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Monday, March 16, 2009

States Warn Government To Back Off Of States And Citizens

Most Americans have not heard about what is going on between the Federal Government and The individual States of the United States. The States are beginning to claim their sovereignty from the Federal Government as contained in the ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution of The United States.

Several States have already submitted Resolutions to the House of Representatives, and several other States are drafting Resolutions as we speak. The States are claiming that the Federal Government has overstepped their Constitutional bounds.

Many of the Resolutions are directed toward Barack Obama. The Resolutions clearly point out the issues that they feel the Government has, or are preparing to violate. Among the issues mentioned are;

The Government can not limit freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, if it does they are altogether void, and of no force.

The Federal Government can not order martial law

An American can not be imprisoned and held without trial

The infringements on the right to keep and bear arms by the Government is a violation of the Constitution, and void.

This was copied and pasted from a sight called Hubpages. This is scary. Everyone should be watching what goes on between the Fed and the States as if your life depends on it. The link below will take you to the sight that provides information the Main Stream Media seems unwilling to publish. Someone has to have the guts to get the word out. The article includes several of the States official resolutions Declaring Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution then it issues the following notice:

Pay close attention to the wording from New Hampshire, toward the end of the declaration; in no uncertain terms, they warn the Federal Government that if they cross the Constitutional line in violating the freedoms of the people, the result will be the the transfer of power to the States. Then they talk about the collective States forming a new Government. Here's the link:


I must say that I was shocked to see how widespread the civilian uneasiness is. As well as how prepared the govt. is to use the military and police against the citizens.



  1. Was it Thomas Jefferson that said" There should be a civil war every 200 years" ? I know thats a very loose translation but it is something like that.

  2. In the Ferealist papers, and it may be coming. it has started in the form of Tea Parties around the country, what will come next?

  3. Anon 9:18am is right, are you ready to stand against your brother-I know I have family on both sides of this issue-who see nothing wrong in what the gov't is doing and Obama is doing a great job and don't realize their freedoms are slowing slipping away.

  4. There was a man in Alaska that actualy got a meeting in front of the united nations years back to try and sucede from the union, before his meeting he vanished. Thats what comes next.

  5. and ALL these people are so happy with Osama Obama? I just dont understand it! ROTFLMAO!

  6. and ALL these people are so happy with Osama Obama? I just dont understand it! ROTFLMAO!

  7. 17 states in three months. More to come, I'm sure. People get ready; there's a train a comin'. You don't need no ticket; you just get on board.

  8. I hear that train a comin , its comin down those tracks, I hear that train a comin it aint never going back

  9. Good Morning Everyone,

    My name is Robert, I am the writer of the article at hubpages/civilwar. The reason I named the Hub, Civil War, is because I knew that these resolutions would not pass the committee in the House of Representatives. This will eventually lead to a war between Democrats and Republicans. The HOR is controlled by Democrats now. It looks to me that Obamas' delusion that he is the reincarnated Abraham Lincoln will eventually include a civil war. What better way to prove his delusion than to have his own little version of a civil war.

  10. Civil War?

    Excuse me but, wasn't Lincoln assassinated?

    Hmm. things that make you say Hmm!

  11. That's right, wonder if the current Lincoln want-a-be recalls that part of Lincoln History? HMM!


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