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Friday, August 07, 2009

SEIU Thugs Attack A Black Conservative Outside Russ Carnahan Town Hall RAW VIDEO


  1. The LEFT is "Emotionally Constapated".

  2. They were big guys. Take out their knee and they drop like a rock.

  3. I keep picturing the jokers face.... has everyone gone a little crazy?

  4. lol maybe more of this needs to be done!

  5. Okay, educate me... who is SEIU?

  6. Check out the SEIU website! They use the teabagger word, and show that the "Tea Party" crowd is the violent force, and they are the benevolent peaceful protesters making the way for Obamacare to go through. Watch out, folks! This isn't going to be as simple as it seems.

  7. looks like the dems are gonna get thinned out.

    I knew it wouldn't be long, it's just not soon enough.

  8. Big unions at work. The same unions that benefit from all of the "stimulus" taxpayer money. They (left=Dems=socialists) send in the thugs to intimidate working class and seniors.

    So easy, a caveman can do it.

  9. 5:54 start with me !

  10. Despicable, but Chuck, Two Sents and Ireton will be spinning this as hard as they can, or saying, look what Bush did, pathetic, people, I know we are all upset that Kratovil, Mikulski, O'Malley, and Cardin aren't listeing to us, the bottom line is that those elitists think they know best, and they will send in thier evil minions to do conservatives harm. We have to be careful. These left wing people are twisted, evil, and dangerous. We must take the high road though and beat them on principle.

    Join together and vote them out.

  11. We don't actually have to do anything. Your lies will be your undoing. They always are.

    SO keep telling your lies. Keep kidding yourselves. Keep scaring granny. Keep calling health reform socialism while you draw your social security and Medicare even though you would have pissed away every dollar or lost it gambling. Just keep on the way you are.

    You can't help it. You are what you are.

  12. What the fridge is this county coming to Wake up America

  13. Here in 1222's comments we see the duplicity of the liberal agenda, if you accept a dime of help from the government you are a socialist, so you therefore MUST accept ALL levels of socialism that the Elite far left Obama admistrations and those on SBY KOS demand to force you to take.

    Another far left fringe whacko game of equivilancy.

    Americans are too smart to keep on falling for the equivilancy game.

    Those on THIS shore are waking up and will be taking there government BACK from those fringe elements that are doing the bidding of GE and the insurance companies that will be the winner in Nancy Pelosi's risky schemes.

    Just watch out Salisbury conservatives, you keep on speaking out and some democrat union thugs will beat you to a pulp.

    Just remember, if you agree with SBY KOS and you go to a town hall and yell, you are a threat, and should be arrested, but those union thugs that beat up a BLACK conservative were valiant freedom fighters trying to protect GE shareholders.

    Look at the week minded local
    SBY KOS-ians,

    No screaming rascist, no screaming for the FBI to protect them, if you are a democrat and a protester, it's ok to scream, if you beat up a black man, to them, you are just getting your point across.

    I am so very glad to see that Salisbury is waking up to the sick game of the fear and intimidation that the left is playing.

  14. I like how they are yelling, "Where are the cops?" How about, Call the cops first. "your going to jail!" lol funny, I like how they know what the cops are going to do. For what? Cops didnt see it happen.

  15. 12:22, you claim we are trying to "scare granny". I think your savior Obamas plan will scare granny enough. You know the part about the counseling sessions, and how to end your own life through not eating etc. Explain that one 12:22, keep defending it.

  16. 6:21, thats how stupid some of you liberals are, "You cant prove it, the cops didn't see me punch you" Well what about the 20 people standing around who saw it. Your lift wing mentality is sickening. You are all a bunch of babies who can't think for yourselves. It has become purely a team thing to you guys, you will defend your party at all costs, not matter how wrong it may be.


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