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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hospital Shooting?

Not sure how to post this on your site. So I will just tell you.
A fellow worker of mine that is married to a nurse at PRMC told me that his wife said a few months ago that there was a gang member brought to the emergency room at PRMC with a gun shot wound.

Later some rival gang members showed up to finish the job. Apparently they fired off a few rounds in the emergency room. Not sure if anyone was hit but I would like to know why it was not reported on the news? I emailed WBOC twice asking them about it and they have not replied to me. Neither has PRMC.

It amazes me how they keep things like this from the public. I guess our safety has no meaning to the city. I myself do know there are gangs here in Salisbury. I have had a minor run in with one gang before in the area behind the old Bella Donna. Do not want that to happen again.

Have you heard anything about this before? I think the people in this city need to know the truth. If the Mayor and the City Council are not going to do tell us, then we need to remove them and put someone in office who will.



  1. Come on Joe, reporting this shooting would do no good and would be bad for business.

  2. Truthfully,I don't know if it's true but my trust in PRMC, the Daily Times,SPD and other local authorities isso low that I can easily believe it did happen and it is being covered up. Something like this would damage the reputation of PRMC and cause some to go to competing hospitals like Atlantic or the U of MD hospitals(Dorchester,Easton Memorial). SPD has denied gang crime for so long that no one can believe what they say.One of the most frustrating things about local crime is the coverup.

  3. "and cause some to go to competing hospitals like Atlantic or"

    You mean to to the Worcester County Country Club INSTEAD of PRMC? For an aspirin maybe.

    PRMC ER is very busy and where other hospitals like Atlantic send their patients with serious injury.

  4. I used to work for a fire chief in Berlin and they certainly do send anything serious to PRMC.

  5. Gang members did go there. However, there was no shooting in the hospital. This source is completely wrong. If I told you who I was I would catch hell in my position. Just know that there was no shooting in the E.R.

  6. Thats how we roll in the "bury". Cover ups and ineptitude. Welcome to the eastern shore. A high "quality of life" is waiting for you. Ignorance is truly bliss.

  7. Say what a friend of a wife and a brothers cousin twice removed said it was true!!! Well then it must be soo.

  8. I work at PRMC as well and I know the night in which you are talking about and yes "suspected" gang members did come to the grounds of PRMC but MSP and SPD were there and none of those people go into the ER and there were NO shots fired in the ER at PRMC...please someone would have leaked that out had it really happened...I wish I knew who that nurse was because that is totally false and believe me I am a person of no importance at PRMC but that just makes our hospital look bad and beyond what people think quality care is given everyday at PRMC and sometimes not so quality of care is given as well, some people just do not take pride in their job. I for one do and make sure I give everyone I came into contact with my full attention and help them to the best of my abilities.

  9. I use to work there, and I can believe it. We had a few patients ultimately die from falls from their beds, which is call a sentential event. And I'm one of the people in the process of declaring someone dead. Well when the next report card on the Hospital came out guess what, so sentential events reported. So if they cover up a an accidental death, what makes you think they wouldn't cover up a shooting. Hell they probably reported the bullet holes as a construction defect.

  10. we all need to gather and prorest spd. they are not helping the problem.

  11. 337 if you are one of the people declaring someone dead you have to be a Dr. and if so you need to learn how to spell. My mom always told me it was better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt.

  12. To all the people who have reported they work at PRMC...You have all violated laws. You have no right to go around "telling" what happened in a patient room or in the ER. I believe you signed a paper that stated you will RESPECT privacy in the hospital setting. Stop the gossip!

  13. 842. . .my thoughts exactly!! Sentential event?? Come on, if you were declaring someone dead, you would know it's a sentinel event!!

  14. to 9:27pm

    So shootings and preventable deaths are to remain silent? I guess Karen Silkwood shouldn't have said anything either? Despite what they think PRMC isn't the Mafia or Las Vegas;you know what happens there stays there. Plus maybe the earlier person was talking about incidents that took place before April 14,2003 before HIPPA took effect.

  15. By law the hosptial has to contact police when someone has a gunshot injury in ER so the place was likely crawling with cops.

  16. Come on people, grow up!! Even if you went to another area hospital there are still gangs that are going in and out of their doors as well. If there had truly been a shooting of that magnitude at PRMC then it surely would have been on the news bewcause people and employees talk and no matter what PRMC would have wanted it would be out!!!!

  17. The nurses at PRMC can't keep their mouths shut. Look what they did in the Dr. Alvarado situation - saying he was gone days before he actually died. No way were they able to keep a shooting under wraps for months. For that one reason, I just don't believe it.


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