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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Obama Deception HQ Full Length Version

This is a very lengthy video, so when and if you have the time, you should find this quite interesting.


  1. Another eye opening bit of info about the globalization of the economoy by the likes of Geihtner and Soros on the weblog PatriotDems is worth a look. It talks about the relationship between Stanley Anne Dunham and Geihtners father in the banking industry--it will make you queasy.

  2. The lefties will excuse antything Hussein Obama, and those holding the puppet strings, Pelosi, Reid, and the international banks do.

    I can't wait to hear the shrill screaming from fitty sent and the others as they cry out....


    Many Democrats AND Republicans are working to destroy the founding documents and push us towards an America that is UNDER the United Nations and subject us to a world court and world law. Obama himself introduced legislation funding the U.N. with our Taxes. This is the beginning of global taxation.

    Now we have a supreme court justice (Ginsberg) who is unable to find a precedent she likes in the US, go looking overseas for a legal precedent that will support her position to further erode the constitution.

    Wake UP America, many Democrats and many Republicans WANT to rid these United States of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, these documents hamper their ability to do whatever they wish.

    Seeing what GW did his two years in office woke me up, (slow learner) but now I am fully awake and alarmed by what I see the democratic congress doing while many on the right look the other way.

  3. paranoid delusions.

  4. Paranoia is a mental illness with treatment options available. Seek help. Get treatment. You don't have to live like this...always looking over your shoulder.

  5. The pieces of the puzzle exposed, the truth finally unveiled. The time has come to take our country back.

  6. Oh really, 9:37? Well what are you gonna' do about it, Mr. angry as hell anonymous internet guy, feverishly typing away? You people are pathetic.

  7. It took 1:53:40 for what could have been said in 30 seconds -- Obama is a puppet for evil and selfish men hiding behind the curtain. We're all being oppressed.

    There's a dozen or so independent debatable points. Lots of stock footage with ominous music. Most of it isn't even about Obama, it's more about the political and financial system. Lots of leaps of logic. Lots of selected history tidbits ... guess who killed JFK?

    If you haven't watched it yet, save your time.

  8. We have all known for years there were people behind the curtain pulling the strings, far to many facts to be coincidence. This film points out who they are.

    11:21am you stink at what you do, but so did Hitlers henchmen. Do something useful like finding internet pedophiles....mr Home Security my arse

  9. all those people at the inauguration and only three missed work lol

  10. Hey, 11:21, i bet you vote for Obama, you stupid moron. Get your head out of your rear and wake up. This video spoke alot of truth. if you do not believe so, do some research. It's 100% true

  11. I agree 11:21

    This has been reported before. Years ago I read the book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham at the Wicomico Presbyterian Church in Salisbury of all places. It burned a hole in my memory and when things started falling apart last fall with the bank bailouts I ordered a copy from Amazon.Even in 1971 they knew some of the people involved such as Henry Kissinger,Nixon,Jimmy Carter etc. It is worth a read.....This video brings it to life and makes me realize we are being manipulated and we better wise up fast!


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