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Friday, September 25, 2009


Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border

Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.

A Department of Homeland Security annual performance review updated by the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border to the Northern Border to meet the FY 2010 staffing requirements, with only a small increase in new agents for the Southwest Border in the same year.”

More here...


  1. Is anyone surprised. We all know his goal is to have open borders, and if terrotrists come in and kill a few thousand people it is only a slight inconvience. This guy makes Bush look smartewr every day.

  2. What do you expect. They are letting future liberal voters over. One way to win elections.

  3. Bring our military back home and deploy them at our own borders.

  4. The open borders will NOT lead to more terroism.

    The Feds know who the terrorists are, and that's why they know the borders are a non-issue.

    Be afraid.

  5. So 10:39, the feds know the name of EVERY single terrorist in the world? Did your boy Obama tell you that? How stupid are you people? You're either dumber than a log or totally brainwashed!

    This is exactly why there's a class war in America right now. It's not rich or poor, black or white, Republican or democrat...it's about one side being intelligent enough to see the truth and the other side being too ignorant to walk and chew gum at the same time!!!

  6. Where do you think the herione comes from?

  7. Elections have consequences.
    Every action taken by Obama is a direct assault on our safety, economic well being or values.

  8. Perhaps Pelosi will loan them her plane, after all she got a bigger one for some purpose. Maybe we can arrange a swap. For every 1,000 Mexicans coming in, they have to take one congressman. I would take 10,000 if they take Obama.


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