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Sunday, February 08, 2009

New Bumper Sticker


  1. Says it all!
    Are you Obama fans sorry yet?

  2. hahaha... NO!

    Better than Bush or McBush. You haters (including you Joe) are pathetic!

  3. Stupid. Does this guy make over a quarter million?

    Doubt it.

    Another Joe the Opportunist Non-Plumber With Bad Listening Skills.

  4. Where do I get one. :)

  5. The Obama bubble is bursting the change he brought was the Clinton cronies change we don't need.

  6. 10:49 You hit the nail on the head, this is nothing but another Clinton gig. Didnt he and China do enough to this country already.

  7. We've never fully gotten out of clintons mess yet.

    But what did you expect electing a corrupt liar from chicago ? Whens he gonna deport his illegal relative back to kenya ?

  8. Right after all the illegals come out of the wood-work for all these supposed highway jobs.

  9. They ought to deport HIS illegal butt back to Indonesia!

  10. I want a 012013 bumper sticker!

  11. 9:18

    So when you guys were calling Bush everything but the son of God you were just being a little unkind. You see what goes around comes around. But you only have 3 yrs and 11 months more to listen to it

  12. Did anyone notice that the last month of the Bush administration brought a HUGE loss of jobs?? ...another month with more than a half million jobs lost... gone.. sent overseas. zip..

    The change we need is simply change from the really stupid policies of the Bush administration. I think Obama is up to that task. All one really needs to do to avoid that trap is to stop letting cronies destroy America for a buck or two. That IS how Bush got us into this mess.

    BTW, Anyone who loses their job AND who voted for Bush... just deserts. just deserts.

  13. 7:29 -- You're a morron. You must only watch TV and believe everything you hear. Have you heard the people Obama has surrounded himself with? What a joke. And it's on you.

  14. Sorry 11:06

    I don't watch TV. As for the people that Obama has surrounded himself with:

    Contrast his cabinet position for position against the Bush administrations. It's competence vs. incompetence.

    Hillary - Competent. Rice - Incompetent.
    Gates - Competent. Rumsfled - Incompetent.
    Holder - Competent. Gonzales - Incompetent.
    Geithnet - Competent. Paulson - Incompetent.

    It goes on and on like that.... In fact, Obama has the most star studded cabinet in history.

    Now, exactly what is it that you don't like about Obama's people? Too competent for you?


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