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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Second Class Action Lawsuit Against Perdue Emerges

Perdue sells whole chickens, as well as cut-up chickens and prepared chicken products. Perdue whole chickens are sold with “giblets,” the other products are not. Perdue therefore has an enormous quantity of extra giblet parts to dispose of, because whole chickens are only a part of its business.

Unknown to Plaintiff and Class, however, Perdue has a secret practice of disposing of additional giblet parts by inserting them (e.g., more than one heart, liver, gizzard, neck per bird) into Perdue whole chicken sold to retail customers. By improperly inserting these giblet parts into Perdue chicken, Perdue disposes of its extra giblets by essentially having Plaintiff and Class “pay” the disposal costs Perdue itself would incur if it wanted to properly dispose of them. Further, by this improper method, Perdue incorporates the additional giblet parts in the price per-pound of Perdue whole chickens sold to retail customers.

Perdue claims the only complaints they have received was that there was not enough giblets in their chickens.

GO HERE to see the actual lawsuit that was filed.


  1. This is a tough one for me.

    So you're getting more than you thought you were getting.


    You're paying more than you should have to pay.

    I can see both sides of this issue really.

    I don't believe this will be an easy case to decide for anyone.

    What I DO see though is....the price of chickens will now go up up up along with probably several people being laid off (locally).

    I one sense, I see this as a frivolous lawsuit and on the other hand, I understand the argument.

    Guess you can tell where I stand huh? I'll bet there are others who feel the same way I do.

  2. What a Crock !! Another idiot looking for a quick buck.

  3. This really made me laugh! There are people with too much time on their hands to think up such a silly lawsuit, and a laywer with no clients to take such a silly case.

  4. Can I sue because mine didn't have any extras??????

    Far From Home

  5. I'm suing because my chicken had two left wings. The liberals are taking over the poultry industry.

  6. I don't think it's a crock or frivolous and it is a very decieving way to get rid of unwanted items at the expense of the unsuspecting customer.

    Slap it to them!

    As far as the price going "up up up" don't eat any chicken!

  7. How much does a giblet weigh?

  8. After Jan. 20, that stuff will be in great demand in Washington, DC!

  9. I just emailed Perdue about my oven stuffer I cooked this past Sunday. It only had one set of giblets in it. I planned on using the extras for giblet gravy and all I got was enough to put in stuffing. Oh woe is me, who will take this lawsuit.

    What a bunch of idiots. I agree with Anons 12:06 and 12:08. Giblets are used for cooking not fot throwing away. You'd pay good money for a pack of livers or hearts. The neck boils down good for gravy so what are people crying about? Maybe it's the instant microwave yuppies that don't know how to cook and don't know what to do with giblets that are crying? Even if I don't use them for cooking, my dog sure does enjoy them.

    Like someone else said, how much does a pack of giblets weigh? 2 or 3 ounces? People need to get a life. I hope Perdue's lawyers ream these idiots in Jersey good, right after they get over the pain of laughter.

  10. I like the giblets and purchase them separately....they're good in gravy over white rice and they're something different that you can't find anywhere except your own kitchen.
    BTW-Microwave yuppies don't really buy whole chickens. These are the new "chic" cooks watching the Food Channel or something.

  11. One would think that trading the head, feathers, feet, and intestines for a couple extra edible pieces of meat would be a good deal. After all, the label does say "WHOLE CHICKEN".
    And how would you suppose that Jim Perdue dispose of the extra food that has been inspected and approved for human consumption? Send it to the dog food plant, feed it to livestock, or just bury it? Oh, wait, that's the next group lawyering up and getting in line!
    Stop jabbering and eat your dinner.

  12. You are also paying for all the bones in a whole chicken, and you can't even eat those. I believe a picked over carcus weighs more than a few extra giblets.

    If you don't want to pay for the extra giblets, buy packs of chicken parts....oh wait those usually cost more.

  13. I think the question lays with are we paying per pound for chicken with extra giblets? That to me would be fraud. If the weight is pre-giblet then no harm done.

  14. Only in America would people be willing to sue over getting extra product in their food purchase.

    Ever think that maybe it was a mistake? Machines do malfunction once in a while, you know.

    It slays me how people are always looking for a handout.

  15. If Purdue threw the giblet away, people would complain about wasting food. I can't believe people are complaining about getting a little extra. My dogs love eating all the extra goodies packed inside the chicken.

  16. What was the 1st suit about?

    I just weighed the gib pack from an oven stuffer in my frig and it was close to 1/2 a pound. Man that's a lot to be chucking in the trash.

  17. Just FYI....Perdue has two a rendering plants that process the extras giblets, hearts, livers, etc. and sells the byproduct to dog food and other livestock food producers. Perdue gets more money selling the leftover parts to these companies than they do sticking them into retail chicken. This is so ridiculous.... I could not help but laugh. Just someone trying to make a quick dollar. Without Perdue, Salisbury wouldn't thrive...they pour more money into this community than anyone else, as well as employ thousands.

  18. Now let me see , if you people don't know what is going on in the food processing business , let me fill you in.
    Most meats are injected with water
    or a saline solution.(adding more weight) water is approx.7lbs. per gallon.This has been going on for years.
    Most frozen foods(meats)are glazed
    with water(additional weight).
    The excuse is not to have dehyration.(additional weight)
    Almost all frozen fish products are glazed with water(additional weight).
    At least Perdue is selling you a product , not water.

  19. Well said Anon 3:31!

  20. I know some Koreans who will sell "whole chickens" to those complaining. Downside is, you kill them yourself just before dinner.
    FRESH WHOLE can have a whole real meaning!

  21. Anonymous said...
    After Jan. 20, that stuff will be in great demand in Washington, DC!

    12:54 PM


  22. Man I want some of that free money!
    And I dont even like giblets. But far be it if there is some shiester out there getten some I better get some two.

    By the time every one gets their share it might total .97 cents apeice and purdu will be out of business. Oh my sounds like a democratic idea to me.

  23. People who initiate frivolous lawsuits should be required to reimburse the court and the other party for their expenses(Perdue in this case) when they LOSE.Watch them stop being filed then.
    And whats the big deal? Everyone knows that the giblets make the best homemade chicken gravy, and the more giblets the merrier as far as most cooks are concerned.

  24. well perdue could throw the "extras" in the river...feed the floaters...

  25. Can someone help? I found a set of keys in my perdue chicken... what should I do?


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