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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word On The Street In Somerset County

The word on the streets in Somerset County is, Joe Albero & Salisbury News Rocks! I am recharging my cell phone for the THIRD time today! One powerful Government Official said to me today, "Everyone is talking about Salisbury News and what took the Daily Times so long to get that story?" Everyone is laughing at the Daily Times because you broke that story almost a week ago Joe.

Yeppers, that's exactly right. We broke many stories the Daily Times is still trying to catch up on and every time I speak to someone about them they say, they've got no one on the street Joe. They have no investigative reporters Joe, No one showed up from the Daily Times Joe.

I've got an idea for the Daily Times. The Mayor will have nothing to do in 60 days from today. Sell her that rag and give it the name it should have been 12 years ago, The Tilghman Times. I would truly enjoy being in the same business as her to show her once again she doesn't belong in business and when I get through with her she'd be paying me just to take over that business after giving it to me for free.

Anyhow, Somerset County is getting an ENEMA from Salisbury News lately as the County Politics needs a good Colin Cleansing. It's been a long time coming and just like the Daily Times, citizens should drop that other Gannett rag of a paper the Somerset Herald. Is it a FREE paper? If it's not, it should be!

Keep that news and information coming Folks. We'll cleans them and turn that County upside down and NOW is the time to do it. To ALL the Law Enforcement Officers throughout the Eastern Shore who have shared their support of the Sheriff Bobby Jones Article, thank you! God Bless ALL of you. And hey, let's be careful out there! Hill Street Blues.


  1. The Herald Paper is free.

  2. In contrast, Salisbury News is not free. Reading it causes your soul to slowly rot.

    As a friend said, she feels sad for humanity simply from reading the toxic comments that each of the latest "gotcha" stories posted by Joe spawn.

    But hey, I suppose ugly comments are what get Joe's site the number of "hits" in which he takes such pride.

    The uglier the better, right Joe? As long as it is not in ALL CAPS, you'll approve the post.

  3. Maybe I should have a WARNING label below the header?

  4. 8:48, I tryed, good night Joe.

  5. Everybody isn't talking about Salisbury News. I talked to about 75 people today and no one mentioned it. Sorry Joe, not as popular as you think.

  6. How many papers have you sold?.....That's what I thought.

  7. anonymous 9:36,

    Say what you want, we're having a record day today and you're full of crap. Either that or you work at a mute hospital.

  8. Are you saying you'd like to buy a subscription Sheriff?

  9. Somerset County, the butt crack of Maryland.

  10. To 9:36, I don't know who you talked with, but I certainly heard of this post in several areas of the county today. I think that for a change people are getting tired of the politics in this county. Occassionally, you would get wind of some disturbance, but by the time you tried to find out what was going on, it was covered up. For the last 6 months, the general public is gradually being allowed to get information about the elected officials, that until this time of blogging would have otherwise have remained silent. It started with the Detention Center probe, Jones was implicated in that investigation along with many others. Now, it seems like they are digging the holes deeper. What ever happened to the post that was promised about the killing of the dogs nearly two weeks ago. It seems like they are all intertwined, Henderson, the Commissioners, Jones, Hickman and the old PA police chief. Until the public takes a stand and refuses to stand for this foolishness any longer, expect more of these occurances.

  11. I don't know how you can know my idenity. Anonymous means just that. It is illegal for you to have the program that the FBI has to trace internet users. I'll check this out and you be ready for another law suit after my upcoming court hearing. David Moore will probable handle this one free after reading some of the slanderous comments on your blog. Have a nice day. Come on down and have a drink with me in Somerset.Your apology might be accepted if it is extended to your blog. You owe me that.I think you have found out just how many friends I have. That's why I get re-elected every term.I wonder how many people would come to your defence in time of need? What goes around comes around they say.

  12. BJ 10:59,


    It was a guess, you Idiot!

    Man, you really do have a problem on your hands. Nevertheless, send over the FBI, I have nothing to hide. Besides, I doubt very seriously they're going to take YOU very seriously anyway.

  13. I love what you do Joe, I really do. I just wish you wouldn't be such a dick about it sometimes.

  14. Joe,

    That was CLASSIC!! I never knew you could flush a "turd" backwards...but you proved it could be done!!


  15. What the hell is wrong with me? I get up at 4am grab a cup of coffee, then head straight for the computer. I work all day and cant wait to get home for the latest post.(I kiss my wife and kids first though.) I remember taking my mother in law to the grocery store and laughing at how she couldn't wait to get an enquirer mag. This type of journalism has it's place whether you like it or not. I think in cases like this most people will take what they read here and combine it with other sources of media, digest it and come up with the conclusion they are capable of.
    There are parts of this story that seem a little far fetched,but If all turns out to be mostly accurate, Sby News will be the go to source for news and info here.
    If, in contrast, it becomes apparent that most of this story is fabricated, then I think Joe's credibility as an investigative journalist will suffer major damage.
    If the latter, I hope he dedicates at least the same amount of effort into correcting the story ans then seek out the accuser for the same.
    Nonetheless, I will continue with my daily routine, and enjoy reading and participating in this great outlet.

  16. To : 8:48 pm

    It's obvious you are part of the problem , Joe is part of the solution. I feel sorry for you
    because you have embraced socialism
    and it is apparent that you enjoy corrupt government. Please go back in the closet and hide , we are not going away!

  17. B.J.,

    Joe has true friends...not ones like some of yours that are just as corrupt as you are and only associate with you because you can try to get them out of trouble. I, for one am one of Joe's true friends. I know that it's hard for you to understand what a true friend is. Go have a drink with all of your "friends" and pass out in the police car that the taxpayers of Somerset County are paying for.

  18. B.J.

    Give yourself a breathalyzer test and lock yourself up and let Joe and his friends hold the key and see how long that you rot in jail!

  19. BJ 10:59 PM=You sound just like sheriff Jones sidekick that has picked him up when hes been drunk driving many times.Scratch my back and I scratch yours.Jones and Somerset County has kept u employed too long.

  20. Not sure if this went thru the first time so here it is again.
    This blog makes your soul rot away yet you still choose to read it????........ Dee Dee Dee.... Your friend feels sad by reading it???? Why read it then? Joe has so many readers, he won't even know you're gone. Keep it up Joe, bust their chops. People just don't want to know the truth. People say Fox news is slanted too BUT they blow everyone else away by the % of people that watch them. Just look at the ratings. People are tired of patty-cake, don't tell the truth cause you might hurt someone's feelings, we have an agenda, cover it up and it might go away , we better cover it even if it's a week late so we dont look bad news coverage.
    For the record, You haven't sold any papers cause you aren't in the paper selling business. I bet you'd surely sell twice the amount as the Daily Slime. Keep it up Joe!!!!!

  21. holy paranoia Batman! joe this is by far going to be the loudest i have laughed all day!

  22. Yes right no one has heard of Joe, must have never heard of Internet either.

  23. An honest cop wouldn't have David Moore as his lawyer.

  24. For the record....The Herald paper is not free. The advertisers pay a hefty price to print all of those copies...many of which are un-read and returned.

  25. the daily times SUCKS....its ran by a bunch of idiots ! .... that place is going to hell...

  26. david moore get your turn signal fixed on the white car your kid drives. It has been seen up in delaware. I would hate to have a good pretext stop. One can only guess what might be found. I am closer to your corrupt butt than you think. Sleep Tight thug in a tie.

  27. Why would B.J. hire a drug lawyer ??? What is the real story here? Is he represented by Moore? I would really like to know.

    Joe confirm this and i will give you a great post.

  28. 1:35 PM

    MD Case search and Bobby Jones confirm that his lawyer is David Moore, with whom no honest cop would be involved by choice.
    So, what's your great post?

  29. I've just found this site and cannot begin to tell you that I cannot believe what that committee has done. Someone should contact the gov. and let him know just who is representing him down here. This is awful.


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