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Friday, May 08, 2009

Statue Of Liberty Crown To Reopen

The Crown of the Statue of Liberty will reopen July 4th for the first time since September 11, 2001.



  2. Cool. Let's throw a tea party!

  3. Take the sign off it, its worn out its usefulness.

  4. This is only because that freedom-hating socialist Obama wants to give his al-Queida friends a higher vantage point from which to shoot at our freedom.


  5. Why did they close it in the first place? Did that make us safer??

  6. Anon 3:10-I was there last August and the park ranger said it wasn't closed due to a terror threat but for several reasons such as the stairs were never designed to hold the amount of people it they carried, there was no way to get medical help to anyone up top, and general safety concerns. Believe that if you will. If anyone should decide to go do the smart thing and get your tickets in advance, online and in plenty of time to plan your trip. Also figure a good 4 or 5 hours for your visit due to the extreme security in place. 2 seperate searches and metal detectors as well as "sniffer" machines like at airports. Well worth the trip just be advised what you are in for.

  7. Weel di immigration offeece be open on di ground floor for me and some of mi amigo's?

  8. 3:26 Your wrong. Go to the interior Dept web page. This is from their web page.. "The statue was closed to the public because of security concerns after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The base, pedestal and outdoor observation deck were reopened in 2004 but the crown remained off-limits.

  9. The male-female figure of French Freemasons' Artistry has been misunderstood for a long time. The statue looks down on us - and symbolically stands for the "liberty" given to shipmates at port. It is NOT the statue of freedom. Liberty is granted by the captain (government), while freedom is totally free (from Creator). The statue of liberty is a strictly freemasonic occult piece of work designed to let us know the elites are "watching us". It shines a light on our works and keeps us in check.

  10. 4:43-never claimed to be right just repeating what the goverments park ranger told me. I had always heard it was for security. Still worth going if you never have.

  11. Hey 5:04..Have you ever been a Mason? Do you know exactly what they are about? They are not what you accuse them to be. Their beliefs has a lot to do with God. So before you start running your freaking mouth about something that you don't understand, find out a little about it before you start spouting off your non-sense. Why don't you tell all of the people who come to America and see this as a symbol of Freedom that it doesn't represent Freedom and see what happens.

  12. We used to be proud of our welcome to immigrates not so any more.

  13. 5:49 I been a temple, put the A-C in it. It was downtown Salisbury with two cool old working dudes. That was 20 years ago. I know whats in the temple.

  14. 8:25 You don't know everything you think you do.

  15. I really think it's just a great big giant that is sleeping and is going to wake up some day and stamp out all our freedoms and all the people that want freedom and I think Obama will be in the crown controlling all of it and he will get Rush Limbaugh and that other guy who think they are patriots and it will be really, really bad cause then they will have to play music on the radio again and it will be rap music and we know what that does to our children....pathetic.

  16. Hey Joe, sounds like we want to have a discussion of freemasonry! Why don't you open that forum?
    We may learn a thing or two about our Country.

  17. The Blue Levels (lower levels) of Masonry do not know about the secrets reserved for the higher level participants. That is intentional. The lower level members think it is all about charity work, etc. Please keep in mind the word god is just a word. It is NOT a name. The NAME of the Mason's god is kept secret until one reaches the higher levels.
    One thing is for certain, whoever is speaking out to defend Masonry is a low level member. Higher level members would never encourage more discussion of the topic. As above, so below.

  18. Anon 3:03
    We may also learn a few things about the power behind local Salisbury politics! Is anyone aware of how many local "players" are Masons?
    Should I list a few of the names?

  19. Anon 5:49
    No I am not a freemason. Yes I know exactly what they are about (agenda, goals, structure, origin). What exactly did I accuse them of being? Sounds like you are somewhat paranoid about the identity. Why is it so secretive? Why is the indocrination ritual a declaration of secrecy? Why do members agree that telling the secrets may be life-threatening? Why are there so many Masons in powerful political positions in Europe and America? Why are there so many secret hand signs and symbols? Why are those symbols identical to ancient Egyptian Mystery Religion symbols? Why is Salisbury's Police and Fire Departments controlled by Masons? Why is Comegys secretive about his connections with Masonry? Why are the richest people almost always connected to masonry?
    So many questions, not easily dismissed by your pathetic attack. Hey, I have an idea, let's all keep really quiet about this topic now that the lid has been blown off.


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