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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First 100 Days: Ten Ways to Pray for President Obama

On January 20, the presidency of Barack Obama was a blank canvas upon which millions of Americans projected their hopes and fears. Now, 100 days later, issues such as the economy, foreign affairs and military activity are beginning to define this presidency. As we pause to measure the decisions of this president–or any American leader–let us not neglect the highest honor and responsibility given to each member of the community of faith.

The following are ways we can pray for our president:

1. Pray that God will continually honor him with great wisdom amidst the difficult decisions that he faces each day.

2. Pray for God to protect him and our nation from harm.

3. Pray that his decisions will always reflect a courage that goes beyond polls and politics.

4. Pray that he will be blessed in his role as husband and father.

5. Pray that he will be refreshed in his physical body.

6. Pray for First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters, that they will experience great joy in this new chapter of their lives.

7. Pray that he will be encouraged and filled with the “peace that passes all understanding.”

8. Pray for his staff, that they will serve him well and be a strength to him.

9. Pray that he will be humble but fearless in seeking and fulfilling God’s will.

10. Pray that he will build bridges to unite a nation.

The Scriptures command us to pray for “all who are in authority that we may live a quiet and peaceful life.” Let us dedicate ourselves to taking the next 100 days to strengthen our President in prayer.

By so doing, we call forth God’s blessings upon our nation.

from Fox News


  1. Pray that his teleprompter doesn't stop working in the middle of a speech that someone other than himself wrote. Because, God forbid, he should ever speak from his heart instead of simply being a talking head.

  2. I assure you this.

    Barack will not bring peace.

    God Hates nearly everything Barack Obama is doing.

    I pray God will either change him or remove him.

    I pray he will fail miserably in his attempts to remake America in Satans image (his God).

  3. 9:40 do you actualy think any of our recent presidents write their speeches?

  4. You pray that America fails? Not liking Obama is one thing but to pray that America as a whole fails is Treasonist, "HANG HIM!"

  5. 10:01 -- you are funny. dont you know god is dead?

  6. I pray for our Country and our leaders daily. The responsibility that we intrust in them is great. I pray that they don't use that power for their own agenda but for the good of our Great Country in which we live. By the way 10:17 if thats not said with tongue in cheek, I'd like to add, your god(little g)maybe dead but MY God(capital G) is alive and well.

  7. Why is it that Liberals can not seem to read.

    I repeat and clairfy I pray Obama fails to implement his agenda. Not America. America is not a he it is a nation.

    If Obama fails America succeeds. If Obama succeeds America fails. Socialism has failed in grand fashion everywhere it has been tried. America will be no different. We can not spend our way our of a recession. We can not spend the kind of money Obama is spending without destroying America.

  8. 1017

    1001 did not say he hopes America fails, he said he hopes Obama fails, and so do a lot of America loving people. We dont want to become like Europe nor do we want to become part of a world society

  9. 10:01,

    Wow. I'm glad you finally revealed the truth--Obama is not a Muslim, he is a Satanist!! Great insight.

  10. 10:01

    How do you know God hates everything he does?

  11. I hope 10:01 fails...at everything.

  12. I'm right with you Reconciled1 about 10:17. And 10:17 your lucky your tongue didn't fall out your mouth or worse for saying that. God says he looks after babies and fools.

  13. Way to promote prayer! Such lovely, spiritual comments this post has generated.

    Remind me that if I or any of my family is in dire straits, to ask you NOT to pray for us!

  14. "God Damn America"

    Obamas "Christian" (former Muslim) Preacher of 22 years.

    Don't tell me Obama was to stupid to know what his preacher was saying. From his own book he says Wright talked of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in his "Audacity of Hope" sermon Obama named the book after. He says this was the first sermon he heard and how much he loved it. This proves Obama hates America the way it is. God loves America. Satan hates America. Thus Obama loves Satan more than God.

    No Obama is not a Satanist. He is an Atheist believing in no God or Satan. He may believe in Allah, I don't know, his preacher did. But his preacher said we should kill Jesus (God) if he was not black (he was not). Only Satan would tell someone they should kill God.

    Thus why I say Obama's god is Satan.

    I pray for this country. But I also see pure evil in Obama. I pray he will turn to God but have never seen anything that would lead me to believe he ever will. He bows to Muslims but not Christians. He first talks to Muslims as President. He forces Christians to cover over their words praising Christ but not Muslims praising Allah.

  15. Obama always compared himself to either JFK or Abe Lincoln I hope he leaves office the same way if he doesn't steer away from Socialism .

  16. I never pray. I don't believe in Zeus or Thor, or any of those other gods. I'm an abject atheist.

  17. 12:39,
    I hope you get a visit from the Secret Service, you genius.

    And 12:33,
    "God loves America. Satan hates America. Thus Obama loves Satan more than God." You need to take a course in elementary logic.

  18. 12:33, when's the last time you bowed to a christian, or anyone for that matter?

  19. LOL @ 10:01 and 12:33

    Get a grip people.

  20. 10:01 AM

    I suppose you may have any opinion you like. Even if it's wrong.

  21. I hope secret service does come I'd love to go public with the Nazi attempts of intimidation.

  22. God hates? For real? He must be a Republican ; )

  23. Reconciled1 -- I agree with 100% of what you said. God is alive and my life has been a lot better since I realized that He was in charge and not me. I join you in prayers for our president and our country.

  24. 12:33 PM Allah is just another name for God you idiot.

  25. Amen. I will pray for the President and for the unity of The United States of America. We all need to come together.

  26. 10:09 I'm probably old enough to be your father, and probably a lot smarter, so yes, I'm quite aware presidents have speech writers. But there has never been another president that has used a teleprompter as extensively as Obama. If Bush had used one as often as Obama does, the late night comedians wouldn't have had his gaffs to use as material. Take a look, Obama can't make a single speech without a teleprompter. Hell, he can't even hold a press conference (translated that means questions and answers) without having large television monitors set up in the room to have his ready made answers available to him. Obama is not his own man. He's told what to say and when to say it. He's a figure head, but he's really not running this country.

  27. 10:09
    President Reagan always used a teleprompter. As a matter of fact he is the president who started the practice.

  28. Why do you think all presidents have "advisors?" Nobody knows everything there is to know about any topic. Reagan was a great president, what were his qualifications? He was an actor and governor of California.

  29. Like it or not Obama is our president, wishing and praying failure for him is wishing failure for our nation as a whole.

    God does not hate. Some of these comments are why we still have racism.

    12:33 If you go to church you're a mere hypocrite.

  30. 8:24 Now that really frightens me. Just look at Obama's advisors. A woman that knows absolutely nothing about border law is his Homeland Security chief. A woman that supports abortion up to the moment of birth is his health advisor. A guy that couldn't figure out his taxes or cheated on paying them (I think it's the latter) counsels him on matters on the economy. His CIA chief has absolutely no intelligence experience.

  31. Wasn't this post about prayer? What did I miss?

  32. 1:09 - Sounds like a personal problem. Why whine about it here?

  33. What's the difference between a teleprompter and having your speech on paper in front of you at the podium? Eye contact? Digital data? Aren't they just basically the same thing?

    8:05 are you advocating Obama lose the teleprompter so he will make more mistakes and provide late nite fodder? Thats silly. Or are you justifying Bush's gaffs as necessary for late nite? Either way, I dont see the point in that reference.

  34. Carl Rove was Bush's poster boy for just about everything he did, now that is scary.


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