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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sonic Coming To Fruitland

I know everyone thought a Sonic was coming to Salisbury but the owner chose Fruitland over Salisbury, (so what else is new these days) and we can expect to see one along Rt. 13 in the very near future.


  1. I hope this is as good as the one down in Virginia. We tried the one in Bridgeville but it was awful. We gave them 2 visits and both were very disappointing.

    I grew up in the south and Sonic was one of my favorites so I had set expectations when they started popping up here on the Shore.

    Now if someone would just open a Jack In The Box....yummmmo!

  2. Joe, any idea of a location? Years ago, there were rumors of a cracker barrel. That would be great as long as they dont bring the gift shop. Has anyone ate at a sonic? How's the food/prices?

  3. Anon 9:36-I think the Cracker barrel might be slated for the new business park out near Shore Bird Stadium off the bypass, if that ever comes to fruition. Last I heard it was on serious hold due to the economy and investors backing out. BTW-I have never been in a Cracker Barrel that did not have a gift shop.

  4. Would you open a business in Salisbury, look at the crime, the politics, the dirtyness of this city. People do not work together. Why would you, good luck to Fruitland.

  5. A cracker barrel would be great. Even if they put it in Delmar. I love their gift shop! You can't have a cracker barrel without the gift shop.

    anon 8::46
    I found the same thing here with some of the restaurants. We used to love Bob Evans in Frederick but the one here we have never liked.

  6. this is actually a different owner than the origianl. The original had planned two, one in fruitalnd and one by sams club. He nacked out and someone else took over the project and dropped the salisbury loaction. So we have a new sonic coming to fruitland and a Checkers moving into the World Gym parking lot. Both have greasy but good food.

  7. This is pure speculation on my part, but I would hazard a guess that it will likely be built at one of three locations. Southeast corner of S Fruitland Boulevard and Main Street, eastside of S Fruitland Boulevard between Broadway and Washington Streets or on Cedar Street east of the Hebron Savings Bank.

    Sand Box John

  8. I believe the hold on Cracker Barrels is a state thing after committing to the one on Kent Island. The state politics/taxes.

  9. Finally! Now all we need is Cici's Pizza, with the $5 Pizza buffet! I am Loving it! Checkers will be here also!

  10. Do you people ever cook? Not for nothing Folks but I've said this inthe past. This is cool to go out to let's say once a month, or two. However, you people make it sound as if going out to eat is a 5 day a week challenge. I know, I know, it's a ne generation. I didn't grow up in a depression, we just grew up broke. To think we're now in a depression and everyone is out blowing all this money rather than staying home and cooking, I just don't get it. I must be getting old. LOL

  11. Checkers is to be built down by Kinkos according to the online version of the Slime. I don't understand why anyone would bring a business inside city limits with the taxes and water and sewer rates higher than quinine. Doesn't make sense to me.

  12. Jack in the Box would be awesome!! Their ultimate breakfast sandwich is the bomb and I just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

  13. Wow another restaurant, what about business that can support families such as another comtech, dresser wayne something other than retail. Everyone excited about greasy foods must have plenty of $ in the bank.

  14. Smashing because I love the burgers (maybe I could finally get a job)

  15. Does anyone remember Bob's Big Boys or Pappy Parker Fried Chicken The memories of when I was young and the four times a year we went out were big family events. Man I'm old
    Love it

  16. Joe. Oh, they cook too. They just need a fast food stop or two during that agonizing lull between brunch and lunch...BTW-Consider this an intervention-Life is too short to eat crappy franchise pizza; Spend just a little more and get some quality stuff at DePietros.

  17. I always prefer to cook at home, right now Im making meatballs, part beef,part pork. Also have deviled eggs mixed and ready, wings and bbq shrimp.

  18. Has everyone forgot about the GREAT OUTSTANDING LOCAL RESTAURANTS that put approx. $40.00 of every $100.00 spent back into the community. L.O.R.A. is the local owner restuarant association which I support. They are located in Fruitland, Salisbury, and Delmar. I believe they include Adams Ribs, Catering by Chef Stewart (Flannery's), Viny's LaRoma, Breaktime grill, Watermans, Daytons, Old West steak house, Back street grill, Market street inn, Cakes by David, Cactus Taverna, Zia's, Lombardies, Delmar Pizza, and Bistro 54. I might have left some off but smart thinking would be to support what is already here. I know they donate many gift certificates, do functions for the homeless, and much more. Have you gone to ask for the owner at any of the fast foods around and told them complaints.Did they corrected the problem? Have you ever talked to a "Manager" who sucks their teeth and dams you when you leave? Stop in any of these LORA restaurants or caterers and ask for the owner. They respond quickly and directly with no B.S.. I for one will buy my produce, visit restaurants, get work done on my house, shop for appliances, or anthing else I need from local businesses first. I hope that people reading this own their business and respond. For those of you who don't own or never have owned a business how would you feel if one day your doors were closed and you had no job because no one supported your job. Businesses go in and out of business all the time, I know but put yourself in others shoes. Wake up Delmarva its time to scratch each others back and quit depending on the big boys for everything. If they take over everything we will be left at the mercy of thier company. THEN WHAT????

  19. Doug, MMMMMM, Meatballs! What time do we arrive?

  20. Lets say we cross that bridge when we get to it. Im not sure your ready.

  21. Sonic here in va sucks. The food is not good at all. If you drive to va just to stop at sonic..turn towards chincoteague and go to rays shanty in wattsville. Great food. Great prices. You won't leave hungry, if you do..its your own fault

  22. The way to a mans heart is through food.

  23. 11:53....I agree 100%. The VA location's service sucks. I have been there with only 5 other cars and had to wait 25 minutes for my food. Gave them one last chance last week and waited 20 minutes before I left. I told the server I was going to leave and she just laughed. Guess someone else got my food.

    We need a Primanti Brothers!!!

  24. I went to Ray's Shanty not too long ago and had the absolute worst piece of flounder in my life.

    So bad was it, I will never darken the door of that place again.

  25. I've tried Sonic in VA twice and both times it was awful. I don't know if this is true or false but I heard that Fruitland didn't want the signature tall Cracker Barrel sign so that is why that deal fell through. Whatever the reason, that sucks because I love Cracker Barrel. I know we now have Famous Dave's but it would be great to get a Red, Hot and Blue. In my opinion, Famous Dave's is no comparison. That place has awesome food. Anytime I have to go to Baltimore, I always stop.

  26. joe, i agree with you about the cooking at home but you have to consider this obomba generation knows nothing but how to swipe and spend there credit, and when its over ask for a handout or a bailout.alot of these ppl if they canceled there digtal pacifier,100 dollar ugz boots,and buy here pay here cars they cannot aford in the first place and stayed home and made food for themselves could maybe after a while afford to PAY CASH FOR SOME ITEMS.

  27. Chain restaurants are good (at best) however small portions and over priced.

    I have to agree a lot of the revenue going into those chains leave town to buy corporate jets and big money corporate jobs for people to fly around and play with their blackberry's.

    Let's keep the money here, that is the mentality we do need, People - We do have the POWER. It's our money that feeds the beasts.

  28. I agree with you Joe about home cooking. I like to approach going out to eat as a "treat". I make better burgers and steaks at home on the grill than the restaurants can serve, IMO.

    In the summer we hit the Sonic's for some ice cream and usually take the motorcycle or Mustang out and enjoy the cruise. Guess we'll see if this is true or not.

    Meatballs and Wings at 630 for the Superbowl. Come on over. They'll be the best meatballs you've ever eaten.

  29. I have fallen victem to todays society. When I was small I can remember my father coming home after work and my mother asking "Honey,what would you like for dinner, chicken, fish, steak".

    Now when I come home my wife asks me "Honey, what would you like for dinner, Burger King, Hardies, Taco Bell.....

    What happened ?

  30. That sounds like a meatball dare to me, I quess Ill have to break out the ground veal get nasty.

  31. I support all of those LORA restaurants--they are so much better than fast food. Well, except for Zia's, which reminds me of Chef Boyardee. They also give back to the community all the time.

  32. The best thing that Sonic has to offer, imho, are cold drinks.

    In the Summer there is no better place to get a tropical icy drink as a belly washer.

    The burgers are decent as far as fast food and they do have chili fries.

    They also have vanilla coke & cherry coke where they add the flavors to order on the spot so if you ask for extra vanilla, thats what you will get.

    I am not a big fan of their food but am a BUG fan of their drinks on a hot sweaty summer day.

  33. LOL-I had the same thought....nobody cooks anymore!I am apparently a fossil.Call me practical but for the price of takeout from Sonic you can have a nice steak dinner at home-if you cook it all yourself....

  34. 2:10

    What happened was years ago Mom went to work. Some people dont know how to even cook anything unless its to put it in a microwave. It's sad really. When mom was working she need something quick to fix when she got home not the nice meals of the years past. I cook "almost" every night or at least try to lol but we need a break once in a while. We can go months without going out to eat or sometimes its twice a week just depends on whats going on. There is so much processed food out there now that people are eating. You can just about buy anything to make a fast meal but most of it is as unhealthy as going to the fast food joint. Ok... time to go steaks are on the grill lol

  35. I'm not much for steak but I do eat it on occasion. Give me a good piece of fish anyday. Although today, I have 2 pans of home made lasagne in the oven. The sauce was made from scratch with Roma tomatoes we grew and canned. I'm like you Totmom, I cook everyday and enjoy it. I even make my own bread once in awhile. LOL

  36. I'm still pineing for Carrolls Hamburgers or Burger Chef! Anyone remember the days here in the 'bury when they were the fast food kings in town? And don't forget Ginos! The Giant kicked the Big Mac's buns bigtime!

  37. dang..on my way to Doug's too! What time is dinner and what can I bring?..lol
    I can't afford to eat out either. I consider it a luxury. I cook every night and try to make sure that I have leftovers for lunch for work the next day! I am having fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn tonight with biscuits. And it costs me less at the store to cook it myself than to go out and eat AND it is cooked the way I like it...lol And I can sit and eat dinner in my pajamas...lol

  38. They changed their mind? They said a few years ago that they were coming to Fruitland. I'd love to see them come here but I'll wait to get excited when I see them lay the foundation. The good thing would be having more jobs in the area.

  39. I cooked all day yesterday for tonights game. It'll also feed me the rest of the week. As for fast food, I stop to get something depending on what I'm doing (no need to go home, eat and go back to Salisbury) and whom I'm with. I grew up on homecooked meals. Around here there weren't as many places to eat as there are today. A huge difference in between then and now...there were more family restraunts (Johnny's & Sammy's, Englishes, Pappy's, Aloha just to name off the top of my head). I miss those places. Back then we only had 2 McD's. There weren't any Burger Kings, Wendy's or Taco Bell's. I remember going either to Dover or Norfolk for a Taco when we'd go to the Base.

  40. Lasagna sounds great-I am game for ANY pasta-could eat a different one every night.....penne on Mondays,Farfalle on Tuesday,etc,etc.

  41. I was the first poster on this one and actually, we eat home cooked dinners that we BOTH cook 6 days a week. My husband and I go out to eat once every week. That is something we decided several years ago.
    It's a date night.
    We try to make the rounds to the different restaurants we like so we don't get bored with the same thing over and over.
    We love Bistro 54 in Delmar and Adam's in Fruitland. They are our favorites but we do also go to Ruby Tuesday and Old West for their ribeye steaks.
    I grew up with Jack in the Box and haven't had it since the last time I went home which was over 10 years ago, so yes, it would be nice to have one here.
    We have eaten at a Sonic 4 times since the one in Virginia opened which was how long ago?
    We're just not ones to eat fast food regularly. As much as I like the filet of fish from McDonalds, if I eat it I know I will gain 3 pounds, so I stay away from there.

  42. What happened when Mom used to cook?

    Now Mom has to work two jobs!

    Family meals are part of today's ill's. They used to be centered for bonding time with each other.

    Now it's about what time we get home from work and what time JR. has to be at soccer practice.

  43. "Anonymous said...
    ...Years ago, there were rumors of a cracker barrel...
    9:36 AM

    Cracker Barrel approached Delmar and was to build one out in front of the Holiday Inn on Rt 13. Delmar rejected them because of the sign they wanted to put up so I thing Carcker Barrel washed their hands clean of Delmar.

  44. its fast food now day it is expensive 5.00 for a burger but you get old or cold food some times no matter what fast food chain you stop at and even a time wait or a rude person its the chance you take if its that important ask for fresh fries or no salt on the fries so they will have to make them fresh its fast food not a 100.00 plate resturant or a steak house were the bill is expensive its a 7.00 or 20.00 bill ive worked for a fast food chain in the past its not always easy to push out fresh food all the time sonic is ok

  45. I like going out with friends and having dinner out. It makes life easier (usually for the person hosting) because you can sit, talk, eat, and leave the mess behind.

  46. I know some people don't care for Brew River but my husband and I had a great meal in there the other night. Our server said they just got a new chef from Outback and seemed like a new menu. Thought id pass it along...

  47. 10:55 Anon

    You don't know what you're talking about.

  48. 10:37?

    I think your response was meant for 10:55 Anon?

    You're right, they don't know what they're talking about.

    This is how information gets out incorrectly all the time!


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