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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Keeping A Secret With Local Press Seems To Be Impossible For Guerrero Camp

During the promotion of Fernando Guerrero's last fight the Press was asked to keep certain things quiet as they were trying to use a particular Press Conference as a sort of food drive fundraiser but WBOC broke their silence and exposed what Salisbury News respected and kept quiet.

Last night after the Fight I stood with other Reporters as Fernando gracefully honored the Press with one on one interviews and made the following statement, "Darn, I didn't even know I was 13-and-oh, sounds pretty good," Guerrero said with a big grin. "Showtime, ESPN, what do you think is coming up? Hopefully pay-per-view. Let's keep that on the down low."

This statement was printed in today's Daily Times, once again breaking the normal promise that certain things are on the record and certain things are off the record. When Fernando said he'd like that to be on the down low, just what the heck does the Daily Times think he meant?

The local Press has become desperate and is proving, (one after the other) to go against the grain and lose their credibility. I'm sorry Folks but a Fernando Guerrero is a once in a lifetime phenomenon to the Eastern Shore and could use his skills to better our communities like we've never experienced before.

In order to achieve that though, we have just as much a responsibility to respect his wishes and more importantly, I want Fernando to know he can trust me. I want Fernando to know I appreciate all that he offers, in and out of the ring. I am personally growing tired of how the local Press is treating Fernando and quite frankly I'm growing VERY tired of how they treat others as well. Allow me to explain.

I had spoken to Trainer/Manager Hal Chernoff about how the Daily Times handled the last fight, pushing and shoving, as if they were the most important people on earth and they deserved the pictures more so than anyone else. I have been to MANY events whereas they have pushed, shoved and flat out stepped right in front of many of us and two nights ago they pulled it again. We were at the weigh in at the Civic Center and many of us had taken the time to place ourselves in a position in which we made sure none of us were in each others way. When it came time for Fernando's weigh in, the Daily Times Photographer walked right in front of us and just stood there taking pictures while the rest of us yelled at him to get out of our way. (See photo above) They acted like they couldn't hear a thing and TWO Television Crews were there shooting LIVE.

Last night we had staged ourselves around the ring where there were 5 Passes given out for photographers to shoot the Fight. The last to arrive was the Daily Times. Three of us were up against the ring and quite frankly there was absolutely no room for a fourth person, let alone a fifth. THEN all of a sudden ESPN comes over with their mike person and said, you're in my space. This meant that there was now only room for TWO people. The Daily Times Photographer walks up, (just before the fight) and starts asking where he can shoot. Well, no one was moving, trust me!

At that point, one of the Photographers was a friend of mine and I leaned over and said, I'm going to leave the shots up to you. We had already agreed that if things got tight, I'd give up my space to let him shoot the Fight. Anyhow, I looked at the DT's Photographer and said, I'm going to let my guy take the shots and step back so everyone else has room. He said, YOU HAVE TWO PEOPLE HERE? Just a few minutes earlier he had informed me the DT's had THREE Photographers at the Fight.

Nevertheless, the conversation I had a few days ago with Hal Chernoff explained how rude they have become and in the end they only print ONE photo of the event. Then, if you want ONE of those photos, THEY CHARGE YOU FOR IT!

The Days of the Daily Times having any kind of respect from people like Hal Chernoff and others is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Now that I read their article and they too jumped on the band wagon of exposing information they shouldn't have, well, I just don't know what's left for these people any more.

In closing, the Daily Times came up to my friend during the fight, (the second round) and tapped him on the shoulder and said, can you step back so I can get in front of you and take some pictures? My friend replied, NO! The Daily Times Photographer left after the 2nd round because he had a deadline, (so I'm told).

If YOU tell me or anyone else at Salisbury News you're off the record or to keep something on the down low, we will respect that, period. We're not selling ads or papers and we respect the fact that we are welcome to Press Conferences and Events like this one and we know not to burn a Bridge. I personally think this was out of line and I think the Daily Times clearly owes Hal Chernoff and Fernando Guerrero a formal apology. I mean, you see what the guy said right in their quote, Idiots!


  1. Yes, you're clearly better than them. Woo. Get on with something interesting.

  2. If Fernando wins a world title he would be the second person from Salisbury to do so in the ring.

  3. Is that really how it works? I've spoken to a lot of reporters including national newspapers and that has never been my understanding.

    My understanding is that any type of statement that something is "off the record" has to accepted and agreed to by the reporter before you say it. You can't just say "off the record" and stop it from being printed. The reporter has to agree.

    I get what you're saying, but that's really not how it works. You can't invite people to a press conference and then say something is "off the record" and expect it not to be reported.

    The photographer shoving is just rude.

  4. Joe,
    I have submitted so many article to the Daily Time about students of mine winning tournaments and hall of fame awards. Nothing has ever been published. I ve even seen articles on summer camps that are in states, and they wouldn't cover mine when I submitted an article. They don't care about us local citizens. There trying to be the New York Times. If I want national news I ll watch FOX or CNN. I want local stories with local people. I am so glad your sight is here.

  5. Have to agree with anon 8:00. You dont say something in a press conference you dont want reported.
    Period. And I am almost thinking he let that slip on purpose, hoping it was reported.
    Really, keep it on the down low? What kind of comment is that? He should have not said anything about it if he didnt want it reported. Just my opinion.


    GO CAPS!!

  6. OK, we've let some of you have your fun with this Post but here's the read deal.

    Fernando is a 22 year old kid. He's the biggest draw towards Media Attention Salisbury has probably ever seen.

    This wasn't a Press Conference Jim, he was coming in just after the fight and the Press surrounded him and started asking question. Yes, I was right there when all the questions started.

    Fernando was simply trying to be NICE to the Press by answering ALL of their questions, that is his nature. When someone says to keep it on the down low, you Idiots know exactly what that means. I certainly did and I firmly have always respected their wishes. Like I said, he's a young man in which I personally refuse to take advantage of.

    You have the right to your opinions but frankly not many of you know how to read. I spelled everything out in the article I wrote and if what some of you have said about WBOC also producing that sound bite, then they too can go to hell.

    For many years I have provided much of their local news and if they're going to ruin it for everyone else then I can assure you, they're going to have future issues with Joe Albero and Salisbury News. He's a kid and there's no reason to take advantage of him.

    Oh, for those of you who want to claim I was out scooped, use your heads Idiots. Fernando Guerrero is my friend. I would NEVER use my friend to out scoop anyone. If that's how you feel, well, then I'm very happy I was out scooped and kept my word, unlike the Daily Times and WBOC.

  7. Joe Writes:
    Last night after the Fight I stood with other Reporters as Fernando gracefully honored the Press with one on one interviews and made the following statement, "Darn, I didn't even know I was 13-and-oh, sounds pretty good," Guerrero said with a big grin. "Showtime, ESPN, what do you think is coming up? Hopefully pay-per-view. Let's keep that on the down low."

    I admit I wasnt there so really dont know what kind of context he was saying that in. But really... you dont tell a reporter anything ... anything... you dont want reported. Do you really think he is worthy as of now for a pay per view event? Really? He could have been wise-cracking... I mean he isnt even considered a legit contendor yet is he? A legit up and coming great fighter with great promise I will agree. But pay per view material yet? I dont think so. And I am sure that was an off the cuff remark he made. I am sure he will have many more fights, many un-telivised, before he makes pay per view.
    Not sure if your opinion is clouded for being lucky enough than then the rest of us to be so close to the action and friends with his trainer. But I think it was over the top to call us idiots for our opinion that this particular remark he made TO THE PRESS was irresponsibly reported.
    Again.. thats my opinion, idiotic or not.


    GO CAPS!!!

  8. Joe you bought and gave away so many tickets I don't blame you, I wouldn't have moved either.

    The so called professional photographer should have gotten there in time to have a better seat. That's not your fault!

  9. Joe:

    This is not to defend the mainstream media, but the part about Showtime was already heard on another station, a week or so ago, stated by Mr. Chernoff I believe.

  10. I gave up on the DT and WBOC when my father, Del. Bennett Bozman, died.

    WBOC announced his death on the air BEFORE my mother (or any of us) had been notified that he had died. Pretty scary, and it was one heck of a way to find out!

    The DT killed him in an ambulance, gave him an autopsy, and quoted my mother in the next day's paper, when, at that point, she had spoken to no one. None of this information was correct.

    They'll do just about anything to 'create' a story.

    Sondra B. Daisey

  11. Sounds like he was saying pay-per-view is what should come next.This is what most boxers want. Whats the big deal.

  12. If a statement is made, it is never OFF the record..once it is out there it is sure to be printed somewhere. If you don't want it told/printed don't say it! That was not very smart on his part, and yes I realize it was post fight adrenaline doing the talking but still. And while we are on it. I want to hand it to Guerro's opponent for showing class after the fight by congratulating him and raising his hand. I wasn't too impressed by Guerro's antics in the ring. The taunting is not necessary. You are a good fighter, just let that do your talking. No need to act in an unsportsmanlike manner.

  13. Topper,

    Technilcally, you may be correct. However, there's a professional courtesy from Reporters and yes, even Bloggers, that when someone makes such a statement they keep it inder wraps until the proper time.

  14. I respect you for keeping his secret, but you, the DT, WBOC and whoever else was there were under no obligation to do so. Bottom line is you have to sleep in the bed you make and if they are ok with that, there so be it. I know you did the right thing and you are more than ok with that, and that is ok too. I really hate wboc and the DT but in this case, and it pains me to say this..they didn't do anything wrong. It is their job to sell papers and get viewers, and they were doing their job. Some have morals and principles and some don't

  15. I see Fernando having a bright future and hope that someday that will come to him.

    He will be tested many more times before he's really ready for pay-for-view.

    Leon Spinks was 7-0 when he beat Ali, however in the rematch Ali gave Leon a real lesson in boxing even at his age.

    I'd like to see Fernado just keep testing himself for now. Like Leon Spinks, winning the belt is one thing, keeping it is another.


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