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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WOW! Someone Get Alan Keys A Pill


  1. Keys is irrelevant...always has been. He simply follows the lead of the other whacked out right wing nuts by saying outrageous things in a hyperbolic wasteland to get attention. That's his paycheck.

  2. 1:50

    That's right. So quick to destroy the messenger when you can't stand the message.

  3. he was right about the abortion thing tho1

  4. A bankrupt government saving a bankrupt banking system.....there is some amount of truth in what he is saying.

  5. Wow this guy has I'm jealous written all over him. I think he has had one to many pills

  6. Amen brother! While I am not an Alan Keyes supporter or a right wing nut, he is factually correct in everything that he said. That was O's position on abortion, he has refused to simply show his birth certificate (why?), and is bankrupting the country. I thought he sounded quite eloquent.

  7. Wake Up AMERICA, this man is telling you the truth!!!! But you are too much in Love with Obama to listen to common sence.
    If Obama is so perfect where is the birth certificate? This clown is not my president either.suped

  8. Okay you critics of Keyes, what did he say that's not accurate?
    You Obamabots need to quit your BLIND support and wake up before it's too late!

  9. Joe, what kind of pill does Mr. Keys need. I think he is right on target with his message. It's a shame Keys didn't get elected Senator when he ran against Obama.

  10. His words are factual but he comes across as a nut

    alan keyes everyone

  11. We would all be better of if Keys were prersident.

  12. Excuuuuuuse me. But America was bankrupted before Obama took the job.

  13. I'll tell you what kind of pill Keyes needs...a cyanide capsule.

  14. Think about it - if we go bankrupt, china gets screwed holding all of our debt! That will teach them to manipulate their currency and cause people to work like slaves.

  15. 7:56
    Could it be bankrupt because half the people pay all the taxes and half the people don't pay any taxes. And what is Obama doing to correct this?

  16. 7:56 you're wrong. You're not bankrupt as long as you have credit and an effective strategy to use it to get out of debt and get back in the black. This administration has laid out a blueprint for failure and bankruptcy.This nations credit is being used up to fund programs that will create debt that three generations won't be able to pay off. This madness must stop!


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