City Council meeting would need the Civic Center hold the people that should be up in arms demanding something be done.Just a hint.If a Football Team is consistantly doing poorly,you get a new Coach!
    I know the State Police are down on manpower they always have been ever since my days but they always, at least back then, tried to respond to the public complaints when there was a problem,I don't think thats changed.Sheriff Lewis I'm sure reads this Blog, I'm not sure but I would imagine he's got some move he wants to make I'd be surprised if he didn't, but it wouldn't hurt to ask and see if he does.
    It's times like these I do miss the job but then I no longer have any standing in the Law Enforcement Community, I can't get past the DO's window at the Barrack.So here I sit as frustrated as you are typing out the "Ramblings of an Old Retired Cop

  40. Anonymous said...

    The teachers dont need to be on here. They need to be teaching!

    1:12 PM

    Hey Bozo they are entitled to breaks!

  41. Anon 2:34 PM, well said... BRAVO! My sentiments exactly. I wish there were enough people to work on a recall petition.

  42. It's only going to get worse.I believe recent events are a direct result of the economy.The suspects in the pictures look like middle class caucasian males.What do you do when you can no longer maintain your standards of living?get another job?work overtime?have yard sales?huh good luck.all men are capable of committing crimes like this one given the proper circumstances.

  43. Well one thing is for sure...Joe you are the man!! I along with my friends and family come here first for the news.

    Secondly, Bennett & Parkside were the only schools to lockdown. Prince Street school did not! Shame on the principal for not acting as those schools did.

    Crime is going to continue here in Salisbury and elsewhere simply because with an economy like it is today...it's evident crime is going to happen. But here in Salisbury, something needs to change! Mr. Mayor...what happened to those substations you spoke about a couple of months ago? You said you were going to put them in target areas. I haven't seen any substations...has anyone else? Let's put some armed people in banks! Let's put more cameras outside around the bank.

    I say bring in the FBI, we clearly need help here in Salisbury!

  44. NEWSFLASH: Drugs and Gangs cause crime problems like we have here. Someone trying to buy food for their family doesnt all of a sudden start robbing banks. Why is this so difficult to understand? Poverty, low wages and no real opportunities cause the problems we have here in Salisbury. These problems have been around for years here and since the backwards ya-who's running this place are just as inept as many of its residents, things wont change. I can guarantee that if this was anywhere else but here, the local news would have a special on all the armed robberies this year and how crime is through the roof. But no, they cover it up to keep the eastern shore lie going. I'd bet my life savings that in 5 years NOTHING will be different here. Ive found that this area is very backwards and "slow". This many robberies proves it.

  45. This is what happens when redneck good ol boys run the show. Everyone here is more concerned about their own agenda. We cant get locals to work at my workplace and we cant get locals to do anything about crime. Do you think there is a pattern here?


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