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Saturday, May 16, 2009


Salisbury police and rescue vehicles are now at Fitzwater and Hill Streets in response to a shooting that just occurred. Initial reports indicate that the victim was shot in the back with a shotgun. The victim's condition is unknown.
More to follow.


  1. sounds like they finally hit their target, two shootings in that area in the last two weeks and now this one. Oh well, shootings are second page news anymore in salisbury.

  2. That photo could be an accurate description of the shooter.

  3. No CHIEF OF POLICE IN salisbury either!

  4. if Obama, Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi would only pass more gun LAWS none of this would happen. And if all of the ignorant rednecks in Salisbury would only turn in their guns to the state we wouldn't HAVE any gun more violence.

    I sure wish I lived in England or Australia, they have already banned guns and they don't have any gun violence.

  5. If the mayor cannot do anything about getting rid of the police chief then City Council what are you waiting for, someone else to get killed? Louise, Gary, Shanie is this how you are serving Salisbury day after day? Geez, you guys need to get with it and get rid of Chief Jack & Coke and get someone in there who is going to make a difference in this town. Do it now and quit waiting around will ya.

  6. Joe, there is no crime here in Salisbury!!! this has to be an MTV Documentary!!!

  7. Natural attrition...let the gangs take out each other....hopefully there won't be anyone left in the end.

  8. Right in Shanie Shields' back yard. But think of all the times she put the police down. Now she's got religion and cares about the police as long as it means cutting Campbell and Cohen's health insurance.

    District 1, you screwed up BIG time electing that do nothing again.

  9. "{click}{click}"

    Was that heels clicking or a hammer being pulled back?

  10. Crime is down! -- so sayeth the Webster.

  11. This is so sad. Families of Salisbury desreve better. We need to take back our nieghborhoods and give our children a bright future. There needs to be zero tollerance for gangs and violence - and we need to offer options to our young people who would like to take a straight and narrow path. We need to do more to support programs like Kids of Honor while we fight crime in a meaningful way. State of MD/ECI: stop releasing your prisoners in our community! If they came from other areas - send them back there for release, please. While it may have nothing to do with this shooting, I do think that your actions are contributing to our problem.

  12. How can we help this area?
    I got it , go through there with M16 crossfire or M60s , then come back with street sweepers. Propery
    value increases , heck , some good kids might even play on that playground . Food Lion would make a mint getting all their shopping carts back. These are not people ,
    they are savages.

  13. A retaliation shooting?

  14. I'd know that sound anywhere! That the sound of a Remington 870 being put into street sweeper mode.

  15. I thought the shore was crime-free? Thats what all the apologists said. With all the rural home invasions, property crimes and shootings I'm not sure how anyone can ignore the truth that much.

  16. click click bang


  18. What does the Salisbury Police Dept have to say???

  19. well, one of 3 things the shooting was about.#1 mo crack #2 mo white ho,s #3 mo money.or maybe he stole a job from the man.maybe pelosi can waterboard the accused.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Right in Shanie Shields' back yard.

    9:24 PM

    I thought this happened at the corner of Fitzwater and Hill Street? Did this happen in Princess Anne or Salisbury?

  21. "prisoners of our own homes?"

    speak for yourself. I AM ALWAYS ARMED in salisbury!! Just waiting for my chance to take a PUNK out.

  22. If Brew River has to call SPD to take care of these fights then a bill should be sent to Hanna on each occasion. Whatever it costs, it is what it is!

  23. anon 7:18 PM
    So what your saying is these criminals are using the dumb rednecks fire arms ? Funny how the legal gun owners are never on the front page news ! So what you want to do is disarm law abiding citizens and leave them at the mercy of the fitzwater street types.You are the one who's is ignorant STFU!!!

  24. TO 8:816PM Guns do not kill people, people kill people. If the ones that kill people are caught and are then put to death by public hanging like in the GOOD OLD DAYS we would not have murders.JUST THINK ABOUT MS SEFRIT IN OCEAN CITY. SHE KILLED AND CHOPPED UP TWO PEOPLE AND GETS OUT OF JAIL IN 18 YEARS. SHE CAN MAYBE KILL AGAIN. WHOOPIE. OUR GREAT GOVENER WANTS THE DEATH PENALTY DONE AWAY WITH.

  25. Still no report on this from the DT? Or the tv?

  26. Where is the third vote so Mayor Jim can get his new team in?? We need help now guys, get past your support for Barrie and things that did not work.

  27. This is not on tv or the paper because it aint worth reporting.
    Salisbury is now like big citys.
    It dont matter if these gangs or drug dealers kill each other.
    Stay out of these neighborhoods and you will most likely be ok.
    Or take one of the gun toteing rednecks with and kill off a few more , the rest of us will thank you for it.
    What i read on here the other day there are plenty of gun owners around here wanting to kill someone, hell why wait till they get to your house, you good ole boys , show us what the law will let you do with them there guns.

  28. Salisbury police said that is one they dont have to shoot 39 times.

  29. so what is the problem

  30. a couple dogs on the porch, a big old f250 in the driveway,a couple a deer heads on the wall,everyone in my family knows how to protect themselves with legal firearms,never been convicted of any crime and you want to take away my firearms???
    i own firearms for many reasons,to hunt,to plink,to protect my castle.
    if the gun laws we have on the books were enforced and these thugs that grew up with no parenting were punished,then we would not be having this argument.
    why should i have to be the one to pay by giving up my guns for the crimes committed by thugs???

  31. When was the last time a DT reporter went into the West Side to do a crime report?

  32. gun laws are not the problem.if a "criminal" wants to harm another individual,it doesn't matter if there's a firearm present or not."criminals" do not obey the law,that's why they're "criminals" and no regulation can change that.gun control is a joke,if some one wants to take a life they will do so whether a gun is available or not.stop the collective ignorance.

  33. As a lifelong liberal, the only new gun law I need is those ridiculous gun shows to be regulated more. But the laws we have on our books are more than enough - we just need prosecutors and judges to actually enforce them. I actually agree with teh overturning of the handgun ban in DC - if anything, MORE citizens in that city need to be legally armed.

    We have enough laws, we need to make sentences for gun crimes long enough to take the perp off the streets for as long as possible.

  34. I am anon 718

    guns are BAD, guns ARE evil....if we could only register all the guns then we would be safe. I am wetting my pants I am so afraid. I mean, I'm tinkling right now I'm too worried to leave my HOME!! Why oh WHY can't the Police protect ME???? What is going to HAPPEN TO MMEEEEE??!!! You know in Rwanda, the Hutu confiscated EVERYONES guns. And then it was all better. Not a single Tutsi has been killed in Rwanda since the ruling party confiscated all those BAD EVIL guns...

    Can someone please hand me my tinkle paper...

  35. Would you be an African American if you live here now anon 718?


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