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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Best Joe The Blogger Costume Reward

Will there be another "Joe Albero The Blogger Halloween Costume" again this year? If so, send us your picture and the best costume will win a Prize from Me, Salisbury News. Send it to, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com .

O’Reilly On Obama Administration: “We Want Them To Not Like Us”

Fox News star Bill O’Reilly showed up in costume as Count Dracula on a special Halloween episode of ‘The View‘ this morning to promote his book ‘A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity,’ but he showed a vampire’s talent for finding the jugular by addressing the ongoing controversy between Fox News and the Obama administration, most notably the recent comments from the White House claiming that Fox News operates as an “arm of the GOP.”

“I sent Barack Obama a fruit basket for that comment because our ratings were up 20% since he made it,” O’Reilly said. “It’s great. We want him to not like us.”

O’Reilly challenged the President’s criticisms of the network, saying “I don’t know what he’s trying to accomplish. He’s fighting us harder than the Taliban. If he has a beef with us, then he should come on the show and tell us what the beef is.”

GO HERE to read more.

Republican Scozzafava Drops Out Of New York Congressional Race

After seeing the handwriting on the wall, liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for upstate New York's 23rd Congressional District seat.She made the decision after seeing the latest polling data that showed she had fallen well behind her two competitors in a close race.The Siena College poll has Democrat Bill Owens picking up 36 percent of the vote, while Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman has 35 percent. Scozzafava has 20 percent, with nine percent of voters undecided.

Though they had originally refused to support him and aligned themselves steadfastly behind Scozzafava (despite her long history of supporting liberal causes), House Minority Leader John Boehner, Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia and NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions announced their endorsement for Hoffman shortly after Scozzafava dropped out of the race.

"He is the only active candidate in the race who supports lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and opposes Nancy Pelosi's agenda of government-run healthcare, more government and less jobs," they said.

"We look forward to welcoming Doug Hoffman into the House Republican Conference as we work together for the good of our nation," they added.

More on this story..


To the ancient Celts, the year had two "hinges". These were Beltaine (the first of May) and Samhain, (the first of November), which is also the traditional Celtic New Year. And these two days were the most magical, and often frightening times of the whole year.

The Celtic people were in superstitious awe of times and places "in between". Holy sites were any border places - the shore between land and water (seas, lakes, and rivers), bridges, boundaries between territories (especially when marked by bodies of water), crossroads, thresholds, etc. Holy times were also border times - twilight and dawn marking the transitions of night and day; Beltaine and Samhain marking the transitions of summer and winter. Read your myths and fairytales - many of the stories occur in such places, and at such times.

At Samhain (which corresponds to modern Halloween), time lost all meaning and the past, present, and future were one. The dead, and the denizens of the Other World, walked among the living. It was a time of fairies, ghosts, demons, and witches. Winter itself was the Season of Ghosts, and Samhain is the night of their release from the Underworld. Many people lit bonfires to keep the evil spirits at bay. Often a torch was lit and carried around the boundaries of the home and farm, to protect the property and residents against the spirits throughout the winter.

Many Irish and Scottish Celts appeased their dead with a traditional Dumb Supper. On Samhain Eve, supper was served in absolute silence, and one place was set at the head of the table "for the ancestors". This place was served food and drink without looking directly at the seat, for to see the dead would bring misfortune. Afterwards, the untouched plate and cup were taken outside "for the pookas", and left in the woods. In other traditions, this is the night to remember, honor, and toast our beloved departed, for the veil between the living and the dead is thin, and communication is possible on Samhain Eve

Animals and food supplies needed special protection during this time, too. Samhain marked the time cattle, on which the Scottish Highland economy depended, were brought in from their summer grazing to their winter fold. The Gods were petitioned to protect the cattle during the long, hard winter. By now, the winter store of food had been harvested and stored.

Samhain is also the night of the Great Sabbat for the witches (Ban-Druidh, in Scots Gaelic). On Hallowmas, all the witches of Scotland gather together to celebrate, prophesy, and cast their spells. Tradition has it that on this night, they can be seen flying through the air on broomsticks and eggshells, or riding black cats, ravens, or horses on their wild Hallowmas Ride. The rural people did not dare step outside their doors for fear this night. Some say the Queen of Witches is the Irish Morrigan (also called Morgan le Fay). In other traditions, the Blue Faced Hag of Winter - the Calleach - rules this night.

A good example of a Scottish Highland ghost story (as told by Clan Donald member, Kenneth Wiepert), is about Clan Donald's own witch: "The MacDonald's of Glen Coe have their own witch. Her name was Sidiethe, and she was a Water Witch with fair skin and red hair. She was always seen in a white robe with a black cape. Sidiethe often sings along the banks of Loche Linhe, near Glen Coe and sometimes she is weeping. Shortly before the massacre at Glen Coe in 1692, she was seen washing clothes at the ford of the river while she wept. (Ed. Note: often the bean sidhe (banshee), attached to a great household is seen washing clothes or shrouds while she weeps, prior to a tragic death or catastrophe.)

Sightings of this ghost go back as far as the 1100's. She is also known as the White Witch of Glen Coe. Loche Linhe is reported to have a kelpie, as well!"

Faeries migrated from the summer hillocks to the winter barrows on Samhain night. If you had families that were captured by fairies that year, this was the one night you could win them back, be snatching them off their faerie mounts as they rode by. The famous Scottish legend, Tam Lin, is the story of a faithful young maiden that rescued her lover from the faeries on this fateful night.

Many of the traditions of Halloween derive from Pagan and Druid customs. It is a time of prophesies, of disguising oneself to avert evil, of performing rites of protection from the dead and Otherworldly spirits. The ancient Druid practice was to circle the tribal Samhain bonfire with the skulls of their ancestors, who would protect the tribe from demons that night.

In modern Scotland, children have inherited the ancient custom of disguising themselves in costumes. These "guisers" wear masks, or blacken their faces. They carve turnips in the shape of skulls and place a candle within, creating an eerie effect. The children travel from door to door, performing or singing for their treats. When they are not rewarded for their antics, they resort to tricks.

Those with the Second Sight (Taibhsear, in Scots Gaelic) were often sought this night for traditional Halloween fortune telling. These persons were invited to gatherings to entertain guests with their arcane arts. One method was to prick an egg and let the contents drip into a glass of clear water. The Taibhsear could read the shapes, much like a crystal ball, and predict the supplicant's future.

Apples were the fruit of the Other World, a land sometimes called Avalon or Avallach - the Isle of Apples. They are often used for magic and fortune telling. A young woman would peel an apple all in one paring, and throw it over her shoulder on Samhain Eve. The peeling would take the shape of the first initial of the man she would marry. Eating an apple in front of a mirror while combing your hair will conjure your true love's image in the mirror. Another tradition is "dunking for apples". Apples are placed in a tub or barrel of water, and dunkers will try to retrieve these apples with their teeth. Those who succeed will have good fortune the following year.

Hazel nuts were also used in matrimonial divination. Two groups of "Sweetheart" hazel nuts were placed within the hearth fire; one group was marked with the names of the village's eligible maidens, and the other with the eligible bachelors. As the nuts popped, the names of the pairs were romantically linked. On a more somber note, people sometimes placed a hazelnut with their initials on them in the hearth fire. If the nuts were missing the next morning, the unlucky person would not survive the year. Hazel is a sacred tree in Irish and Scottish mythology. In Ireland, nine hazel trees grew around the Well of Segais, where the sacred Salmon lived. This was the source of all wisdom. Using hazel nuts at Samhain availed seers of that sacred wisdom.

Tha gliocas an ceann an fhitich!

Feds $50,000,000.00 Chesapeake Bay Scam?

While the economy is in the crapper, all too often Americans get slapped in the face by the Feds when they make certain announcements like we're going to dump $50 million into the Chesapeake Bay.

First of all, we can't afford it right now. I know, guys like Mike Pretl will come back saying, we can't afford not to. Well I say to Mike Pretl and those like him, PROVE IT!

When we spend this kind of money doing anything, it better come back crystal clear, yet every single report we've ever seen ever since they came out with this Clean The Bay crap has been a complete failure, as if NOTHING was actually done.

We sell Maryland State Tags with "Save The Bay" on it and get millions upon millions of additional funding and quite frankly, someone needs to step up to the plate and simply say, who's pocketing this money and getting rich?

I can say so without any recourse because like I said, every single report that comes back tells us it doesn't even look like any attempt was made because the Chesapeake Bay is still polluted.

This is only one of many programs the Feds back and while many politicians go into Office with perhaps a little bit of money, they sure do come out of Office milti millionaires and I want to know why, don't you?

The reason I challenge this in particular this morning is, I'm tired of watching our government spend good money after bad money. They are stupid businessmen and you keep electing them. If YOU knew $50,000,000.00 wouldn't do jack to help the Chesapeake Bay, would YOU go out and spend it? If YOU knew quite a bit of this money wasn't actually going to be spent on actually cleaning up the Bay, (even though that's what they sell the public on) and instead it is to be used to build trails, well, let me just show you what some of the money will be spent on.

In Maryland, the funds will include:

$1 million for the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Water trails Network, which provides support to more than 160 parks, wildlife refuges and museums, centered around the Chesapeake Bay, as well as 22 water trails.

$2 million for the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County.

$500,000 for the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail.

I just want to know, who's lining who's pockets? Who audits the $50,000,000.00? If Blogs are worth anything in America, I think watch dog Blogs who concentrate on these kind of issues educating the Public as to where your funding is going would best serve Americans and since I don't personally know of any I'll simply reach out to all of you to see if there are places you might know about that can help us better understand and trust our government officials.

IMHO, I have yet to see one of these programs actually work, yet I've watched billions of dollars get spent on these feel good organizations who get added as pork in Congress and they all need to get shut down. That's right, shut them all down. We do NOT have the money right now, shut them all down.

When the Bay starts stinking so bad we need to do something about it we can use all that money we saved over the years to actually do something about it. However, you and I both know that's never going to happen. Politicians like Barbara Mikulski would like to scare you into believing it will, but it won't. They're completely full of crap and either enjoying some kind of benefit from programs like this or completely stupid.

By the way, I'm not saying to close down the department of the Environment. Let them monitor the Bays, (or whomever does that) but my guess is, the Chesapeake Bay will do just fine. I also believe we're all conscious about not polluting the Bay and those who just don't give a crap will continue to not give a crap, like the City of Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant. If the MDE can't control them and fine them properly for truly polluting the Bay, well, I'll direct you back to my impression of this entire thing being a complete scam to start with.

When I hear of funding going to restore something like the Chesapeake Bay, (call me stupid) but I don't see that money going into trails. I see it going into filters and plants. Oh well, perhaps Salisbury News, (SBY News) can start to make a difference.

Obama Names 110 White House Visitors

Most guests still hidden; list shows Bill Gates, Oprah, bank CEOs, Gingrich

The White House on Friday released a small list of visitors to the White House since President Barack Obama took office in January, including lobbyists, business executives, activists and celebrities.

No previous administration has released such a list, though the information out so far is incomplete. Only about 110 names —and 481 visits —out of the hundreds of thousands who have visited the Obama White House were made public. Like the Bush administration before it, Obama is arguing that any release is voluntary, not required by law, despite two federal court rulings to the contrary.

Under the Obama White House's policy, most names of visitors from Inauguration Day in January through the end of September will never be released. The White House says it plans to release most of the names of visitors from October on, and that release is due near the end of the year. There are limitations there as well, including potential Supreme Court nominees, personal guests of the First Family, and certain security officials.

The names released Friday include business leaders and lobbyists with a lot to gain or lose from Obama policies. They include Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates (whose foundation is pushing for changes in teacher pay), former AIG chairman Maurice Greenberg, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, Chevron CEO David O'Reilly, Citigroup's Vikram Pandit, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, JP Morgan's James Dimon, Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis, John Stumpf of Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley's John Mack, State Street bank's Ron Logue, BNY Mellon's Robert Kelly, labor leader Andrew Stern of the Service Employees International Union (22 visits), American Bankers Association CEO Ed Yingling, community bankers president Camden Fine, and lobbyists Heather and Anthony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta led Obama's transition team.

Besides Gates, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt are also on the list. (Msnbc.com is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC. One of NBC's parents is GE.)
Advocates and nonprofit leaders include National Organization for Women President Kim Gandy, and Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which is interested in health policy.

Democratic donor and businessman George Soros visited with White House aides twice.
Political figures include former Sen. Thomas Daschle, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, former Gov. Howard Dean, Sen. Al Franken, former Vice President Al Gore, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, and Democratic strategist Steve Elmendorf.

Celebrities at the White House include Oprah Winfrey, actors Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Denzel Washington, and tennis star Serena Williams. Journalists include Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner in economics.

Conservative religious leader Gary Bauer visited, as did liberal civil rights leaders Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Msnbc.com has put the full list in a handy PDF file, and also in an Excel file for those who like to sort.

GO HERE to read more.

2009 JMB Graduate Derek Wu Chosen To Serve As 2010 Olympic Torchbearer

Derek Wu, 17, of Salisbury has been selected as one of 10 U.S. teens to serve as a torchbearer for 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.

Currently a freshman at Princeton, Derek is a 2009 graduate of James M. Bennett High in Salisbury. While a senior, he served as the student member of the Maryland State Board of Education and as SGA president for James M. Bennett High School. He earned many honors and awards for his achievements in academics, extracurricular activities, service and music.

Derek's parents, Drs. Ying Wu and Hong Yao, teach in the Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University, where Derek was a familiar face on campus as a student (taking six college courses while in high school)and competitor (a winner in the annual high school math competition co-sponsored and hosted by SU's Mathematics and Computer Science Department). Last spring he held a piano concert on campus with the assistance of SU's Department of Music and Cultural Affairs Office to raise money for the Youth Leadership Academy (YLA). Dr. George Whitehead, Professor of Psychology, served as Derek's mentor with the YLA and nominated him for the Olympic honor. Derek was also engaged in the Sister Cities program and presented at the 2008 National Conference on Undergraduate Research held here.

Coca-Cola chose 20 inspiring people to be Torchbearers for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay. The U.S. Torchbearers were selected because they each use their passion for positive living to affect meaningful, enduring change in local and global communities.

The Torchbearers will carry the Olympic Flame through Calgary, Canada, on Jan. 18-19, 2010 as it makes its way to Vancouver and the Opening Ceremony for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games on February 12, 2010.

The Olympic Torch Relay, presented in part by Coca-Cola, will last for 106 days, cover more than 27,000 miles (45,000 kilometers) and link together more than 1,000 communities and places of interest throughout Canada.

Torchbearers were selected because of their commitments to sustainably promoting three aspects of positive living, including:

Balanced Living – staying active and physically fit while having fun with family and friends

Community – working to make good things happen for people throughout the community

Recycling – helping the planet by recycling or donating time to a recycling program in the community or school

Among those chosen to carry the Flame are 10 teens, five leaders from national health organizations, three Coca-Cola North America employees and Olympic gold medalists Shawn Johnson and Steven Lopez, who are part of the Coca-Cola “Six Pack” of Olympic athletes and competed in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. People can view the Torchbearers’ route and learn more about their personal stories by visiting www.LivePositively.com.

“These inspirational people have shown remarkable dedication in encouraging others and making a positive difference in so many lives, traits that Coca-Cola has long embraced.

Coca-Cola is saluting these champions of positive living by recognizing them with the special opportunity to carry the Olympic Flame,” said Celeste Bottorff, Vice President of Living Well, Coca-Cola North America.

Torchbearers were nominated by peers, teachers and leaders of youth organizations, and selected because of the significant contributions they have made in promoting healthy, active lifestyles, community involvement or recycling. In its announcement, Coca-Cola said of Wu:

Derek Wu of Salisbury helped found the Youth Leadership Academy in Wicomico County, MD, a three-day workshop for middle and high school students to hone their leadership skills in their schools and communities.


The Federal government controls the banks. This accounts for 14% of the U. S. economy. It controls a portion of the Automobile industry that accounts for another 2.57%. The Government is in the throes of taking over the Health Care industry, another 16%. We are waiting for Cap & Trade which will bring control of Energy, another 11.5%.

If successful it would bring 44.07% of the U. S. economy under Federal Control. The cost of government, including defense is 28% of GDP. As a non-economist, non-accountant, I think this means 72,7% of the economy would be under federal control. I believe the transformation of America is well on the way. Some will call this good government. There are some that think this is socialism. In my opinion, this is putting us on the path to pure Marxism.



Subject Wanted For Stalking Ex-Girlfriend

Location: Sussex County Delaware

Date of Occurrence: Ongoing

Suspect(s): Jamar Gamble, 26, of Sunset Drive in Laurel, Delaware

Resume: Delaware State Troopers and Georgetown Police Officers need the publics’ assistance in locating Jamar Gamble of Laurel, Delaware.

This subject is wanted for three counts of violating a court issued Protection from Abuse Order and is also wanted for Stalking (felony).

Authorities from the aforementioned agencies have reason to believe Mr. Gamble is repeatedly calling and stalking his ex-girlfriend. This contact is ongoing and there is concern for the female’s safety.

Jamar Gamble is 5’06” tall, average build, medium complexion, dreadlocks, who is known to frequent Laurel, Delaware and Cambridge, Maryland. He has previously been seen driving a red four door Cadillac.

Anyone knows of this suspect’s whereabouts is asked to call Troop 5- 302-337-8253 or 911.

Attempted Robbery Investigated At Rehoboth Area Motel

Location: Americana Inn Motel, 36012 Airport Road, Rehoboth, Delaware, Sussex County

Date of Occurrence: Friday, October 30, 2009, at approximately 9:18 p.m.

Suspect(s): Unknown race, male subject, 5’08”, 165 pounds, wearing jeans, a dark shirt and a mask covering his face.

Resume: Troop 4 detectives are investigating the attempted robber of a Rehoboth Area Motel from last evening.

At approximately 9:18 p.m. the above described masked suspect walked into the Americana Inn and approached the service counter. He was armed with a handgun and he demanded cash from the clerk.

There were two witnesses who happened upon the robbery and fled themselves when they saw the gunman. When they ran away, so did the robber- empty handed.

There is no surveillance video to disseminate at this time.

Anyone with information pertaining to this case is asked to call Troop 4 Major Crime detectives at 302-856-5851 ext. 3 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.


Sir Walter Scott wrote:

On Hallowmas Eve, ere ye boune to rest,
Ever beware that your couch be blest;
Sign it with cross and sain it with bread,
Sing the Ave and the Creed.
For on Hallowmas Eve, the Night Hag shall ride
And all her nine-fold sweeping on by Her side,
Whether the wind sing lowly or loud,
Stealing through moonshine or swathed in cloud.
He that dare sit in St. Swithin's Chair,
When the Night Hag wings the troubled air,
Questions three, when he speaks the spell,
He must ask and She must tell.



From the time in 1922 that the idea of a Normal School in Salisbury was necessary to the opening of the first classes in September, 1925, a number of steps had to be taken. Initially, a tract of land consisting of 29 acres was purchased from the W. F. Allen Company. This land had formerly been used as a peach orchard. An architect was engaged to design the main building in the Colonial style, which is now named Holloway Hall. The main building had a wing on the north end that had four classrooms for seven primary classes. The students used these to learn the rudimentary skills required to teach at the many small rural schools. This was the aim of the school when it was first opened. The two year course was all that was required. After completing these two years, and teaching at least two years to fulfill the obligation to the State, the ambitious teacher was in a position to win the B.S. degree in education. This was a lot more education than was required some 30 years earlier. Before the turn of the century, the only requirement was for someone to finish the required nine grades and assist a teacher in a small rural school for one year. After that they were a full-fledged teacher. Women teachers were not allowed to be married.

For years, I thought that the first graduating class would have been 1927. Then, I ran across a 1926 yearbook. It had a graduating class and I noted that all of the graduates had attended another Normal School during the previous year. The yearbook was named the Evergreen, a name that has survived to this day. The original graduating class consisted of 30 girls – no boys. The total attendance at the school was 105. I think the enrollment is now closer to 7,000.

The original name of the school was the Maryland State Normal School. It has undergone many name changes over the years, the first being to Salisbury State Teachers College in 1935. By this time it was a four-year school. The third year was added in 1931 and the fourth year was added in 1934. Memorabilia from the early years are often overlooked because not many people associate MSNS with the school. It only went by this name for 10 years and it was fairly small for this duration.

The next name change was not until 1963 when it became accredited for awarding degrees in fields other than teaching. It was then known as Salisbury State College. It has since had two more name changes. The first was to Salisbury State University and shortly after that to just Salisbury University.


Dear Mr. Minister,

I’m in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believe this.

How is it that K-Mart has my address and telephone number, and knows that I bought a television set and golf clubs from them back in 1997, and yet the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date.

For Christ sake, do you guys do this by hand?

My birth date you have in my Medicare information, and it is on all the income tax forms I’ve filed for the past 40 years. It is also on my driver’s licence, on the last eight passports I’ve ever had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I’ve had to fill out before being allowed off the planes over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that I’ve filled out every 5 years since 1966.

Also... Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother’s name is Audrey, my father’s name is Jack, and I’d be absolutely f/n astounded if that ever changed between now and when I drop dead!!!...


I apologize, Mr. Minister. But I’m really pissed off this morning. Between you and me, I’ve had enough of all this bullsh!t!

You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my f/n address!! What the hell is going on with your mob? Have you got a gang of mindless Neanderthal arseholes working there!

And another thing, look at my damn picture.. Do I look like Bin Laden? I can’t even grow a beard for God’s sakes. I just want to go to New Zealand and see my new granddaughter. (Yes, my son interbred with a Kiwi girl). And would someone please tell me, why would you give a sh!t whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a sheep or a horse, believe you me, I’d sure as hell not want to tell anyone!

Well, I have to go now, ‘cause I have to go to the other end of the city, and get another f/n copy of my birth certificate, and to part with another $80 for the privilege of accessing MY OWN INFORMATION!

Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot, to assist in the issuance of a new passport on the same day?? Nooooo.. that’d be too f/n easy and makes far too much sense. You would much prefer to have us running all over the place like chickens with our f/n heads cut off, and then having to find some high-society wanker to confirm that it’s really me in the g/d photo! You know the photo.. The one where we’re not allowed to smile?! ...you f/n morons

Signed - An Irate Australian Citizen.

P.S. Remember what I said above about the picture, and getting someone in high-society to confirm that it’s me? Well, my family has been in this country since before 1850! In 1856, one of my forefathers took up arms with Peter Lalor. (You do remember the Eureka Stockade!!)

I have also served in both the CMF and regular Army for something over 30 years (I went to Vietnam in 1967), and still have high security clearances. I’m also a personal friend of the president of the RSL.. And Lt General Peter Cosgrove sends me a Christmas card each year.

However, your rules require that I have to get someone ‘important’ to verify who I am; You know... Someone like my doctor - WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN F/N PAKISTAN!!!...... A country where they either assassinate or hang their ex-Prime Ministers, and are suspended from the Commonwealth for not having the ‘right sort of government’.

You are all F/n idiots!


4 Ways You Can Make the Sign Happen

OK, this site is starting to get some great, viral publicity after less than 24 hours.

But realistically we still have a long way to go to make it happen. We need about 75% participation from the upper-deck sections to make the sign readable.

That means reaching about 11,000 of the 15,000 people who actually have tickets in the sign sections. And that in turn means reaching several million people in the Washington-metro area with this message over the next two weeks.

Here are 4 ways you can help:

1) Tell everyone you know about the plan and this site, especially Redskins fans, football fans, and Redskins ticket holders. Don't assume other folks have seen it just because you have. Post it to message boards, Facebook, etc. and send it to the media.

2) If you're actually selling tickets in these sections (as a broker or otherwise) advertise the sign as part of the attraction of these seats and emphasize that simply skipping the game won't hurt Snyder because he's already been paid for this season through season tickets. (If you really want to hurt Snyder this season go to the games and don't spend any money at the stadium.)

3) Spread the word at the stadium itself before and during the game. Bring copies of the seating charts and pass them around, especially in the sign sections. Many folks who haven't heard about the sign ahead of time will have a shirt, sweatshirt, or jacket of the appropriate color to wear as their outermost layer. Or you may find people with the wrong color for their seat who are willing to swap seats.

4) Selling cheap, oversized white and burgundy T-shirts around the stadium would seem a great way for some enterprising folks to earn a little extra cash. Depending on location you may have a hard time getting away with this, but if you partner with a local private-property owner near the stadium (perhaps a store or restaurant owner) this could work. Having a copy of the seating charts handy couldn't hurt either.

BONUS: Out-of-town fans can bring signs to away games publicizing the FedEx sign! We'll be at the Atlanta game on Nov. 8th. See if you can spot us on TV!


"Never Waste A Crisis.." Rahm Emanuel

US government report recommends blocking popular websites during pandemic flu outbreak

The US government has issued a new report that recommends blocking access to popular websites during a pandemic outbreak in order to preserve internet bandwidth for investors, day traders and securities clearing house operations. The concern is that a pandemic would cause too many people to stay at home and download YouTube videos and porn, hogging all the internet bandwidth and blocking throughput for investment activities, thereby causing a stock market meltdown.

This isn't an April Fool's joke. It's all based on a public report issued by the Government Accounting Office (GAO), available from their website at http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d108.pdf

The report is entitled, "GAO Report to Congressional Requesters, INFLUENZA PANDEMIC" and includes this subtitle: Key Securities Market Participants Are Making Progress, but Agencies Could Do More to Address Potential Internet Congestion and Encourage Readiness...


New Business

Hello, my name is Kristin Williams of Salisbury, MD.

I was wondering if you could publish something for my father and husband. They are currently starting their own business at 1600 N. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801 called Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair.

I know with the economy the way it is, it may not appear like the best time to be branching off and starting their own shop, however we hope enough people know them, and appreciate their hard work that they will be able to continue serving salisbury for years to come.

Clyde Nichols, the owner of the business has been a mechanic all of his life, and
previously managed a local shop for 35 years. He is well known for his hard
work, and way with people. He is excited to be opening his own shop, and being
able to do the hands on aspect of it. Along with himself, Harlan Williams,
another local mechanic will be working with him in the shop. Harlan was a
graduate of the parkside vocational program for automotive repair, and has been working in the field ever since. Together the two of them hope to offer quality work at competitive and reasonable prices.

Since your blogs are a favorite of myself, and fellow co-workers, I was hoping you could make the public aware of the new business coming to salisbury to give them a start. They are currently cleaning, painting, and bringing the shop up to date, and are trying to open by November 16th.

While we are making flyers, and spreading the word via mouth, I felt you could reach more of the public in a quick way. Thank you for any help you can give.

Kristin Williams

African Elephant

From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher

My five-year old students are learning to read.

Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said,

"Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"

I took a deep breath, then asked..."What did you call it?"

"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"

And so it does...

" A f r i c a n Elephant "

Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

On October 27, 2009 Deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies and Maryland State Troopers responded to Whiskers Bar and Grill in Ocean pines Plaza for a reported stabbing. The Deputies observed the suspect, identified as Donald Lewis 67 years of age from Berlin Maryland, backing his vehicle out of a parking spot and almost striking a Deputy's patrol vehicle. Mr. Lewis was ordered to stop and exit the vehicle. Mr. Lewis appeared to be intoxicated.

The investigation revealed that Mr. Lewis had entered Whiskers Bar and Grill and began to argue with another person over a car repair issue. Mr. Lewis then pulled a knife out and stabbed it into the victims belly causing a superficial injury to the victim. Mr. Lewis was was arrested and charged with 1st Degree Assault, 2nd Degree Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Wear or Carry Weapon with intent to Injure, Malicious Destruction of Property Less than $500, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, Disorderly Intoxication, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Driving While Impaired by Alcohol, Driving with Alcohol in Blood in Violation of License Restriction, Driving While Revoked, Unsafe Backing of Motor Vehicle. Mr. Lewis held at the Worcester County Jail on $50,000.00 bond.

Broke, Broke, Broke!

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.

Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.

Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM??

Best Week Ever For Salisbury News

Heck, we don't even need Saturday's numbers to formally state this has been the best week Salisbury News has ever seen.

We want to thank all of you for visiting and even more importantly, returning.

One of the greatest parts about this Site is the fact that once people come here they always seem to return. Even though we didn't have any major links to other Newspapers this week, we somehow managed to draw in more visitors than ever before and the trend just kept rocking and rolling all week.

Is there an up from here? My God, who knows any more. We would have never ever dreamed of having so many visitors in one day, let alone what we've experienced this week.

My hope with the new TV Show is that we will in fact gain even more popularity as the Station reaches more than 140,000 households on the Eastern Shore. Our Alexa Ratings have now dropped down to the 140,000 range, again, the lower the better. Once you get below 100,000 you're in what GA Harrison calls the Major Leagues, right up there with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, you know the drill.

How, I just can't answer that Folks. In fact, when we were creating Salisbury News we discussed right from the beginning we should create more of a National name and not be stuck with the local Salisbury name, hence SBYNews.com. I figured, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, SBY News.....

Anyhow, we truly appreciate your visiting and returning and while you either love us or hate us, we love the fact that you keep coming back for more. Go ahead, say it, Thank You Sir, May I Have Another!

It’s Official! Ravens Roost #107 Is Up And Running!

Salisbury couple helps get party started

Ravens Roost #107 is official! On Oct. 16, the Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts voted unanimously in the affirmative to include the Salisbury-Fruitland chapter.

Bob Weber, a district manager with Rommel’s Holdings Inc’s, Ace Hardware Division and his wife Tammy, both of Salisbury, came up with the idea of starting a Roost on the Eastern Shore. Ocean City and Fenwick Island also have official Ravens Roosts.

The Ravens Roost is a non-profit social organization committed to supporting professional football in Baltimore, specifically the Baltimore Ravens.

Ravens Roost #107 meets each Sunday at Chicago Uno’s Bar and Grill, 100 E Cedar Lane, in Fruitland, to cheer on the Ravens. They have had 83 inquiries to join and have the board of directors assigned.

The board of directors are: President, Bob Weber; Vice President, David Davis; Treasurer, Perry Ruby; Secretary, Tammy Weber; Sgt. at Arms, Linda Davis and Chairman of the Board, David Brimer. Board members are Leah Ruby, Gail Nutter and Rob French.

In addition to gathering to root for the Ravens, the roost will provide the opportunity to participate in fundraising events to benefit local charities.

They have been in contact with Special Olympics to participate in the Polar Bear Plunge and are hoping to work with United Way’s charities also, said Weber.
All are invited to Chicago Uno’s to cheer on the Ravens.

Membership drives are ongoing and are conducted at the “remote stadium,” Chicago Uno’s Bar and Grill in Fruitland. All members must be at least 21 years of age.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Bob or Tammy by phone at (443) 521-5461, or via e-mail, salisburyravensroost@yahoo.com.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Maryland Approves Nuclear Deal

Maryland regulators have offered conditional approval to let Constellation Energy Group join with French energy giant, EDF, in a $4.5 billion-dollar deal the two companies have argued is critical to building the nation's first new nuclear reactor in nearly 30 years.

The state's Public Service Commission ruled that with several conditions - including rebates of roughly $100 for each Baltimore Gas and Electric ratepayer - the merger amounts to a good deal for Maryland residents.

Constellation and EDF have one week to agree to the state's conditions.

Making the approval contingent on rebates and other measures amounts to a minor victory for Gov. Martin O'Malley -- one that he will almost surely incorporate into stump speeches as he campaigns for re-election next year.

GO HERE to read more.

Reported Shooting On Charles Street

There's been a report of a shooting at 315 Charles Street. However, the weapon is a BB Gun. Press Release should be forth coming Monday or Tuesday.

Schools Are Where Stimulus Saved Jobs

More than half of positions saved were teachers, White House report shows

The best symbol of the $787 billion federal stimulus program turns out not to be of a construction worker in a hard hat, but rather of a classroom teacher saved from a layoff.

On Friday, the Obama administration released the most detailed information yet on the jobs created by the stimulus. Preliminary data showed that of the 640,239 jobs created or saved, 325,000, or more than half, were jobs in education that school districts claimed were saved when stimulus money averted the need for layoffs. While the stimulus was initially sold in large part as a public works program, only about 80,000 of the jobs that were claimed Friday were in construction.

The figures do not include jobs indirectly created by the money pumped into the economy through tax cuts, unemployment benefits and aid to states for Medicaid. If those were included, the administration estimates, the tally would rise to more than 1 million jobs saved or created.

GO HERE to read more.

Here We Go, I Told You So!

Stocks slide as consumer worries grow
Lackluster consumer spending report gives investors little to rally around

- Stocks plunged Friday, erasing all of the previous day's big gains, as a drop in consumer spending fanned worries that the economic recovery won't be sustainable.

Major stock indexes tumbled more than 2.5 percent, including the Dow Jones industrials, which gave back all of Thursday's 200-point gain. Banks as well as energy and materials companies posted the biggest losses.

As stocks fell, investors moved to safer assets like the dollar and Treasurys. At the same time, the Chicago Board Options Exchange's Volatility Index, known as the market's fear gauge, soared nearly 25 percent to 30.88, the highest since early July. Its historical average is 18-20. It hit a record 89.5 a year ago.

GO HERE to read more.

Rep. Kratovil: Economic Report Is Encouraging, But More Work Is Needed

Washington, DC –

Rep. Frank released the following statement today after the announcement that the economy grew by 3.5% in the third quarter of 2009:

“Today’s announcement that the economy grew by 3.5% in the last quarter is encouraging news. Maryland families have been hit hard by this recession, and these latest figures give us some hope that things will start looking up soon. But we still have a lot of work to do. The ultimate goal is job creation, and we can’t afford for this to be a jobless recovery. I will continue to look at all options to spur job growth by backing small business, supporting middle class families, and sticking to fiscally responsible spending practices.”

Rep. Frank Kratovil

41-Year Old Townsend Man Arrested On Numerous Sexual Assault Charges

Location: Various Locations in Kent and Sussex Counties, Delaware

Date of Occurrence: On-going since January 2009 to Present

Suspect(s): Mr. Bruce A. Rowan, 41, of the Unit Block of Oak School Road,
Townsend, DE


On October 4th, 2009, Delaware State Police Troop 3 Major Crimes Detectives were
contacted by a 16-year old female and her family regarding an on-going sexual
relationship with a 41-year old male, identified as Mr. Bruce A. Rowan, of the
unit block of Oak School Road, Townsend.

The investigation revealed that the relationship started in January 2009 and
ended in August. The incidents occurred at various locations in Kent and Sussex

Mr. Rowan was taken into custody at his residence on today’s date without
incident. He was transported to DSP Troop 3 where he was formally charged with
the following felonies:

* 15-Counts of Rape 4th Degree
* 1-Count of Sex Offender Unlawful Sexual Conduct Against a Child
* 1-Count of Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
* 1-Count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child

Mr. Rowan was committed to James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in lieu of
$201,000.00 cash bond.

Speaker Pelosi Ignores American People

Yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats unveiled H.R. 3962, their latest version of the health care legislation that’s been hotly debated for months in Congress and across the country. (Read it here.)

One thing is clear. Your concerns about a government takeover of health care have been totally ignored by Speaker Pelosi and her allies, who worked behind closed doors to write this bill. After months of debate, the bill they introduced today is essentially the same bill the American people have already flat-out rejected.

Government-run insurance? Still in the bill. Higher taxes? You betcha. An individual mandate that restricts choices and innovation by requiring Washington to define what qualifies as health insurance? Check. A job-killing employer mandate, a budget-busting expansion of the Medicaid entitlement, and countless provisions that set Washington bureaucrats firmly between you and your doctor? Better believe it.

What about comprehensive lawsuit abuse reform and a ban on taxpayer funded abortion? Not surprisingly, those important items are still not in the bill.

There is one major and obvious difference between H.R. 3962 and H.R. 3200, however. At 1,990 pages, the new version is almost twice as long as the old one. H.R. 3962 has all the “government takeover” of H.R. 3200 with an extra thousand pages thrown into the mix. That’s a whole lot of government involved in personal, private health care decisions.

The American people want reforms that provide them with more choices, more competition, more innovation, higher quality, and lower costs. That’s the approach taken by the numerous patient-centered bills introduced by Republicans, including my own Empowering Patients First Act, H.R. 3400. Unfortunately, our ideas have been consistently and intentionally dismissed by the majority party.

But passage of this monstrosity is by no means certain. Though we expect a vote on this bill in the next week, there is still time to make your voice heard. Please forward this email to your friends, family, and co-workers. Get the word out and don’t delay. The future of American health care is in the balance, and we are on the clock.


Rep. Tom Price, M.D.

Senator Venables In Boating Accident

I just received a prayer request from a friend, passed on to her by her sister Allison Venables. Senator Venables and his friend, Mr. Gootee, have been involved in a boating accident on the bay (hit a buoy) and have been flown to a hospital in Baltimore. No other details are known at this time.

Please keep these men and their families in your prayers.

Please Don't Tell Me Someone Tried To Rob The Downtown Post Office

A message just came through to me stating the SPD are in front of the Downtown Post Office with their lights on. The SPD do have a girl in handcuffs just outside the building. I guess we'll have to wait 24 hour to actually find out what happened. You know, that's when their Press Release will be made public.

DSP Seeks Public's Assistance With A Commercial Burglary

Location: 32266 Frankford School Road, Proaction Paintball Inc.,

Date of Occurrence: Between Sunday, October 25th, 2009 and Thursday, October
28th, 2009

Suspect(s): Unknown suspect(s)


On Thursday, October 28th, 2009, at approximately 2pm, Delaware State Police
responded to 32266 Frankford School Road, Frankford, also known as the Proaction
Paintball, Inc., reference to a commercial burglary. The burglary occurred
between Sunday, October 25th and Thursday, October 28th, 2009, unknown
suspect(s) forcibly gained entry into a detached shed and removed a large number
paintball guns and related accessories.

The Delaware State Police urges anyone with knowledge of this incident to
contact (302) 856-5850 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333. Individuals
offering information may remain anonymous.

FBI: Gunshots Hit US Rep. DeFazio's Office Windows

Three shots fired at a federal courthouse in Oregon late Wednesday or early Thursday hit windows in U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio's office, while a fourth shot hit a wall above the office, the FBI said.

No one was in the second-floor office at the time, and the Democratic congressman's staffers in Eugene found the damage when they arrived for work Thursday morning.

Investigators believe the shots were fired between 9:30 p.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday, FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said, adding they're not certain that DeFazio's office was the intended target.

"Right now, our biggest concern is determining why this happened," Steele said, adding the FBI doesn't know whether the shooter or shooters were trying to hurt anyone. "We're obviously taking this very seriously."

DeFazio spokeswoman Molly Simmons confirmed the congressman was in Washington, D.C., at the time.

The Register-Guard reported that from outside the courthouse, the only visible damage to DeFazio's office was to one window that had a single, quarter-sized hole with cracks spidering outward.

No details were released about the type of ammunition used.

The courthouse was open for business as usual Thursday.

The FBI is working with the U.S. Marshals Service, Federal Protective Service and Eugene police.


It's Amazing What Can Be Found On Ebay

Now all you have to do is shave your head and claim you didn't see anything.
So everyone knows, this badge was truly purchased recently on Ebay.

U.S. Seeks Power To Force Even Strong Banks To Shrink

WASHINGTON -- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday that his proposal to overhaul banking rules would give the government the ability to order even healthy companies to "shrink and separate" if their size or scope threatened the broader economy.

His comments were the starkest admission yet from the Obama administration that the regulatory revamp working through Congress could lead to a drastic reshaping of financial institutions. That reflects a growing sentiment among some policy makers around the world, who believe the best way to prevent banks from being "too big to fail" is to prevent them from being big in the first place.

The financial crisis has redrawn U.S. banking in the past two years, with several of the country's largest firms collapsing into bankruptcy or into the arms of competitors. The result has been consolidation. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Wells Fargo & Co. controlled a combined 33% of U.S. deposits as of June 30, up from 22% at the end of 2008, according to SNL Financial.

Such market dominance has reinforced a view that some companies will never be allowed to falter, even if rescue comes at great expense to taxpayers, because the broader economic shock would be devastating. Critics also argue that the size disparity allows large companies to borrow money more cheaply and box out competitors.

GO HERE to read more.

Mayor Ireton And City Celebrate Harvest Festival At Pemberton Apartments

Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr. invites you to the Pemberton Manor Harvest Festival, located at 1017 Fairground Drive, on Friday, October 30, 2009 from 5:30 – 8:30.

The Mayor along with other City of Salisbury Departments will be in attendance at this fun filled evening of games, treats, a costume contest, karaoke and much more. In addition to all the fun, staff from Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance will be doing face painting and the Fire Department will be there with fire trucks and fire prevention tips. Also joining the festival will be McGruff from the Police Department. We invite you and your family to come out and show support.

Mayor Ireton states that, “We know that this neighborhood has faced issues in the past. We have dedicated the resources of this government to helping residents live in a safe and secure environment. The steps that Habitat America has taken, coupled with the City of Salisbury efforts, will lead to that safety and security.”

Mark Thompson, a member of the Westside Revitalization Partnerships stated, “The Westside Revitalization Partnership is working with the Mayor to bring positive activities and new energy to the Pemberton Complex. This is a good way for the residents to take back their homes and change the negative and violent atmosphere.

Marti Rowntree, District Manager of Habitat America says, “It is great to have the Mayor, the City Departments and community support, as we make a change in the neighborhood”.

Pemberton Manor would love to thank the following businesses who have donated supplies, food, candy and their services: Papa John’s, Parsons Professional Grounds, Party Etc., Elliott Electric, Five Star Painting, Lollipop & Company, Code 3 Security and Dawn Williams DJ Services.

Yard Sales 10/30/9

CLICK HERE for this weekend's scary yard sales.

If you have an upcoming yard sale, please email me at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please include all information you would like, as it is FREE!!!! Please type "yard sale" in the subject of your email. Please have all requests to me by Thursday at 3pm for Friday's posting.

Happy Halloween. Be safe.

Church Bazaar TODAY!


St. John's Bazaar Menu

Oyster Sandwich $5.50
Chicken Salad Sandwich $3.00
Chicken Salad - Pint $5.00
Chicken Salad - Quart $10.00
Soup - Pint $2.50
Soup - Quart $5.00
Soup - Bowl $2.00
Dumplings - Pint $2.50
Dumplings - Quart $5.00
Dumplings - Bowl $2.00
Hot Dogs $1.50
Hamburgers $1.50
Cheeseburgers $1.75
Desserts $1.00
Drinks $1.00
Ice Cream $1.00

Oysters, dumplings & green beans $7.00
Chicken Salad, dumplings, green beans $6.00

Ethics Investigators Probe Dozens In Congress

Ethics probes hit dozens in Congress

Confidential document reveals review of activities of over 30 lawmakers and aides regarding defense lobbying, corporate influence peddling and other issues.

Full story

Don't Forget Our Little Friends

I recently contacted Linda Lugo, Director of the Wicomico Humane Society as I was concerned with all the budget cuts, how have they been affected?

Unfortunately they have been hit very hard and the following is her reply to my question.

"Hi Joe,

Forgive my not getting back to you until today but I have been out of town and just got back. As to the budget cuts, we were cut about $35,000 from what we asked for for the fiscal year that started on July 1st. A couple of weeks ago, we were notified that we, along with everyone else, were being cut an additional 15% from our budget which translates to an additional cut of about $44,000. What that has meant is losing 2 animal control officers. We had 3 and now we have 1. We are prioritizing animal calls so that means that we are hoping people will have patience. We will do the best we can to respond to calls as quickly as possible but it is going to take time. This is a big county and with only 1 officer...

The cut has also resulted in changing what calls we can respond to when we are closed. Right now the ONLY calls our officer will respond to is if a dog or cat is injured or sick. I am hopeful people won't call and say the animal is sick or injured just to get the officer out there... if our officer responds and the dog or cat isn't sick or injured (and not an old injury), they will leave the scene and address the call during regular business hours.

It is not our intent to not provide the best service we can but there is little money to go to a lot of places. We are committed to not cutting back on what we do for the animals that come into the shelter but that is expensive.

We are now vaccinating against canine influenza and that is about $8.00/dose and the dogs need 2 doses. We also don't want to not test for heartworms or feline leukemia/FIV but those tests are over $10.00 each... but it is well worth the cost to help ensure that pets adopted from us are as healthy as we can make them.

It is a hard time for everyone and again, we are hoping for the patience and understanding of people.

Please let people know that they can call and talk to me or any one of my staff and we will do all we can to get their problems taken care of as soon as we can.

Thanks Joe. Hope this finds you well.


Thank God It's Friday

What Will YOU Be Doing This Weekend?

Red Kettle Drive Kicks Off, Let The Sniping Begin

Is it possible to sap the spirit of giving from Christmas? No, but some Eastern Shore residents sure give it a go.

Yesterday the Salvation Army kicked off its annual “Red Kettle Drive” with a breakfast in Salisbury. These giving individuals, and many others, will spend countless hours during the Holiday season ringing a bell in the cold and collecting funds to help those less fortunate than themselves. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Not on the Lower Shore. Why? SbyNEWS publisher Joe Albero has the unmitigated gall to use Maryland and Delaware’s most popular blog to promote the Kettle Drive and encourage his readers to volunteer their time and money. Shame on you Joe!

Because Albero is none too popular with certain quarters of our community, some will actually encourage residents NOT to contribute. For those who live outside of the confines of our bizarre little “Peyton Place”, I’m quite serious.

Local gadfly and Barrie Comegys mouthpiece Jonathan Taylor requested that “concerned citizens” (translation - “Albero haters”) call the Salvation Army and demand that Albero be excluded from the 2009 Kettle Drive. Since Albero was at yesterday’s kick-off, that obviously didn’t work. Their next plan is to distribute nasty little pamphlets to drop in the kettle rather than cash. Now that’s the Christmas spirit guys!

Now the appropriately named “Grinch” promises to have “coins” made stating their refusal to donate because of Albero. Granted, this is so many mule muffins, but imagine the type of twisted personality required to come up with this nonsense.

It doesn’t matter whether you love Albero or hate him. Last year the Salvation Army was facing a shortage of volunteers. Albero took it upon himself to promote the hell out of the Kettle Drive AND donate hours of his own time. SbyNEWS readers stepped up to the plate with their time and money. Despite the economy, the Salvation Army saw a sizable increase in donations. Was this ALL because of Joe Albero. Of course not. I never heard him make that claim. However, there is no question that Albero impacted the Kettle Drive and he (along with his readers) should be applauded.

Instead, we are witnessing a nasty little cabal encouraging people NOT to support their own community because of one guy’s participation. Following their logic, if Albero is seen shopping at Wal-Mart they shouldn’t shop there?

My view is a little different.

To Albero - Promote the hell out of the kettle drive. Double your coverage of last year (if that’s even possible).

To SbyNEWS Readers – Keep it up! I know times are tough, but donate your time and money.

To the Salvation Army – Thank the Lord for people like Albero and his readers.

To people like Jonathan Taylor – Don’t forget your sun block. You're going to HELL!

from Delmarva Dealings

The Salvation Army Kicks Off Their 2009 Red Kettle Campaign

The Salvation Army kicked off their 20009 Red Kettle Campaign Drive at the Fountains yesterday morning with more than 200 people in attendance. The goal again this year is to raise $200,000.00 and with your support I believe we can make this happen.
Salisbury News will be expanding our responsibility in this drive by adding another location. Last year we covered Sam's Club and the Salisbury WalMart. This year we'll add Gander Mountain and we'll need your help.
Last year Sam's Club and the Salisbury WalMart were the two biggest income providers during the entire campaign, thanks to you. We'd like to see the Gander Mountain location as one of the top three.
This year Salisbury News will once again post charts with individual names and corporate names of those who volunteer to ring a bell at these locations. Just by volunteering, your name or company name will get FREE advertising on Salisbury News every day and sometimes several times a day. Who better to do business with than those who volunteer to help others. Salisbury News is pleased to provide such advertising and we need you now more than ever.
The economy has hit us hard since last year and even more families are in need. When you reach into your pocket for loose change, you have no idea how big a difference it makes in some one's life. I know that every time I walk past a red kettle, if there's change in my pocket, it goes in the bucket. Even if I've just donated the day before, it doesn't matter. Remember what my Grandmother used to say to me, "Joe, someone else needed it more than you did." It's the truth Folks.
Please consider volunteering your time this year and let's achieve their goal of $200,000.00. Below are some of the Award Recipients for the 2008 Red Kettle Campaign. Thank You once again and we'll have those scheduled up in no time so everyone can start filling in the slots.
2008 Red Kettle Awards

Individual Bell Ringers

1st: Ken Menser rang 132 hours and collected $5,474.21 in donations.

2nd: John Peters rang 115 hours and collected $3,500.38 in donations.

3rd: Michelle Dashiell rang 48 hours and collected $1,969.04 in donations.

Corporate Bell Ringers

1st: George G. Strott Law Firm rang 58 hours and collected $2,612.57 in donations.

2nd: Peninsula Regional Medical Center rang 33 hours and collected $1,606.97 in donations.

3rd: CFS Retirement &Tax Solutions rang 41 hours and collected $1,536.41 in donations

Clubs and Organizations Bell Ringers

1st: Ocean Pines Kiwanis rang 147 hours and collected $7,543.81 in donations.

2nd: Optimist Club of Salisbury rang 74 hours and collected $2,665.79 in donations.

3rd: Quota Club of Salisbury rang 44 hours and collected $2,106.20 in donations.

Pelosi's Contempt For Voters

The 1,990 page health care proposal, unveiled by Nancy Pelosi, demonstrates the contempt she, and other Democrat leaders have for a huge block of Americans. While the vast majority of Americans believe some form of health care reform is needed, depending on the poll, 40% to 54% oppose the current proposals. In 2008, 132,588,514 citizens voted. At the low end of 40% that translates into 53,035,405 Americans are opposed. I expect that supporters will dispute the polls or accept the low end and proclaim majority rules. In any case, how can such a large group be totally ignored? These are the same people that claim the rights of a single individual must be protected, but over 50 million can be ignored.

Tea Party protests were ignored and reviled. The Republican party leadership was barred from entry as The Senate and House Democrats crafted their bills. Is this what "Hope and Change" was all about ? Is this the "Transformation of America", promised by Obama ? Please don't bother to point out that Republicans were also bad guys, I know that. What the country must deal with is the here and now. Don't you think the health care problem can be fixed without destroying the entire system ? Surely if politics can be overcome, reasonable people can find a solution.

Ten Commandments for Congress to consider, -

1) Insurance companies shall not deny coverage for pre-existing conditions.

2) Congress shall establish a cap on malpractice awards..

3) Health care clinics shall be provided for the poor.

4) Claims shall be paid promptly

5) Paperwork shall be reduced to a one page standardized form

6) Neither Government nor insurance companies shall come between a doctor and patient.

7) Fraudulent claims shall be prosecuted as a Federal crime.

8) The training of additional health care providers shall be a priority of the VA or other Federal facilities.

9) Federally trained providers shall be obliged to serve in areas of high need for a period equal to 150% of the time it took to train them.

10) The only government option would be for the purchase of catastrophic coverage.

I have as much health care experience as Obama, Pelosi or Reid. Probably more, as I have lived longer and had more illness. The ten items, I have listed are not cheap, but they most likely are less expensive than what congress is proposing. I don't believe it would take 1,990 pages, that no one can read, to fix the problem.

Have at me Kool Aid drinkers,


A Sour Treat In Illinois As State Taxes Halloween Candy

This Halloween, the state of Illinois is offering more trick than treat.In an effort to meet expenses, the state has recharacterized the way that it taxes candy for purposes of sales tax.

The state previously characterized candy as food, which meant that it was subject to a lower sales tax. The new tax rules, which took effect Sept. 1, however, redefined candy as, well, candy, and subjected it to the full state and local sales tax.

That means that in Chicago, which currently bears the not so desirable title of "highest taxed city in the nation," you can expect to pay 10.25% in sales tax for a candy bar.

But not just any candy bar.

In a twist that has confused consumers (and defied explanation), the tax specifically exempts candy which contains flour. The actual text of the act specifically states:

"candy" means a preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or pieces. "Candy" does not include any preparation that contains flour or requires refrigeration.

So what does it mean for shoppers this Halloween season? You'll have to read labels.

Candy corn? Candy. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? Candy. Snickers? Also candy. But Milky Way? Not candy. Twizzlers? Also not candy: Twizzlers and other forms of licorice candy contain flour.

GO HERE to read more.

Door To Door Carbon Monoxide Education Campaign Kicks Off

Ocean City Fire Department personnel have begun the Carbon Monoxide Public Outreach
Awareness Program to inform residents of carbon monoxide (CO) danger, and the importance of CO detectors. The primary target for the campaign is single-family dwellings.

Fire crews will be going door-to-door in residential areas of the Town of Ocean City, checking for the use of CO detectors and functional smoke detectors. The Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office has provided informational brochures that will be distributed by fire crews.

The campaign begins immediately and will take place seven days a week, except for holidays, between the hours of 11:00AM and 5:00PM.