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Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post Ref. Sheriff Bobby Jones Comments

"Anon 11:03 the Blog is just that a Blog. Your idle implied threat of libel is total bull crap. The document that procures this right in the American Constitution. In this country we can say what we feel is true or just. Our forefathers faught for just that right. You can not have it both ways.

If you are in fact in Law Enforcement then you know there are times we the public are not entitled to or just not given the whole story.

The truth remains the same no matter what.

There has been some mystery attached to numerous happenings in that county by all political officers at one time or another.

As for the comment on man power. I believe the Regional Captain resides in Somerset, A 1st. Sgt. was born in Somerset, they had a 23year Trooper First Class that spent his career at the barrack, along with the other four. They have moved some due to promotions. They have had Troopers that have family with business' located in the county. troopers that own their own business' in the county. I dont care what one states this leads to a form of corruption. It is hard enough to do this job on a daily basis without prejudice. In the sense that when you are related to half of the community in which you police. So dont take it so litteral. Nepatism creates bad situations.

I know of cases that if Mr. Albero did not print it we would not known about it. Call it want you want but he does get the dialogue flowing and that is what this site is all about if you dont like it then dont read it. It garnered a response from you, so it must be working.

The reference to the Davis Ruark case has no place on this post. Ruark paid his dues. Did he do the right thing staying in office. That remains to be seen. In approx. 18 months we will all know the answer to that question.

To say that this site is a discredit to all law Enforcement I totally disagree. It gives one the right to hear the public's version, Joe's version, and mine and yours. It does not get any better that that in a free society.

On that note I think all the officers of the lower shore should form some type of coalition or unity. All the agencies have their fraternal groups and associations. If they combined the effort it would be a political force to be recongnized. This conquer and divide movement by some has caused a great deal of annomosity between brothers and sister with a common goal. The officers have to be cognizant of this issue. It can create a very poor working atmosphere. The heads of Goverment in no way want this to happen for good reason.

I say never have blind allegiance to any goverment or facility. The union of all the Shore Law Enforcement would be such a powerful tool at election time. There is strength in numbers and that is why we will never have this asset.

I would have to say if you are one that has been blogged by Mr. Albero I can see your frustration. If the truth is there I know for a fact he will print your account and not disclose who you are. The little people at the bottom of the totem pole need this avenue to defend themselve's when wrongly accused by the public and by the administration. If you have ever been at the wrong end of a false allegation then you know just what I am talking about. You are on your own. The fear of retaliation when a staff has their marching orders is not a very comfortable place to be. If you are fired froma law enforcement job good luck. The legal process takes almost seven years to wade through. The rank and file see this and have obvious reason to fear the same fate if the intercede. It is the only profession on earth that a split second decision can cost you your livelyhood. We all know of cases that if you are in then you are fine. If you are not part of the inner circle your crap is weak. Unless you are willing to take a swing at the "Big Guys". This is one avenue to get your story out there. The Daily Times is so crontrolled by polictics and finance you will never be heard if the powers to be do not want it out there.

Sheriff Jones will have his day in court. If the sytem works the truth will be determined and he will either pay or stay. That is the reallity of this type of situation. If you were in fact one one the foot soldiers you would be guilty until proven innocent.

I think that is my anger here more that anything else. All politics aside you can not beat goverment. The goverment has enacted laws for two-hundred years to protect goverment.

The true patriots that stand for what America is based on need to stand firm in their convictions and not allow any member of goverment to escape justice. When this happens the common man loses faith in the very sytem that is supposed to guard his or her liberty.

The Milatary, Elected Officials, Courts, Lawyers, and law Enforcement were to be the watchtower of just this. At some point in time we have all veered from this and became defensive in our posture.

These are in fact starnge times to be in the political arena. that goes from the top to the bottem. there is acurrent and i think not just the public, but the officers fighting the war on crimes are as frustrated as i have seen them in over twenty years. It is without a doubt time for some reconcile and get the ship by on course. I will say i have seen one local agncy attempting to do this. i just hope that its leader stands strong in pursuit of justice.

Believe what you want but it is God's work that we do. The laws we enforce are those of the people and not our own. The minute we take these laws as our own, we lose the objectivity needed to be fair and impartial.

This has to be recognized by the courts, the police, the jury, and the public if we are to get back to the great nation we are.

I pray that God watches over us all and justice is served. The mear fact that some want to make this a racial issue is alarming. Race plays such a small role hear. This is nothing more than goverment trying to protect goverment. I for one have had enough.

As for anyone offended by this post take a hard look in the mirror and decide where you fall into this quagmire we have created. I know I have some serious soul searching to do. It is time for a major change if we are to regain the respect of the people.

Mr. Albero keep up the great work dont let those who are affraid of what you write to disillusion your rights and courage to point out the obvious."


  1. Amen to that...


  2. If one wants to throw one under the bus dont be affraid to post YOUR name. His friends just call him Fish. If that is who wrote this ? I know he has given many admistrations the oppurtunity to make him the whipping post. As a friend I hope he stays off of here before he ends up back on the radar. If he ever got off of it LOL. I think he has the right to be angry about the dealings in Somerset County. Fear The Fish LOL

  3. Obviously they didn't test for grammer, spelling, punctuation or sentence structure on the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department Lieutenant's test. Please, in the future, use spell check, grammer check or have someone proof read your posts before hitting "submit". Especially on your lengthy posts. Otherwise, it is difficult to follow your thoughts. Sheriff Lewis must be so proud of these "well written" posts and how they reflect on his agencies attention to detail and quality of work.

  4. Spelling and grammer are not all that important on this site. It's content that counts and this was a great post. Keep telling the truth, that is all that really matters.

  5. Actually, if you're going to correct somebody and try to humiliate them in public for spelling, etc., you should be mindful of your own. It's spelled "GRAMMAR", not "grammer." DEE DEE DEE

  6. I think it is someone's belief that a deputy wrote this. You may have written it. Who knows. It is a post not an english paper. If it is the guy they are alledging wrote it, he is no Lt. and never will be. I think it was on point. Red pen it and re-submit to the editor LOL.

    Another thought write a post with your beliefs so we can get a feel for a grammatically correct post. I do not care if the person wrote it in crayon on cardboard. The day you go out and do what these men and women do for a living then and only then judge the penmanship.

    Oh by the this writer got C's all through college. I majored in phychology. I think the post struck a nerve. A little personal dont you think you make a comment of this magnitude when you have no idea who wrote it.

    Never assume, did they teach you that in law School. The ethos displayed in your post tells one that your are within the circle. Hmmm

    Please before you post another condensending post about the Sheriff's Office you verify the source.

    Oh chap please use proper prose and noun when using ye olde English. One can never tell whom they might offend with such butchery of the prose. The grammer police are truly concerned.

    Good Day Madame

  7. Joe is there a spll chk i wud use it ifin you had it. To who ever did write thisa hear post. I am wif you on dis one. Who did write it?? Next time please sign you name so the grummer taecher does not tak shots at the pooooor old Schrrffs Dept. I still caint find that button.

  8. Agreed, grammar is not important when the writer drops gems like this one:

    The fear of retaliation when a staff has their marching orders is not a very comfortable place to be.

    I'm sure I ain't the only one seein' that who thinks, by gum, that is one helluva solid thought. Great, great job on that post.

  9. I think attention to detail is the real issue here. I think whoever wrote the post said just what was on their mind. To the English Major if you want to call out the Sheriff or his staff please leave your name. I think any one of them would be happy to speak with you. It is apparent the content hit home with you. There was no defending or denigrating the position, just the grammer.

    Enough said

    To who ever wrote this it surely hit home for me.

  10. So much written, so little said. The first amendment of the constitution protects the right of free speech. It does not, however, protect slanderous speech or libelous writings.

    Libel is an untruthful statement about a person, published in writing or through broadcast media, that injures the person's reputation or standing in the community. Because libel is a tort (a civil wrong), the injured person can bring a lawsuit against the person who made the false statement. Libel is a form of defamation.

    Personally, I think the writer of the story on this sheriff borders on libel when he interjected innuendo into his story by suggesting the sheriff was possibly involved in a conspiracy to purchase presription drugs illegally.

  11. I think you're all a bunch of Idiots. Not one of you spell checkers had anything to say about the information provided and quite frankly if I had been moderating I would have dumped every one of your comments. Be a part of the story or STF up.

    On a final note, do send us your billing address so we can get you up to speed on your subscription fees.

  12. "The little people at the bottom of the totem pole need this avenue to defend themselve's when wrongly accused by the public and by the administration."

    How in the world is a blog going to defend or aid in a defense?

    Next you will preach about how Facebook or youtube can save the economy or some such crap.

  13. anonymopus 6:52, aka, Idiot Wanna Be Attorney,

    First of all, you have NO CLUE what you'/re talking about. Bobby Jones is an ELECTED OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC FIGURE.

    Do you have any clue how many times I called President Bush an a-hole. Should he be able to sue me because that's how I feel about him? Notice how far it got Chief Webster?

    In order for someone to sue me or the author of this Post, they would have to prove they purposely, intentionally and knowingly lied. They would have to get into their head and force that person to admit to such. Unless you are one of Jerry's Kids, it's not going to happen.

    So take your BS talk to aome place others will listen. There are plenty of stupid Blogs out there. Just search Google and start with Jerrry's Kids and you'll be right at home.

  14. Dear Mr. Wannabe Attorney,

    Your comment was rejected because of the foul language. If you'd like to put it up again without it I will be happy to accept it. I actually wish you had because I'd enjoy responding to it.

    By the way, in case you don't. I've been at this for three + years now. I wasn't born yesterday.

  15. Agreed-not the grammer that matters but the content within.And all-caps is equivalent to shouting for those who do not know lol.


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