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Saturday, February 07, 2009


Phil Tilghman, host of "One On One", invited the four candidates for Mayor of Salisbury –- Bob Caldwell, Gary Comegys, Jim Ireton and Mike Della Penna -- to participate in a special episode of "One On One". This one-hour special program will replay throughout the month of February. Each candidate is interviewed separately.

The program will be broadcast on PAC-14 today – Saturday, Feb, 7 – at 10:28 AM and 8:31 PM. I believe that it can also be seen at those times on the Internet – at: www.pac14.org.


  1. wow, did no one see this show? well, hopefully there will be comments after the 8:30 re-air.

  2. Wal-Mart,
    "Unless you become more watchful in your states and check the spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges you will in the end find that... the control over your deepest interest has passed into the hands of these corporations".
    (What does this mean for the candidates...JOBS, bring back the jobs).

  3. I almost forgot, that quote is from (in my opinion) the greatest president this country has ever had) Andrew Jackson.

  4. Calwell and Ireton both impressive on the show--Comegys faltered out of the starting gate.

  5. um, uh bubba b lookin goot on tb. um, u guys nose bubba gonna git lected cuz bubba gots da mose sines out.

    um, uh bubba gots a web site on da innr net fo use to looks at. um, its www.electbubba.com

    yo nex mare

  6. Clearly the best - Bob Caldwell!

    See his website:

  7. or JIm. Jim and Bob are very different candidates and would both bring much good to Salisbury. I hope that they elevate the level of Mayoral debate to where it should be this year, on policy. Leaving Comegy's personal slams in the dust.

  8. Can't wait to hear Jim Ireton. The times I've heard him speak at meetings have been awesome.

    Supporting Ireton, but agree with 5:26 that Bob Caldwell is also good.

    Last election, had nothing to choose from. This time, there's two good candidates. Sure hope Comegys doesn't win. Just more of the same there. Salisbury needs something different.

    Way different.

  9. Hi, Joe. Thanks for posting this. I saw your post just in time to watch.

    I watched all four candidates, not personally knowing any of them, only what I've caught from PAC14 Monday nights and reading here and even the Daily Times.

    1. Caldwell, very statesman-like. Struck some cords with me about crime and budget. Nice that he called the council majority out on their behavior. (Hard to watch Monday nights on PAC14 sometimes because of that.)

    2. Ireton, assertive, smart, told it like it is. (Refreshing!) Also on the mark about crime. Good points about growth and what happens in big cities. Really in touch with what people feel. Definitely going to watch for more from this guy.

    3. Comegys (I'll admit a bias here from watching him on Monday nights on PAC14), sounded "experienced," but just more of the same old stuff. Made Church St. sound like it was all heeled. (NOT!) If he had said "partnerships" one more time, I think I would have thrown a shoe at the TV. But he's still a contender.

    4. Dellapena, not much there. Seems like a nice guy, but seems uncomfortable being in the public eye. Right about the public not trusting the government. Not a contender, but I give him credit for running.

    Anyway, that's my take. I'm really glad I heard this. I want to hear more. Caldwell and Ireton are really the two to watch. Comegys could still get elected, but he just sounds like another government hack.

    I'd be interested to hear what others thought of this. Is it going to play again? When are the public forums? Is that TV station (WMDT? was that the one?) going to do forums again?

    Thanks, Joe, for all you do.

  10. Thank you for the notice of the program. I just watched and was undecided until I heard them all. Jim Ireton was the winner. I'll be sending a check to his campaign. What a brilliant mind and all of the leadership qualities that I look for. Please remind people who don't have cable that they can watch the next broadcast throught the PAC 14 web stream on their computer. This is a must see for all Salisbury voters. I would say that Bob Cauldwell was next and then the other two in no particular order.

  11. 10:45, You can donate online, too, at:


  12. Absolutely Jim Ireton, have sent my check!

  13. Penna said he was going to clean house and sounded more like Gestapo, how does he know some department heads may have had their hands tied behind their backs?

    Who let Bubba out of Appalachia? No offense to hillbilly's!

    Clearly Caldwell or Ireton will be our next mayor unless a 1000 absentee ballots come from Hollaway Hall.


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