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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sent in by a loyal reader:

"The online Maryland court records have these 3 case entries for “Bryan Brushmiller”:

1. Citation pending trial for driving 75 in a 55 MPH area on Nov. 28, 2008 – address given as 311 Middle Blvd. in Salisbury; DOB given as Oct. 1976; middle name given as Edward

2. Nolle Prossed charges for (1) Obstructing and Hindering and (2) Malicious Destruction of Property in 2001 – address given as 119 Diamond Ave. in Salisbury; height given as 6 feet, 2 inches; DOB given as Oct. 21, 1976; middle name given as Edward

3. Pending civil citation issued in July 2008 by City of Salisbury for failure to paint chipped paint – address given as 311 Middle Blvd., in Salisbury; no middle name given

It seems that he and Bubba Comegys could really hit it off if they are both elected this Spring! With Comegys’ knowledge about bankruptcy and child support- nonpayment, they should be in law, not politics."

Published by Joe Albero


  1. I sure would be delighted with your company,

    Come on and do the jailhouse rock with me.

  2. Your heard it here first -- BEWARE:

    Brushmiller is being promoted by the same conspiracy that gave us the "Dream Team" (Dunn, Comegys & Cathcart) -- the landlords (SAPOA), developers, Chamber of Commerce (Bellaciccio, etc.) and probably the House of Lords (Greater Salisbury Committee).


  3. This wont last long, Boy dont know what kind a can of worms hes opened.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Your heard it here first -- BEWARE:

    Brushmiller is being promoted by the same conspiracy that gave us the "Dream Team" (Dunn, Comegys & Cathcart) -- the landlords (SAPOA), developers, Chamber of Commerce (Bellaciccio, etc.) and probably the House of Lords (Greater Salisbury Committee).


    12:10 PM

    And don't forget about John Bartkovich and some of his minions on the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee. Bartkovich was very instrumental in getting the Deam Team and Louweasel elected. Run as fast as you can from this one.

  5. Wow, a speeding ticket, somebody who didn't like him brought charges then dropped them, and a paint chip fell off his house!
    This should be ignored when considering him for any position. Sounds a lot like a normal human who participates in life to me.
    Judge him on other actions, please.

  6. Joe,

    The real Brian Brushmiller that I know is a good husband, a good father, a good citizen. He is in Rotary and lends a hand to those in need whenever called upon. He is intelligent and professional and will, at a minimum, inspire a great debate of the city's issues. It is sad that he is being torn down on this blog. Where will the leaders come from? Who would want to subject themselves to this treatment? You should meet with him Joe. Set up a Salisbury News interview. It will be better then the Daily Times. But give him a fair chance.

  7. Thats a great ideal, I would think its Bryans move not Joes. Still good ideal.

  8. Anonymous said...

    The real Brian Brushmiller that I know is a good husband, a good father, a good citizen....
    12:20 PM

    What about the real Brian Brushmiller you don't know??

    Re-elect Debbie Campbell. We KNOW what we are getting!!

  9. anonymous 12:20,

    I can tell you first hand, I know Bryan very well and truly enjoy the man.

    While I'm very suspicious as to why Bryan would run against Debbie, I did speak one on one with him last night and expect another call from him today.

    Mind you, I cannot simply reject comments simply because some aren't willing to support Bryan. I will say however, if others looked at my Maryland Case Search File there's all sorts of things there the Mayor and Chief made sure would be on my record as well. I guess they thought it would hurt me. Like I care.

  10. Well thats not too bad. I mean everyone speeds, and sometimes we all do dumb things. It could be alot worse.

  11. Mr./Ms. 12:16:

    Yes this guy Brushmiller is closely tied to the Bartkovich political clan if not a member in good standing thereof. I recall during the County Council race he even defended Ms. B. when her opponent cirticized her evnironmental and development record at a debate.

    That and his SAPOA, etc., ties are downright dangerous. As someone has said about this "Mr. Nice Guy"


  12. Brian should have waited another two years where 3 seats would have been open. It's not going to look good for his future when he loses against Campbell and he's 0-2 in local elections. Old Doc is using this kid like a puppet and he's falling for it. You can step down now Brian and take your chances in two years.

  13. 1:01 -

    Why would you even consider someone who is "not too bad" when there is a proven public servant -- Debbie Campbell -- in the race?

    I doubt that those fairly serious criminal charges in OC were nol-prossed due to his innocence. And since he was defeated in 2006, he has been AWOL on the political scene -- but apparently very active on the highway in Somerset County.

    Thanks but no thanks Mr. Bruscmiller.

  14. The real Brian Brushmiller that I know is a good husband, a good father, a good citizen....
    12:20 PM

    Those very same accolades could be bestowed on George W. Bush, too!

  15. How many times are the citizens of Salisbury going to be snookered by the local "power elite" -- SAPOA, Chamber of Commerce, etc. -- almost all of whom live outside the City.

    The Dream Team, including the ubiquitous "Bubba", Louweasel Smith, and now this ????

  16. you all need to meet and know bryan. ive known him for well over 15 years and for the love of god, he is a great guy, one of the best i know, and before you cast stones at someone, fnkcing meet him first... gooood lord.

    he has no ties to bartkovich's, he has noone puppetteering him, and is truly just sick of a poorly run city....

  17. Haven't you figured it out yet? The Tilghman political machine knows Muir Boda can't beat Debbie so they brought in a third candidate. Boda will be out after the primary.

    I have to wonder why they didn't round someone up for District 1. They have to know Shanie can't win.

  18. anonymous 1:22 PM

    if you dont know bryan, why lie about him?

    he has no ties to bartkovich, jon, his wife, his daughter jen or blair... of which all of them are friends of mine...

    so get over yourself, and go hate somewhere else.

  19. anonymous 2:08 PM

    get your facts straight, please. bryan most certainly does live in the city limits.

    he lives on middle blvd. if you are sooo big and bad, and have a lot of spew to throw his way, mosey on over there and do so, talk to him, and see what he has to say, i think you'd think different...

    really this is no different than you freakin' retards prejudging Obama, and others... its just sad, that you are so riddle with prejudice. so sad.

  20. anonymous 12:34 PM

    the real bryan is the only bryan brushmiller... he is only one faced... ive seen him in times of distress, times of joy, times of despair, etc, and i wouldnt want any other person that i know to be on the city council like he is trying to be...

    again, i suggest you go meet him, introduce yourself, and see for yourself...

    prejudice is ugly. and you are all being INCREDIBLY prejudice here.

  21. anonymous 2:31,

    There's a BIG difference between prejudice and opinion. You need to show others some respect as well and practice what you preach.

  22. joe.

    from the dictionary:

    An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
    A preconceived preference or idea.
    The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions. See synonyms at predilection.
    Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
    Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others.
    tr.v., -diced, -dic·ing, -dic·es.
    To cause (someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally. See synonyms at bias.
    To affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act.

    these people are prejudging bryan prior to meeting and talking to him, based on his maryland judiciary case search.

    thats prejudice, is it not??

  23. 2:31-

    And I guess someone hacked the State "case search" database and inserted false stuff about Mr. Brushmiller, right?

  24. get real,

    Perhaps you're right. The way I see it is, once they meet Bryan I'm confident many will appreciate the man for who he is and what he stands for. However, tying prejudice verses opinion IMHO is far fetched.

  25. anonymous 2:45

    tread lightly hombre... you are not perfect, and neither is bryan... however, the crimes he has committed are not crimes that ANYONE could or would be kept out of office for, so why in this imperfect freakin world must bryan be perfect??

    are you?

    my guess is... NOT!

  26. Once your square with the man, your square with the man.

  27. get real,

    Allow me to ADD, he's never divorced or been accused of CHEATING and he's never filed for Bankruptcy!

    NOW, if it's OK for the taxpayers to vote for someone else we know on Council, it should be just fine to vote for Bryan. The best person for the job will win, period.

  28. If you read this blog Brian, keep your head up and stay in the game!!!

  29. no he hasnt. and not sure how any of those things would be reason to not be on the council, but i guess in the court of public opinion its good to have the AIR of perfection...

    what a joke.

  30. doug wilkerson,

    before you call that man a boy, get your sh!t real and meet him. then make your opinion, thats all i ask.

  31. Even without his legal "history" Brushmiller is not the person for Salisbury City Council.

    I'm sick of candidates who spring out of the woodwork after years of no involvement in city government -- comments & suggestions at meetings, etc. -- and think they are entitled to be elected on the basis of their prople saying how nice or wonderful they are as friends, parents, neighbors, etc. I don't really care what Brushmiller may say or promise, because he has not been "in the arena" when it counted, like Debbie Campbell, Bob Caldwell and Tim Chaney have.

    Salisbury has seen too many like Comegys, Day, Dunn, Cathcart and Louise Smith. Let's not fall for another "Mr. Nice Guy".

    Have a good life, Bryan, you're the greatest, or so I'm told!

  32. anonymous 3:01,

    Trust me, Bryan reads Salisbury News.

  33. the man has a bright future, and one hell of a can-do political mind... he can represent me any day of the week.

  34. anonymnous 3:04,

    You are 100% correct and that's exactly what I told Bryan last night on the phone. While he promissed to call me today during business hours, I have yet to hear from Bryan and that concerns me as well.

    The "Feel Good" stuff all sounds great and certainly Bryan is a good man, no question about it. However, it is critical to be INVOLVED and in the know this go around. My wish is that Bryan would re think his decision to run and wait two more years when 3 seats open up. Again, I also expressed this to him last night.

    Here's hopefully a great example of how I see Debbie Campbell vs Bryan Brushmiller.

    Debbie has been in this marriage for four years now. While she could divorce the city council, she is sticking it out to make it work. Bryan is like the rebound guy who comes in at the last second, literally and is fun for the moment but when it comes down to the real commitment I'd choose Debbie Campbell over Bryan any day.

    Sorry Bryan but that's the reality of it all.

  35. 3:03, I meant nothing by it, I call myself boy and Im 44. Just a word no purpose intended. Just when you put yourself out there its a can of worms no matter who you are. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

  36. "I'm confident many will appreciate the man for who he is and what he stands for."

    SO: what is it that "he stands for"?

    And please, none of that "get along better with others" BS!

  37. Joe:

    It's simple -- Boda bombed so Barrie and the boys at SAPOA and the Chamber of Commerce are now in "Plan Brushmiller." Pull back the rug real quick and you'll see Alessi and Bellaciccio, along with Louweasel (their most recent scam), Bubba, Cathcart and Dunn.

  38. doug wilkerson,

    i dont know you, and i can imagine if i called you a "Boy" on a thread on this site that was all about you, not being prepared for a job, i think you'd take offense to it...

    and if you think calling someone BOY is ok, dont call a single black friend of mine boy, or you will not be looking at it as boy, but maybe as YOB, upside down backwards and on the ground. its not cool.

    but thanks for the apology :) all is well...


  40. Brushmiller may be a fine guy, but I am not voting for anyone who hasn't demonstrated a commitment to the city. He should have attended some city council meetings. I am voting for the person who has stood up to SAPOA, who says what she thinks and who does the research, and who has withstood the most vile attacks from Dunn and his associates. I'd be willing to vote for the guy on the next go around if he starts showing up for stuff, but I am not going to rish another Louise Smith. No way.

  41. Now there are alot of people with the guts to run for office will they have a live debate and can we film it and put it on Salisbury News?

  42. i guess it just bothers me to no end, that this blog in and of itself can sway enough people in this small town one way or the other. and thats not fair for bryan or anyone who noone has facts on... just wait, bryan will shed light on his stand and with that, then you can do what you want, but until then, dont ruin his public image out of pre-judging him.

    all i ask.

  43. Why didn't he run for the Council in 2007, when 3 seats were up?

  44. Let's not make an issue of Brushmiller's brushes with the law, which aren't that big a deal.

    I voted for him when he ran for county council.

    But I will NOT support him against Debbie Campbell. Against Gary Comegys? You bet! But against Campbell, NO HOW, NO WAY!

    I'm with the person who talked about Debbie Campbell standing up to SAPOA, Mike Dunn, Barrie Tilghman, that whole lot. For two years, not a single courteous word and darn few motions seconded. Think how much we've learned once Cohen got on the council and they were seconding each other's motions and we actually heard things discussed!

    Campbell's got the scars from going to bat for US! She didn't need the money, the time drain or the grief and smearing.

    And here's my rub with Brushmiller. I have a couple of friends in his neighborhood who say he's been supportive of Campbell. Why the heck wouldn't he be supportive of her now, now that she's already suffered a thousand cuts from those (bleeps) she's had to endure?

  45. I dont care how good or devoted he thinks he is to be on council. It dosent get any better than Debbie Campbell!!! If he was at all paying attention to whats been going on at the council and knew even alittle about what Debbie Campbell has done for this city....he would not get in the way. If his intentions were the city and whats best for it....he would not be trying to take Campbell's seat.

    If he had even been to ONE council meeting , he would know he cant fill her shoes.

    This is why Mr Brushmiller....it looks as if your just trying to steal votes, a stick in the spokes.
    It's clear to me you have your own agenda and its NOT for the best interest of this city and its citizens.

    If your running AGAINST Campbell, then your running FOR the mares and the weasels of this town!!

  46. 3:58-

    Mr. Brushmiller has already had ample time -- years in fact -- to do just that. Never saw him at a Council meeting.

    As my DI (that's "drill instructor" for the youth among us) told us in boot camp, there are "nice guys" on every street corner and my job is to stop you from being or becoming one." Your man has been AWOL and now wants to lead us.

    NO WAY!

  47. Doesn't anyone else find it a little odd that Brushmiller files the same day that another attack article against Debbie Campbell (the non-news event of Louise Smith interrupting Terry Cohen) appears in the Daily Grime?

    I swear, that newspaper and the Dunn-Tilghman Axis have been out to get Campbell even before she ran for office. Watch the paper label her "divisive" yet again and endorse Brushmiller. Has it ever dawned on those yahoos that it's not Campbell that's the divisive one?

  48. Anonymous said...
    Brian should have waited another two years where 3 seats would have been open. It's not going to look good for his future when he loses against Campbell and he's 0-2 in local elections. Old Doc is using this kid like a puppet and he's falling for it. You can step down now Brian and take your chances in two years.

    1:30 PM

    That is a good point. He is starting to build a reputation like Don Ewalt who is also a nice guy.

  49. Anonymous said...
    The real Brian Brushmiller that I know is a good husband, a good father, a good citizen....
    12:20 PM

    Those very same accolades could be bestowed on George W. Bush, too!

    2:03 PM

    The problem there is G.W. is well known and well liked by decent and intelligent people.

  50. friend said...
    you all need to meet and know bryan. ive known him for well over 15 years and for the love of god, he is a great guy, one of the best i know, and before you cast stones at someone, fnkcing meet him first... gooood lord.

    he has no ties to bartkovich's, he has noone puppetteering him, and is truly just sick of a poorly run city....

    2:24 PM

    It's interesting this commenter puts int "F" word in the same sentence.

    If this guy is that interested in the city then he would wait until the next election when 3 seats in D 2 are available. Why try to unseat a great person already in this seat and stay a minority. Someone who has a true love for the city would wait for the right time and then run. Some one who can't wait is obviously in it for himself. That is something this city can't afford.

    Re-elect Debbie Campbell.

    By the way Bryan thanks for the post and I'm sure Joe appreciates you reading his blog.

  51. Anon 2:29 and 2:31 are the same person. I am convinced the same person is making all the pro Bryan comments.

    Bryan, do us all a favor and step down until the next election. I am convinced you will get overwhelming support.

  52. If Bryan Brushmiller truly supports this city and wants to see it move in the right direction then he would drop out of the race and support Debbie Campbell for re-election.

    A commentor stated the Mr. Brushmiller supported Debbie Campbell in the past and that may be so.

    My advice to Mr. Brushmiller. Drop out of the race and endorse Debbie Campbell and I am confident you will gain a lot of respect. With you supporting Campbell and waiting 2 years I am confident Mrs. Campbell and all her friends would support you to unseat Bubba Comagys.

    If you don't consider this advice we will have no choice but to assume that you were planted in this race by the Chamber of Commerce, the Daily Times, Barrie Tilghman, SOPOA and of course John Bartkovich. I know for a fact that Mr. Bartkovich has his fingerprints all over this.

  53. you have no clue. any of you. bryan has no ties to doc. a great friend of mine as well. none. you are all clueless. your little witch hunts are amazing. you are petty, you are shallow, and you have no idea what you are talking about. yes, im the same person in all of those posts, not trying to look like anyone different, just make a new title every time i feel the need.

    again. fnckn shallow. shallow. go back to the rocks you hide under, go be with your little white hooded friends, do your thing, but just dont come down on a man when he hasnt done a THING wrong, and for the love of all that is good, is truly a fine upstanding gentlemen. father of two darling children, has an amazing wife and family behind him and her.

    you people just need to see that there are possible other people for your city council, and if you havent figured it out yet, why go to a big baby pen with a bunch of bickering weirdos when you can watch the darn city council meetings on pac14 or whatever.

    please. just because some people arent in your circle, and arent part of the political freakin cool of salisbury, doesnt mean that they are NOT fully versed in whats going on, have a handle on the issues and plans for working on things. debbie has been on the council for what, 4 years, and look where things have gone? you all complain everyday about a hundred different things... this blog and joe are a goldmine right now because of it, so why wouldnt there be some need for change???

  54. 5:59 --



  55. I'm with 5:43 and a couple that follow. Before I say anything about those comments, let me say this:

    I don't know Bryan Brushmiller from Adam. I am not a close person of Debbie Campbell's, although I have met her. I do think she is doing a great job against impossible odds.

    I do not form my opinions of candidates from the blogs, but do appreciate questions and concerns that are raised to investigate more fully.

    From 5:43, this gave me some pause for thought:

    "Why try to unseat a great person already in this seat and stay a minority."

    That's a good point. And it made me wonder, "Unless you plan to be part of the majority?"

    "Someone who has a true love for the city would wait for the right time and then run. Some one who can't wait is obviously in it for himself."

    Not necessarily. People time their runs for all sorts of reasons. But it does make me wonder, if Brushmiller has been pondering a run and feels he has so much more to give than Campbell, why he would play the wait-till-the-last-minute-to-file game.

    The District 1 candidate I can understand being a last-minute.

    But Brushmiller, who has run a campaign before (and lost)?

    No, something is not quite right about this. But, yes, I will hear him out. He'd have to blow me away and around the world twice before I'd choose him over Campbell and the sacrifices she's made, though.

  56. 6:55,

    You have poisoned my opinion of Mr. Brushmiller.

    First of all, I'm not a "white hooded" anything. I'm a proud supporter of Barack Obama and worked on minority candidate campaigns in other states.

    Second, your language (veiled, but unmistakeable) scream young and immature.

    "Bickering weirdos"? Why you sound like an editor for the Daily Times. There is no way to avoid "bickering" with the three rude council members and mayor unless you toe their line.

    Debbie Campbell's four years? Sir, we now know more about the operations of our $10 million dollar misplacing government than we ever did before, thanks to Debbie Campbell. The transparency she has increased with our local government is alone worth its weight in gold.

    Finally, while a candidate should not be responsible for what idiotic supporters say (Mrs. Campbell has her share of these as well), you indicate a lack of understanding and sensitivity about the suspicions created among the citizenry by the mayor and the deceptive campaign of Louise Smith.

    That indicates that you -- and likely Mr. Brushmiller by his elevation of "getting along" as a reason for running -- would be content supporting the status quo, despite claims to the contrary.

    I would never support that and simply saying he'll be different is not enough in this trust-damaged climate.

    I'll stick with Mrs. Campbell. She may have her faults, but she is true to her word and to have accomplished what she has under the worst of conditions is deserving of a return to office, hopefully under better conditions.

  57. please do not do bryan the disservice of judging him based on my words.

    im simply a fervent supporter and friend. and i just cant tolerate fallacies. i would stand up for you just that same if you and i were friends.

    this blog really frustrates the sh!t out of me. it truly does. its good for many reasons, and just as bad for just so many more. you can be publicly impaled for not much reason, and public applauded for not much more. its filled to the brim with visitors who are absolute racist bigots, a lot of them, and i apologize for mentioning that, but i just get so frustrated i cant see straight and things just come out :) bad trait.

    i just want bryan to have a fair chance, he is a good man, im a great judge of character, trust me.

    now, me... childish, immature, probably... honest, sincere, stand up for my beliefs, yes.

    just give the man a fair chance. he's darn good!

  58. If Bryan has many friends like the "wierdo" Get Real Guy then he is what his friends are. Kindo of makes me think it is Bryan himself.

    After all Bryan did have a brush with the law involving violence.

  59. 10:24 --

    "give the man a fair chance. he's darn good!"

    AT WHAT???

  60. Brushmiller's prior experiences include managing multi-billion dollar highway projects, business growth of 200%,to name a few. He also was the key witness in capturing our Arsonist from a few years ago. He is no one's pawn, there is no big conspiracy.

    Be a responsible voter and make your decision once you have heard the canidates speak!Have some class people! Bryan did when he called Cambell first after he signed up on Tuesday.

  61. I won't judge Bryan until debates and further dialog, however if you know enough about past politics here, it does smell of Louise Smith and her false promises.

    I'll be fair, but you must see why people are suspect. I would suggest the above post, I would wait for two years when I had a lot more support.

  62. Yes I am aware of past politics. I grew up in Salisbury and returned here to raise my family. I am actively involved in non-profits of which are working to enrich our community and help children in need. It is disapointing to see such turmoil in our city council, increase in crime (although our City Police Cheif says not), and a failing downtown. You know other communties in Maryland have successfully revitalized their downtown. Why can they do it and not us?

    Sure Debbie's heart is in the right place but her ability to negotiate, her sense of teamwork, and her ability to persuade others is not very good.

    It is disgraceful to see City Council members rolling their eyes at her during a meeting- not very professional. I would never categorize Brushmiller with those type of people. He is not a hater. And for those of you who are quick to hate - now is a good time for you to self reflect and figure out "Is this the kind of person I want to be?"

  63. Joe,
    Don't you have anything better to do? Bryan Brushmiller is a good family man who would be great for the city of Salisbury. So he drove too fast, and broke some stuff years ago. There are so many politicans that have done a lot worse and it sounds like you are just looking for something to tarnish his good name.

  64. Mr. or Ms. 6:56 --

    Did he work with Bubba Comegys, out local SHA highway expert, on any of those big-buck projects, and what exactly did he do on them (and for what or whom)?

  65. No Brushmiller has never personally met Comegys. And he never worked for State Highway. Again don't be quick to jump to false conclusions.

  66. A supporter of Brushmiller's said,
    "Sure Debbie's heart is in the right place but her ability to negotiate, her sense of teamwork, and her ability to persuade others is not very good."

    That just guaranteed I won't vote for Brushmiller.

    Debbie's ability to negotiate, do teamwork and persuade are just fine -- just ask people across the nation who work with her.

    But in Salisbury, we are dealing with people whose hate and power-hungry egos are so great, that there is no compromise, no respect, just kill the others.

    The answer is not to get rid of the fine person we have now in Debbie Campbell.

    The answer is to get rid of those who try to squash her like a bug for taking up for us citizens who can't take any more crime, taxes, rate hikes, and hidden deals.

    People can have different ideas and negotiate. These people branded Debbie Campbell and treated her like dirt and tried to shut her up, not negotiate.

    If Brushmiller doesn't see that Debbie is not the problem, then he'll never get my vote for anything, no matter how "nice" he is, because I'd never be able to trust him. Louise was "nice" too.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Brushmiller's prior experiences include managing multi-billion dollar highway projects, business growth of 200%,to name a few.....

    6:56 AM

    Sounds like Bubba Comagees here... groaf paise for groaf.

  68. The supporter of B who says Debbie needs to go because her opponents on the council roll their eyes when she talks is actually making the argument for us--since Debbie is not the problem, why get her off the council? Brushmiller would be doing a great service to the community if he waited and ran in 2 years. It seems silly to basically run on a campaign that "I will get along with the majority of the council." The only change that would bring is that now all the votes would be 4-1 rather than 3-2. Big deal.

  69. 6:56 (or should I say Richard Insley):

    If your business earns $1 the first year and $3 the second year that's 200% growth -- but you still starve. Actually, it's impossible because you would starve in the first year, but that's beside the point.

  70. If Brushmiller or anyone else promises to "get along" (read "go along") I won't vote for him/her.

  71. Hey 2:55 -

    Thanks for helping your comrads understand what 200% growth is. You missed your calling as a school teacher! But I imagine kids wouldn't like you very much.

    And 2:57 -

    Should the ideal leader promise "
    'to not get along with others'?
    Nothing like a close-minded approach to a group work session. That should get things done


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