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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Which Apartment Is Safer?


  1. Which ever one is NOT in Salisbury of course.

  2. The one on the left. The one on the right "accidently" shot his entire family. Didn't prove to be too safe for them.

  3. Anon 11:07, I disagree, if your point is corrent then the one on the right is safer because he was shooting the one on the left thru the walls first, his family had some time to run away. And the one on the right obviously recycles.

  4. 11:07 your wrong. He shot through the door .
    He is going to jail for murder.
    In the state of maryland anyway.
    He lost.

  5. I would rob the one on the right, steal his guns (while he's not home of course) and then rob the one on the left with my newly obtained firearms!


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