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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama's America: Our New Government At Work

A must read article HERE.


  1. The sad thing is we've borrowed so much from everybody, One day we will have to pay the piper. Can you say BANKRUPT!!!!

  2. The scariest provisions have been quietly slipped into the stimulus bill are about health care, essentially the government is preparing to regulate what treatment a doctor can provide to you, done by having access to all patient records electronically. The government "health czar" will determine your treatment, thanks to Daschle--oh yes he is still exerting his influence, please read the Bloomberg report about this, you will not believe it. Part of the bill says that the elderly will just have to accept aging and not seek treatment . Thanks all you Democrats.

  3. Can anyone say Euthanasia. Before you know it we will be living the movie Logan's Run.

  4. Just exactly where are we going...
    ...and why are we in this handbasket?

  5. 2:48 is it feel likes it getting hotter in this basket to you?

  6. Sure does, Brother. Sure does. consensus says it's that pesky global warming, but you and I know better than that.

  7. I don't get it. Is this a bash at Obama or America? Obama just gets into office and a 16 year high unemployement rate is his fault? His problem yes, but his fault? All of this that is going on with our economy is his fault? His problem yes, but his fault?

    I just don't get it. Help me out here

  8. We WILL witness the 2nd "Fall Of The Roman Empire" in this country very soon.

    The AntiChrist is in control now!

    God help us all!

  9. here's a little help for ya

    he campaigned on change, but:

    he is appointing the same old people.

    congress is still wasting money, and he supports them

    taxes are going to go up, for everyone. he promised not to target the poor, but if everyone pays more its still ok.

  10. Anon 4:34

    Thanks that does make a lot more sense as to what's going on.

  11. I'll tell you what. We can just let the government keep giving money to people who don't deserve it. Look at Gwinchy! He get's free money every month like clockwork. He's on disability and gets money he never paid in. He goes to them council meetings. He sits in front of the computer and types all day. He could get a job typing or running an internet business. There are people who are completely mentally handicapped and work everyday. Why can't Gwinchy work? I think the Social Security Administration will be checking into him. If we stop handing out money like candy to people who can work, we would all be rolling in cash!

  12. Question 1: What happened right after the first $700B stimulus package went out?

    Answer 1: Things got worse.

    Question 2: What should be done about that?

    Answer 2: Pass an $800B Package.

    Question 3: What if things get worse after that?

    Answer 3: $900B?

  13. Obamanation ! He should be investing in business not groups like ACORN it's pay back for rigging the election.And the sheep sit idly by and wait for big brother to save them because that's what they've been conditioned to do.

  14. sadly, no one cares about the truths in this article.
    had they, "it" wouldn't be necessary to post such an article.
    the underhanded, hidden intent to "the bailout" has yet to be exposed.
    i.e., cutting the pentagon back by 67 billion, pushing toward national gov't controlled medical practice, fairness doctrine (abolishing talk radio)and huge sums to ACORN of all groups. let's not forget the renewal of the clinton administration.



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