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Saturday, August 08, 2009


Written by Dr. Dave Janda

Thursday, 23 July 2009

As a physician who has authored books on preventative health care, I was given the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner at The Capitol Building in Washington last Friday (7/17).

The presentation was entitled Health Care Reform, The Power & Profit of Prevention, and I was gratified that it was well received.

In preparation for the presentation, I read the latest version of "reform" as authored by The Obama Administration and supported by Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. Here is the link to the 1,018 page document: http://edlabor.house.gov/documents/111/pdf/publications/AAHCA-BillText-071409.pdf

Let me summarize just a few salient points of the above plan. First, however, it should be clear that the same warning notice must be placed on The ObamaCare Plan as on a pack of cigarettes: Consuming this product will be hazardous to your health.

The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on rationing and denying care. There is no focus on preventing health care need whatever. The plan's method is the most inhumane and unethical approach to cutting costs I can imagine as a physician.

The rationing of care is implemented through The National Health Care Board, according to the plan. This illustrious Board "will approve or reject treatment for patients based on the cost per treatment divided by the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment."

Translation.....if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as having an advanced form of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer.....dream on if you think you will get treated......pick out your coffin.

Oh, you say this could never happen? Sorry..... this is the same model they use in Britain.

The plan mandates that there will be little or no advanced treatments to be available in the future. It creates The Federal Coordinating Council For Comparative Effectiveness Research, the purpose of which is "to slow the development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs." Yes, this is to be the law.

The plan also outlines that doctors and hospitals will be overseen and reviewed by The National Coordinator For Health Information and Technology.

This " coordinator" will "monitor treatments being delivered to make sure doctors and hospitals are strictly following government guidelines that are deemed appropriate." It goes on to say....."Doctors and hospitals not adhering to guidelines will face penalties."

According to those in Congress, penalties could include large six figure financial fines and possible imprisonment.

So according to The ObamaCare Plan....if your doctor saves your life you might have to go to the prison to see your doctor for follow -up appointments. I believe this is the same model Stalin used in the former Soviet Union .

Section 102 has the Orwellian title, "Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage." What this section really mandates is that it is illegal to keep your private insurance if your status changes - e.g., if you lose or change your job, retire from your job and become a senior, graduate from college and get your first job. Yes, illegal.

When Mr. Obama hosted a conference call with bloggers urging them to pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible, a blogger from Maine referenced an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance.

He asked: "Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?" Mr. Obama replied: "You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about."

Then there is Section 1233 of The ObamaCare Plan, devoted to "Advanced Care Planning." After each American turns 65 years of age they have to go to a mandated counseling program that is designed to end life sooner.

This session is to occur every 5 years unless the person has developed a chronic illness then it must be done every year. The topics in this session will include, "how to decline hydration, nutrition and how to initiate hospice care." It is no wonder The Obama Administration does not like my emphasis on Prevention. For Mr. Obama, prevention is the "enemy" as people would live longer.

I rest my case. The ObamaCare Plan is hazardous to the health of every American.

After I finished my Capitol Hill presentation, I was asked by a Congressman in the question-answer session: "I'll be doing a number of network interviews on the Obama Health Care Plan. If I am asked what is the one word to describe the plan what should I answer."

The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, sad but truthful. I told him that one word is FASCIST.

Then I added, "I hope you'll have the courage to use that word, Congressman. No other word is more appropriate."

Dr. Dave Janda, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon, and a world-recognized expert on the prevention of sports injuries, particularly in children. His website is http://www.noinjury.com/.


  1. Obama and Hitler there is no difference,Hitlers dream was the finale solution , Obamas dream is OBAMACARE

  2. You guys know you can keep your private insurance right?

  3. 10:51... how long do you think private insurance is going to last when it can't compete? WAKE UP!!!

  4. "You guys know you can keep your private insurance right?"

    10:51 AM

    obama will do away with private insurance. That was in his own words. You liberals sure have a selective memory.

  5. You guys realize that there are bureaucrats making your health care decisions now. The only difference is the insurance company bureaucrats are there to protect insurance company profits.

  6. Please explain to me what value private insurance companies bring to the table anyway? I think that they should all be banned.

  7. Everyone should read Dr. Janda's informative letter AND the "bill".

    With 80% of Americans pleased with their insurance coverage, stop maligning the insurance copmpanies.
    My policy is not a Cadillac policy, but at $550.00 monthly for an individual, NO claim has been denied including two back surguries.
    Sadly some will continue to support Obama even as the Titanic sinks......

  8. I'm glad that you have $550 per month to spend on health insurance, I do not. My wife and I have a high-deductible policy that costs us nearly $300 per month, and doesn't cover Jack. The policy started two years ago at a more affordable (but still expensive for us) $220 per month for the same lame coverage. We've been to the Dr's ZERO times in those two years. Feels great to have health insurance and still not be able to afford to go to the Dr's. Not to mention the pre-existing heart-murmur that they won't cover.

    So keep on talking about Hitler this, and Hitler that, until one of your right-wing nut job friends acts out in a horrible way.

    Something has got to change. Seems like it was much better when BCBS was the only game in town. De-regulation and insurance companies have destroyed health care in this country.

    I don't like any of the current plans before congress either. Single payer is the way to go. A public option is the second best alternative.

  9. ...and from behind the wheel of my Yugo, your $550 per month policy looks a lot like a Caddy to me ;-)


  11. I did my own stitches last time.

  12. I would like to hear one of the left wing nut jobs response to the section of this bill where it talks about these counseling sessions for people over 65 to try and make them end their life. Try to put the spin on that one. I would like to hear that bimbo left wing nut Rachel Maddow, I think she is on CNN or MSNBC, try to discuss that one with that cynical smirk she usually has on her face. You democrats were wrong this time, just admit it. That is why there are hardly any comments on this post. You can only defend your savior Barrack Hussein Obama so long.

  13. 6:43- Do you really buy that bologna they are feeding you. This writer probably sums it up better than me, so I'll provide the quote...

    ...If a doctor and a patient choose to have a conversation about end-of-life care and advance care planning, this legislation simply provides Medicare the ability to pay for the doctors' time. This type of counseling is already going on, and doctors should be the ones providing it to patients and families who wish to have it as they face a terminal illness and have to make decisions about pain management and resuscitation. Under the legislation, Medicare will reimburse for the doctor's time once every five years or more often if the patient becomes significantly sicker. However, this legislation does not require that this conversation take place.

    Not that you care about facts, but if you are able to READ, the whole story is available here...


  14. 2:27-


    For what exactly?

  15. Anon 6:43pm

    7:11 answered it perfectly. With facts.

    Now I would like to ask you to try to deny it. That's right, you can't deny facts.

    You could have even looked it up for yourself, but you won't.

  16. When did it become everyone ELSES problem and responsiblity if YOU dont have insurance. Find another job that offers good insurance. Im tired of my money going to pay for someone else. ITS NOT MY JOB TO SUPPORT YOU. It's my job to support MY FAMILY. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

  17. I expect that most, if not all, legislation is writen by staff or lobbyists. These are very intelligent people. They know if they come right out and divulge the true intent of the legislation, the public would revolt. So they tell you that you can keep your present health care and doctors don't have to give you end of life advice.
    They the bury, in the legislation, rules that make it impossible for you to do what you wish. (that's why it takes 1,018 pages) Americans are starting to see through the subterfuge, but the rest still drink the Kool Aid.

  18. if YOU dont have insurance. Find another job that offers good insurance.

    Wow, you make that sound so easy. Get your head out of the sand.

  19. In about a year I will hopefully have good health insurance that IS provided by my employer. When that happens, my opinion won't change on the subject. I won't selfishly forget where I came from, or forget what it's like to struggle to provide for my family's well being.

    I certainly hope that you never lose, or have to change jobs. And please keep in mind, that employers are dropping coverage ever day, because they can't afford it anymore.


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