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Friday, September 25, 2009

Drinking Age Law

Do You Believe The Legal Drinking Age (21) Is Proper, Or Should It Be (18) Years Of Age?


  1. 18. Everyone drinks before they are 21 anyway. Why make it so they are committing a crime?

  2. As a Veteran I have always felt that if you were old enough to go to war you were old enough to drink resposibly.

  3. 18. You can buy a house, fight in a war and vote. Therefore you should be able to drink.

  4. 18. they are going to drink REGARDLESS, they mine as well not go to jail & ruin their future for having a beer or two? Let them decide, most 21 find out that once you are allowed to do it, it is no longer as much fun & isnt worth the next morning feeling.. just watch if the law changes, people will mature alot faster!

  5. bY the time they are 21 they are having alcohol problems anyway.Let them drink.

  6. 18. I drank more between the time I was 18 and 21 then I was when I turned 21 lol.

  7. 910...my thoughts exactly. Also a veteran I have questioned why you cannot drink at age 18 but you can spill blood for your country.

  8. Logically 18 BUT you have to look at the original reasoning behind the later age. You body still continues to form, mostly your bones, up to age 23. Excessive alcohol can hinder that. BUT smoking does the same thing. If you can make the choice to smoke at that age, the law should be consistent.

  9. Make it the same as being able to join the military and die for your country.

  10. If you drop the age to 18, then SPD wont have as many alcohol citations to write. If it was up to Webster, the age would be 30. Gotta get those citations!

  11. It should be lower than 21. They could compromise and say 19 and 1/2 (what a nightmare that would be?? or at least 20

  12. Put a rider on their drivers license and if they have had any prior convictions with alcohol they cannot buy or get into clubs.

  13. I tink it should be dropped to 18. It is this way and many other countries with no ill effects. As someone has mentioned already, if you can go to war to defend your country at 18, then you should be allowed to drink a beer.

  14. 18! I have three boys and all three drank much more illegally under 21 than at drinking age. The only thing drinking at 21 encourages is for these kids to go to underage parties all over the place. Then, at 21, they have to continue drinking because they are now legal and have to experience the "bars". Drinking age was 18 when I was younger and by the time I was 21 I was done with the partying. Now, it just goes on that much longer. This law has accomplished nothing but more drinking problems.

  15. The Reason the drinking law was change. To save lives. If you grow up in the 80's. Their were lot of alcohol related death between 18,and 20 year olds. And the mothers(M.A.D.D) were tried seeing their kids die on the street. So when you get drunk and kill someone.Just remember, I didn't have that choice.

  16. Whatever the government tells me to do, I will do it.

    They have guns.

    Do you think anyone will mind if I stop taking my vitamins?

  17. 20. As should be the age of an adult. When you are no longer a teen.

  18. 18 only in bars until 21. After 21 they can buy it themselves.

    Tom Sawyer

  19. I have long thought that we should divide our population into three categories.
    Kids 12 and under.
    Teenagers 13-19.
    And Adults 20 and over.
    We should be doing this in regard to our criminal justice system. All 13 to 19 year olds are “in today’s world” still kids and should be treated as such.
    But when you turn 20 you should legally be an adult. You should be able to drink, be drafted, join the military and buy a weapon on your own.
    This should be the law in the United States.

  20. 18 if you can die for your country at that age you can drink too

  21. The reason for making it 21 was 18 meant drinking was legally frequent among high schoolers.

    Statistically, fewer high school teens -- many younger than 18 and not the ones drinking -- die from alcohol related accidents now that the age is 21.

    This is a serious question because on one hand, you have "life rights" issue, and on the other, you have the death rates" issue.

    I'm a vet, too, and always felt the same way about the 18-year-old's responsibilities. But my daughter lost a classmate when the age was still 21. Just by the grace of God, she was not in that car.

    Now that I'm a grandparent of young teens who will be "car age" in just a few years, this question really gives me real pause.

  22. As a veteran , if you want to drink at 18 then join the military.
    If not then , 21 is great. That's a bunch of crap about spilling your blood and can't drink.
    I think drinking should be outlawed
    and people who do it are just looking for false courage. That's a fact Jack! However , I do like a few beers now and then , not to exceed 24 on any given night.

  23. 25 "lost my son to a under age drunk"

  24. agree fully with 21801

    21801 said...
    I have long thought that we should divide our population into three categories.
    Kids 12 and under.
    Teenagers 13-19.
    And Adults 20 and over.
    We should be doing this in regard to our criminal justice system. All 13 to 19 year olds are “in today’s world” still kids and should be treated as such.
    But when you turn 20 you should legally be an adult. You should be able to drink, be drafted, join the military and buy a weapon on your own.
    This should be the law in the United States.

    9:59 AM

  25. 21. i understand the arguement about going to war and buying a house and being an "adult," but not many 21 yr olds can control their drinking habitis and to ask an 18 yr old to drink responsibly is irrational.

  26. 21, but 18 IF YOU ARE RISKING SPILLING YOUR BLOOD in the military. a military Id should allow a soldier to have a cold beer when not in active duty. this is pretty much the case anyway, as those serving overseas in countries with 18 and up laws can get a beer if they want.

  27. Drinking age shoudl be lowered to 18. Good points made by commentator. I believe that the drinking age contributes to drug use. Drug dealer is not going to card you. It is much easier for teens to get drugs than alcohol.

  28. Mirroring many responses, 18. If you're old enough to vote and to fight for your country, it only makes sense they should be able to drink, otherwise change it all to 21.

  29. Asking an 18 year old to control their drinking is irrational? What happened to parents raising responsible citizens? This is a total cop out. I've raised two children that never had any problem controlling their "lust for liquor!" Parents these days do not raise their children properly, they'd rather be their friends than a real parent.

  30. 18. I agree that there are some people between 18 and 21 who cannot handle drinking. But there are also people who cant handle parenthood at any age yet we dont take away their children. (although with some we should)
    Besides, there are a lot of people over 21 and over 25 who cause drunken accidents.


  31. Some comments have been based on alcohol related accidents. If those people took the time to see the actual statistics they would see the greater majority of DUI accidents involve people in the 30-60 age brackets, so there is very little logic put into those previous comments.

    Personally I drank way more before I turned 21 than I have drank in the combined 11 years since then.

    It doesn't matter what the legal age is, if someone wants to drink they will drink, if they don't want to drink they won't drink. It is obvious in this country in this day and age there is very little concern for what the law says! So changing the law will have little impact on the persons decision. The only thing the law does is allow people to be fined for underage drinking.

  32. 18 ....if you can die for your country at 18 then you should be able to have a darn beer if you want one!

  33. 18 true some cant control liquor but neither can adults.

  34. Leave it 18. This being a college town we would really be in trouble if they could drink out right. This way it makes them have to be aware to sneak and break the law. Yes you can fight for our country at 18, but only those who are mature, follow rules and are focused sign up to do that.

  35. 23 The age most kids get out of college.

  36. excatly my point, parents can not control their kids, so they are less likely to be responsible. i agree parents are the ones that are supposed to be responsible for their childs actions, however, in todays world that is not the case and dropping the drinking age to 18 only makes matters worse.
    yes a lot of the alcohol related accidents are caused by someone over the age of 21 or 30 but dropping the drinking age would probably cause more alcohol related accidents amoung 18-21 yr olds and that 1 accident could involve my loved one and i am not willing to take that risk.

  37. When people speak of 18 year olds fighting in the military they are "young adults" when they speak of them in the context of drinking they *SUDDENLY* become children. An 18 yr old can sign a contract that is binding in the court of law... to me, this makes them adults. If they are mature enough in the eyes of the law to enter into loans and other contracts then they should be allowed to also drink.

  38. We drank at 15 and up but when we turned 18 and could buy beer it wasn't worth it because we had been getting away with buying beer at a young age to start with. Once I turned 21 was when the sh!t really hit the fan but then it wasn't just booze we had other things like pot. now that I'm past that point in my life I think if a young person wants to drink they will find a way to get the booze so why not let them drink at 18 if they can handle it, if they can't make the results strict and enforce the punishment. Problem is what to do about drunk driving solution ignition interlocks on every vehicle made. For a teen make it an absolute must.

  39. 18 - the legal age of adulthood. Anything less is hypocrisy. Tommorrow, legislators could decide that "statistically" men between 21 and 23 are the causes of more fatal traffic accidents so we should suspend the licenses of people falling into that category. Nonsense. If you're an adult you're an adult.

  40. i think 21 is low enough. do not go lower than that. there are already enough underage drinkers now. if the drinking age goes any lower, like to 18, kids will be trying to drink when they are like 10. which they probably do now anyway.

  41. 21 !!!!

    Look at the drinkin/driving death stats for teenagers now ! This would just make em start even younger then they are now.

    21 !!!!

  42. If anyone can join the military at 18yoa and chance taking a bullet for me/us, then by God they sure as hell can have a beer. Contradictory laws like these cause people to lose respect for the law.

    Who hasnt drank before 18?

  43. 18 I could buy beer legally when I was 18 and I don't remember any more, and if anything less problems with under age drinking and incidents caused by them. I also agree with the military aspect, if you can be shot defending your country, you should be able to walk into a bar or restaurant and have a beer.


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