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Friday, September 25, 2009

Mandatory Swine Flu Shots For Firefighters?

Firefighters could be added to the list of those mandated to take the dangerous and untested H1N1 vaccine if Parkersburg Fire Department Chief Eric Chichester gets his way, while health workers in Ontario Canada have been told they will not be forced to take the shot.

Firefighters do not work in hospitals, but because they are trained EMT’s, Chichester believes they should get both the seasonal and H1N1 vaccines.

“I plan on getting vaccinated as soon as it’s available,” Chichester said. “Our guys have the choice of getting the regular flu shot, but I’m looking into ways I can make it mandatory for them to receive the H1N1 vaccine,” he told the News and Sentinel.

Capt. Rick Woodyard with the Wood County Sheriff’s Department is quoted in the same article as saying that police will follow the orders of FEMA if there is a widespread H1N1 outbreak.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Thats BS, i am a first responder also in animal health, just to let everyone know the vaccine they are giving for this specific flu is new,by the time people get this vaccine, a new strain of flu will be out and this vaccine will not work. thats also the case with the yearly flu vaccine we get every year, its only for certain starins of the flu, they dont know much about this new vaccine and to make it mandatory or loose your job is BS. So being in a job like i am all there is to do is protect your self and use the proper biosecurty.

  2. I am tired of these conspiracy theory people trying to say the government is going to mandate the vaccine, etc.

    They are the same people who believe the banks caused the economic problems.

    Regular Americans caused the problem by taking loans they couldn't afford. The government needs to punish them instead of rewarding them.

    The banks are our only hope

  3. Is it going to be FREE?????

  4. anonymous 11:01, NOTHING is FREE from the US Government.

    This is why being a democrat is so embarassing. They actually believe because they didn't reach into their pockets to pay for something, it's free. Idiots!


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