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Sunday, May 17, 2009

One Year Ago Today

Two Salisbury University LAX Players were arrested for destroying property in the Camden area.


  1. Looks to me like backwards Accomack County on the Eastern Shore of Virginia has a more progressive WMS system in place for EMS and the stones to tell the volunteers NO! Wake up Wicomico County tax payers. Wicomico County has no rules or guidelines in place. They just throw money at the voluteer fire companies any time they ask.

    From the Daily Rag:

    Accomack demands EMS rules
    No funds for positions until guidelines set

  2. How about adding on to this post the story of Nick Fiorentino? These two idiots were the #1 and #2 goalies. Nick Fiorentino was the fourth string goalie who practiced and worked hard everyday even though he rarely ever played. He was thrust into the starting position 2 days before the semi-finals against Gettysburg which SU won in double overtime ( the third string goalie was injured ). The next week he played a key role in the National Championship which SU won for the 8th time. Nick Fiorentino became a national feel-good story in lacrosse circles, like the movie Rudy.

    Nick is now a graduate student ( paid for by an award he won )at SU and an assistant coach for the field hockey and lacrosse teams. The team gave out an award to Nick at the Fall Ring ceremony called the "Ever-ready," award. It will be named afte Nick and given out each year to someone on the team who is always ready to step up when needed. I came to know Nick through his interning in the area schools last Spring and he is a great guy. So, something really positive came from the negative story, but you only want to post the negative.

  3. Why is this jerk Nick getting a paid grad degree? Why did SU admit him to a grad progam after his destructive behaviour? This is the problem with these so called student-atheletes. They do whatever they want and suffer no consequences.

    I am an SU alumni and the school will never get a penny of my money as long as they aid and abet criminal activity.


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