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Thursday, October 22, 2009

A 43-Year-Old Man Pleads Guilty To 3 Counts Of Sex Offense On 3 Different Children In His Fruitland Neighborhood

A 43-year-old man pleads guilty to 3 counts of sex offense on 3 different children in his Fruitland neighborhood.

This morning, Russell Glen Burnett pleaded guilty to 3 counts of 3rd Degree Sex Offense on two 8-year-olds and an 11-year-old. State’s Attorney Davis R. Ruark says Burnett committed the sex offenses on the three girls in his yard and in his home in April of 2009.

Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge W. Newton Jackson deferred sentencing today. Burnett will be sentenced within 30 days and is currently being held without bond. He is facing a maximum of 30 years in the Division of Correction, 10 years per each offense.

“A serial child molester has been removed from the streets of Wicomico County thanks to the fine police work of detectives assigned to the Child Advocacy Center,” says Ruark.

The State’s Attorney adds Burnett is also awaiting a federal indictment by the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Maryland for a number of child pornography offenses stemming from the investigation by the Fruitland Police Department and the Wicomico Child Advocacy Center.


  1. Whats wrong with these people? I hope they give him all 30 years.

  2. Doug I hope he gets all 30 years in the HOLE.

  3. Thank you for getting this dirtbag off the street. Our children thank you as well.

  4. Here is the website I go to check for the nasty sex offender jerks in the area. Knowledge is power!!!!


  5. What is it with Fruitland and child molesters? Dirtbags, all of them - glad to see them off the street and where they belong.

  6. You folks that always that equate gays with child molesters, please take note, he is straight.

  7. anonymous 4:18, Not for long, he isn't.

  8. anon 4:18

    I read the article and all of the comments and I didn't see anything equating gays with child molesters. . . . but now that you mention it, hmmmmm - good point.

  9. IT is niether straight nor gay. Straight implies a normal hetrosexual person. How can you call a child molester "straight"? IT is a sick, demented pervert and should be raped in prison until it dies.

  10. straight???

    What A peice of CHIT!!!!
    I would like to meet him so i can break his JAW and send him to PRMC, then he can go to jail after im done.If he makes it there.

  11. 'Nother one...GOOOOO Davis!

  12. in prison...raped to death is too good. most don't do well. even the hard core prisoners don't like 'em.

  13. Maryland also has a listing of locally registered (many with photos) sex offenders.

  14. Good job Glen, Bubba has been waiting for you he says its been awhile since the last fresh meat arrived. O i heard you will be bunking with him. Funny thing his cell has one bed. Enjoy prison, hope you rot.


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