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Monday, April 06, 2009


Sent in by another loyal reader.

I received this tonight and thought you would want to share it with your readers. Thanks.

If you are tired of the voter intimidation and scare tactics that surface every two years during city elections please, join us Monday at 10:00 a.m. for a peaceful demonstration in front of the GOB.

This is about the scare tactics and intimidation of voters that has been allowed to progress over the years. It is about our constitutional rights as citizens of the United States to cast our vote without fear of retaliation from anyone. This is about YOU.

Sure, politics can get dirty but this, this is beyond dirty. When the elderly, single moms, college students, and low income families, the most fragile of our community, is in fear of not being able to afford their homes or apartments due to outright lies, it is time to take a stand and let those responsible know we're not going to tolerate this type of behavior any longer. We have had enough.

This has been going on every 2 years for the last 10 years and every year it gets worse. We must put a stop to these tactics.


Please join us.

Editors note: It looks like more than a few citizens have been pushed over the edge by the recent low down, dirty tricks played by SAPOA and the Comegys camp.


  1. Hey, I will be there. I agree 100%
    it is time for the "people" to have a say, what has been going on for years has finally gone beyond idle gossip. It is hateful and fearful.

    I want to be part of any group that finally says we do not like the daily times and the way they are so biased, we do not like the Mayor's statements and inuendo's we do not like intimidation of our most helpless citizens.

    Who ever, I hope hundred come out but I betcha it will be just a few.

    PS won't it be nice when anonymous does not have to be used on the blogs and we can say what we wish without the fear of reprisal?

  2. The article on Boda's press conference in today's DT is a disgrace. Not in a camp? He pulbically endorsed Comegys at the NAACP forum. He has his signs placed with Comegys all over town. Just be honest Muir. He wants civility, but is closely affiliated with the nasty green blogger. You can't have it both ways...hypocrite! I have the quote from the NAACP forum and from where he compared Campbell to Sadam, then there's Comegys calling citizens "Cave People" and the Dirty Dozen." Nice.

  3. People that know I watch Salisbury politics are asking me "What the He** is going on?" Many that vote but don't research the candidates or the issues closely.

    I've told many of them, "That's what I've been trying to tell you all these years!"

  4. The time for anonymous is over. It's time to stand up for what you know is right. Nothing gets done hiding behind anonymous. Anonymous works for the blogs it won't work if you want to make a change in the way we live our lives. Living in fear of Barrie Tilghmans vengenance is what has gotten us to this point of complacency. Get up off your chairs and come out of hiding. Barrie is through, it's over for her. If ever there was a time to take this city back, that time is now.

    I'm with you, whether it be 1 or 100 I'll be there.

  5. you bigmouths got real quiet now when you are asked to go out face to face. its no wonder salisbury is in the shape its in. glad i left nothings changed

  6. Anonymous said...
    The time for anonymous is over. It's time to stand up for what you know is right. Get up off your chairs and come out of hiding.

    10:36 AM

    I wish I could agree with you, but it nearly cost me my job and it cost me over $5,000.

  7. Get yourself a snazy handle that they might think its you, but not know for sure. It will drive them nuts.

  8. How many times does the national media, Newsweek, Time, use the phrase,” asked not to be named as a source due to..." We are becoming a society of cowering sheep.

    Lucky for us our founding fathers
    Were not afraid. Lucky for us they were courageous, and felt that their liberty was worth dying for. I laugh, if asked, I doubt many would stand up against authority that was mistreating them. Let someone else do it.

    Well we are going to do it today.
    Those of us who have courage and some have great lawyers (if need

    Remember, patriots, not cowards, founded this country. Freedom is not free, is trite, but, it applys,we have to work to preserve our rights. Sometimes harder than we would like, but, it is worth it. Come on out, walk for your rights as citizens not to be intimidated, cohersed, placed under duress, and just plain bullied.

    Voting is your voice.
    Do not let anyone silence it.


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