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Sunday, March 15, 2009

EPA Arrests CNBC's Rick Santelli

By Scott Ott, Examiner Columnist
2/24/09 8:01 AM

CNBC reporter Rick Santelli, whose passionate rant about the Obama housing rescue plan, and call for a "Chicago Tea Party" became a viral internet video, was arrested today by armed officers from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) covert special forces division.

Held without bail at an undisclosed "brownfield site", Santelli faces several counts of reckless endangerment of wildlife habitat after he threatened to rally capitalists to dump "derivative securities" into Lake Michigan as a way of re-enacting the Boston Tea-Party protest of 1773.

"Mr. Santelli is certainly entitled to his wacky economic opinions," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, "But if he had gone to the EPA website, clicked the regulations link, downloaded the document, printed it out and read it...he would have realized that dumping toxic assets into a lake is expressly forbidden. Read the document, Mr. Santelli. Read it."

GO HERE to red more!


  1. I wonder if we should call the EPA on the Tilghman Administration for dumping crap in the Wicomico River?

  2. He just became a millionaire.

  3. You know what makes this so funny, is because it's so rediculously believable anymore.

  4. Joe,

    The only way Barrie would get in trouble is if she spoke poorly about Obama first - then they would arrest her for environmental violations

  5. Wait a minute! This is Communist China stuff! They arrested him for talking about doing something while expressing his anger over the stimulus law? So he exercises his first amendment right and is arrested, taken to an undisclosed location and held without bond? Next thing you know they won't give him access to an attorney! This cannot be tolerated! How much more can we take?

  6. Read the article...then look up the meaning of the word "satire".

  7. 7:18
    Don't talk like this is the first time our country has done this stuff. Those in the Weather Underground back in the '60's were getting hounded,and put in jail (they called it conspiracy) for just voicing an anti-government statement. There was some serious talk of revolution, if I recall, and many people lost their lives. It is interesting to see and hear the same stuff coming from the right instead of the left this time. Best of luck to those in the fight. One thing for sure though, the "Tea Parties" back then where a lot more fun. :)

  8. Wait till the people find out that several states have developed Resolutions re-affirming States Rights based on Jeffersons ideology and have forwarded them to Congress and to the President of the U.S. There are many more states writing them as we speak. They are refusing to take part in the stimulus law as written and don't have to citing the 9th and 10th amendment as Constitutional authority. The Fed government have gone too far.

  9. What would have happened if this guy had been armed when the gestapo came to call. Would they have killed him - yes they would have. Another Ruby Ridge?

  10. 7:18 - no, he wasn't REALLY arrested.


    It was a satire piece. Read the attribution at the bottom:

    Examiner columnist Scott Ott is editor in chief of ScrappleFace.com, the family-friendly news satire site, and anchor of ScrappleFace Network News (SNN), seen on YouTube.

  11. This kind of stuff can get people to snap and go postal before they realize it's sarcasm.

    Many, many people are on the verge of revolution.

    People need to stop stoking the fire or it could turn in to a conflagration.

  12. Y'all just watch out for April Fool's Day. There might be weather there!

  13. Ever now and then "going postal" may be being invited by the Socialist action's of some.

    This may have been satire but in this day and time it is entirely believably.

  14. It may have been satire, but that is still no reason to arrest a financial journalist! We need to show some outrage over this incident. Next time it could be you or me being arrested for making a satirical comment.

  15. yes this is legal. This is the government that we picked. I just want to thank all the liberal corn holes and all the democraps for the demise of america and i think that it is funny that everyone who voted for obama because of his color is now eating it. Great job america this is just a taste of whats to come. Doesnt this whole thing remind you of another leader in history? Adolf Hitler maybe. His rise was due to him being a good speaker and everyone loved him then you see the outcome.

  16. 10:52 No one was arrested. That's why it's called satire
    The whole thing is a spoof.

    The thing that makes it humorous is the related truth in how the Gov't acts or reacts to things like dumping toxic waste. There are actual bureaucrats who would invoke such laws and clauses to make an arrest should such a "tea party" actually transpire.

  17. No, 10:52, the whole incident is satire, not Santelli's exaggerated comments.

    I'll say it plainer -- Santelli was never arrested.

    If you don't understand satire, I'll say it plainer.

    It was a joke.

    Santelli is not really going to dump a bunch of paper in a river.

    The financial instruments are "toxic" figuratively speaking, not as in chemicals poured into a river.

    Unbelievable some of you.


  18. The Brown shirts are here. it did not take long for Obama to begin using his power to arrest and try and shut people up. Obama may be in for a surprise from Americans, we are more intelliegnt and love our freedom much more than other countries that have totalitarian governments. I guess you now have to watch what you say???

  19. The idiocy in this comment thread is astounding. To all the educated commentors: give up. The rest of these brainless fools are a lost cause. To the brainless fools: Kindly move away. Head south where you will fit in.


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